How to Unplug Java from the Browser — Krebs on Security: "For Windows users: Mozilla Firefox: From the main menu select Add-ons, and then disable any plugins with the word “Java” in them. Restart the browser. Google Chrome: Click the wrench icon in the upper right corner of the browser window, then select Settings. In the search results box to the right in the next screen, type “Java”. A box labeled “Content settings” should be highlighted. Click that, and then scroll down to the Plug-ins section. Click the “Disable individual plug-ins” link, find Java in the list, and click the disable link next to it. Internet Explorer: Apparently, getting Java unplugged from Internet Explorer is not straightforward. The U.S. Computer Emergency Response Team (USCERT) lists the following steps, which may or may not completely remove Java from IE:"
Philadelphia Federal Credit Union : Phone Fraud: "Tips for handling suspicious callers - Never give private information, such as your Social Security number, account or credit card numbers, passwords, etc. over the phone unless you initiated the call. If you receive an automated call or a call from someone claiming to be a credit union employee and they ask for your account information (such as your credit card number, account number, etc.) do not give them any information. Even if the caller has one identifying piece of information (such as your Social Security number), the call is not legitimate. Do not provide any additional account information or any sensitive or personal information. The credit union will not call you and ask for this information. Don't agree to any offer or prize where you have to pay a registration or shipping fee, or send money, to claim the "prize." Don't be pressured to make an immediate decision."
State without cyber-security officer for a year, official testifies
Greenville News
COLUMBIA — The state has gone about a year without a cyber security officer, according to testimony today as the Senate opened hearings into the massive data breach at the Department of Revenue. DOR Director Jim Etter, who has resigned but will remain ...
As leadership changes, Cyber security remains critical issue for Congress
Government Security News
The intricate, frustrating job of putting together and pushing through the comprehensive Cyber security legislation that escaped Lieberman and the 112th congress will fall to incoming Senate Homeland Security Committee chairman Tom Carper (D-DE) and ...
DEFCON 1: 5 Internet Security Stocks To Consider As Cyber Attacks Escalate
Seeking Alpha
Cyber attacks, cyber crime and network threats are increasing in volume, intensity, and sophistication as 2013 approaches. Such attacks threaten our national security and do billions of dollars of damage to our economy. 2013 will usher a new set of ...
Obama Administration in Talks to Draft Cyber-Security Executive Order
The Obama administration has been reaching out to various interest groups for input on an executive order that would implement some of the provisions of cyber-securitylegislation that failed for a second time in the U.S. Senate. The White House is ...

Real-world cyber city used to train cyber warriors
Help Net Security
... warriors from the U.S. Military how online actions can have kinetic effects. SANS has defined various missions within CyberCity to help train cyber warriors to defend against online attacks and teach them how to secure a city's vital physical ...

Help Net Security
Petri: A Cyber Monday hangover
Denver Post
I frequently forget my parents' birthdays, the president who came after Chester A. Arthur and the words of "The Charge of the Light Brigade," but never my three-digit security code. Those simple numbers are engraved on my heart. I need them to buy ...
Cyber threats raise security spending
EE Times India
"Banks and other financial institutions are always a step behind, despite deploying some of the most advanced cyber security solutions available on the market," says Michela Menting, cyber securitysenior analyst. "The lack of larger-scale cooperation ...
UK cyber security - fragmented and failing
Mark Brown, director of information security at professional services firm Ernst & Young, agreed with Ayers that there is no clear direction from the government as to what the cyber responsibilities of the different departments are. "It is a question ...

Business cyber security measures 'woefully inadequate'
The cyber security measures being taken by businesses are "woefully inadequate" according to a new report by antivirus specialist Kaspersky. Its research shows that only 25 per cent of IT specialists think their company is completely protected from ...