Malaysia Star
TECHNICAL glitches and Internet security issues are the top tasks for national cyber securityspecialist centre Cyber Security Malaysia. Lately, however, the reported incidents they have received are falling more in the difficult-to-define “human ...
Sourcefire unveils malware protection
Trade Arabia
Sourcefire, a leader in intelligent cybersecurity solutions, has introduced FireAMP advanced malware protection, a malware discovery and analysis solution that analyses and blocks malware by utilising big data analytics. Designed for large enterprises, ...
NZ, Australia to tighten security ties
Otago Daily Times
New Zealand will further tighten its security ties with Australia with new moves that include greater surveillance in the Pacific, talks on cyber security, and a new strategic defence framework. New Zealand will also be given a seat on Australia's ...
Cybersecurity efforts trigger privacy concerns
29, 2011 file photo, cyber security analysts work in the "watch and warning center" during the first tour of the government's secretive cyber defense lab, in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The Homeland Security Department's Control System Security Program ...
White House Presses For New Cybersecurity Laws
Congress has dragged its feet for years on passing cybersecurity legislation, so the Obama administration is applying pressure. By Elizabeth Montalbano InformationWeek The White House is urging Congress to pass President Obama's cybersecurity ...
CyberSecurity warns against phishers on Twitter
Malaysia Star
CyberSecurity Malaysia has confirmed that this is a phishing attack. Phishers are unscrupulous people, who try to trick Internet users into revealing the details of their online accounts. In this case, clicking on the link in the tweet will take you to ...
Cybersecurity - What are the Real Privacy Concerns?
Ensuring that we protect privacy is important, but, at the same time, if there truly is going to be a public-private partnership to further our efforts on cybersecurity we must be careful to not overly restrict efforts to share information to evaluate ...
Legal think tank raises red flag about privacy in cybersecurity legislation
Infosecurity Magazine (US)
Former US national security officials from the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations are pushing the Senate for passage of comprehensive cybersecurity legislation. The House Homeland Security Committee's cybersecurity subcommittee examined ...
For journalists, cyber-security training slow to take hold
CPJ Press Freedom Online (blog)
This week, a Columbia Journalism Review blog entry looked into whether US-based journalism schools were teaching cyber-security skills. "I spoke with a number of journalism schools," wrote Alysia Santo, "and found a range of approaches.
South African ministry to send long-delayed cybersecurity policy to cabinet
Infosecurity Magazine (US)
Cath Everett looks at the current situation and at what is being done to address the issue The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), which is responsible for key aspects of the UK's cybersecurity, has lost equipment worth up to £1m, ...
My day as a cyber warrior in a conference centre in Tower Hill
By Olivia Solon The language of cyber security sounds dangerous. Firewalls. Viruses. Trojans. Warfare. So when I went along to the Cyber Security Challenge designed to test the best hackers in the land, I was expecting at least a percentage of ...
Opinion: Data Privacy Day serves as reminder of risks companies may face in ...
The Star-Ledger -
By Times of Trenton guest opinion column By Doug Borden According to the NationalCyber Security Alliance (NCSA), Data Privacy Day is set for today. Is a Data Privacy Day necessary? How concerned should we be about identity theft? Data security?
The Star-Ledger -
Energy Department to establish new cyber center
By Camille Tuutti The Energy Department is establishing a cybersecurity center to address the various web-based threats it encounters, according to Energy CIO Michael Locatis III. Withcybersecurity presenting a complex challenge in an environment of ...
Chinese Cyber Attackers Will Target UK Businesses, Says IT Expert
PR Web (press release)
International information security expert Lieutenant Colonel (Ret'd) William Hagestad II is today warning UK businesses could fall victim to cyberattacks from China unless they improve theircybersecurity. International information security expert ...
White House cyber czar stumps for comprehensive bill
The Hill (blog)
By Gautham Nagesh - 01/27/12 11:00 AM ET White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt pressed Congress to pass comprehensive cybersecurity legislation rather than tackling the issue in piecemeal fashion on Thursday.
Newsmakers 1/27: Jim Langevin
Providence Eyewitness News
Langevin said though Congress is the most divisive he's ever seen, he thinks some measures will get through, including bills to beef up the nation's cybersecurity and an extension to the payroll tax cut. Langevin also discusses the conversation he had ...
Russia Must Be Ready for Space, Cyber Wars
RIA Novosti
"As you see, warfare center has moved to aerospace and information spheres, including cyber security, from traditional war theatres on land and sea. Concepts of network-centric war have made great progress," Makarov told an Academy of Military Sciences ...
Sam Nunn, one of Georgia's most prominent veterans of the Cold War, is now ...
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer
Our primary focus was on economic trade and political relationships, but we did also talk about security, including cyber security. So it was a broad agenda. What experiences and insights, in particular from your years in the Senate and your leadership ...

Columbus Ledger-Enquirer
Lecture series kicks off Feb. 2
Lynchburg News and Advance
23: “Cybersecurity” by Lynchburg College instructor of business administration Paul Kelbaugh. Lectures are free and open to the public and will be preceded by light refreshments beginning at 2:30 pm Lectures will be cancelled and rescheduled (if ...
World Economic Forum Davos 2012: It would be foolish to restrict Internet ...
Economic Times
The issues like cyber security need to be taken seriously and we need to do a lot better on these fronts, he noted. "When we talk about free Internet and restrained Internet, the names like Arab Spring indeed come to the mind and the authoritarian ...
Daily WEF update
Try “gauging the atmosphere” on any given day that includes debates on unemployment, bank regulation, the environment, women's rights, cyber security, Africa, Asia, Europe and the US. It's like choosing which programme to watch on Christmas Day while ...
NZ PM seeks trans-Tasman push in Asia
She also announced the establishment of an Australian-New Zealand cyber dialogue to deal with the challenge of cyber security. "We've got work to do in our region, we've got work to do in Afghanistan, work to do in formats like the East Asia Summit and ...
DRDO – DU MOU for Enhanced Academic Interaction and R&D Collaboration
VAdvert Press Center (press release)
He set the roadmap by identifying certain key areas for collaboration such as laser physics, cyber security, cryptography, nanotechnology, MEMS, and sensors for specific applications. Earlier, welcoming the gathering, Dr Bhujanga Rao, ...
'Chuck' Recap (Series Finale): Thanks for the Memory
The Faster Times
You can believe that they go back to spying, or convert Carmichael industries into a cyber-security firm, or pretty much whatever you want. On that note, even though Chuck and Sarah are allegedly out of the spy game, there may well be more adventure...

The Faster Times
Statement by Public Safety Minister Vic Toews on Data Privacy Day
That is why, in 2010, our Government launched Canada's Cyber Security Strategy, Canada's plan for meeting the cyber threat and protecting our digital infrastructure. Canada's Cyber SecurityStrategy demonstrates our commitment to keep Canadians safe in ...
WISeKey in Focus at Davos as the WEF Names Cyber-security a ...
By admin
DAVOS, Switzerland, January 26, 2012 /PRNewswire/ –. WISeKey has been named a Global Growth Company Partner of the World Economic Forum (WEF), granting the company full participation at the 2012 Annual Meeting in Davos.
US cybersecurity labors trigger privacy concerns
By admin
The Associated Press obtained a facsimile of the article arrived advance. Cybersecurity has turn out to be a hurriedly expanding priority intended for the.
CSOSN 2012 : Cybersecurity of Online Social Networks
CSOSN 2012 : Cybersecurity of Online Social Networks.
The State of the Union's Cybersecurity
President Obama uttered the term "cyber" only once in his 7200-word State of the Union address Wednesday night, but that fleeting moment about an hour into ...
Cyber Security Issues and Solutions - Tweetmeme
Cyber Security Issues and Solutions - Emergency Management (blog) PBAbBIeL #InfoSec.
SANS: Tool Talk Webcast: What is a cybersecurity-ready log ...
Cyber Security Graduate School · isc Internet Storm Center ... What is a cybersecurity-ready log management solution and how do I find one? Featuring: Varun ...
Providence Eyewitness News
Langevin said though Congress is the most divisive he's ever seen, he thinks some measures will get through, including bills to beef up the nation's cybersecurity and an extension to the payroll tax cut. Langevin also discusses the conversation he had ...
Russia Must Be Ready for Space, Cyber Wars
RIA Novosti
"As you see, warfare center has moved to aerospace and information spheres, including cyber security, from traditional war theatres on land and sea. Concepts of network-centric war have made great progress," Makarov told an Academy of Military Sciences ...
Sam Nunn, one of Georgia's most prominent veterans of the Cold War, is now ...
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer
Our primary focus was on economic trade and political relationships, but we did also talk about security, including cyber security. So it was a broad agenda. What experiences and insights, in particular from your years in the Senate and your leadership ...
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer
Lecture series kicks off Feb. 2
Lynchburg News and Advance
23: “Cybersecurity” by Lynchburg College instructor of business administration Paul Kelbaugh. Lectures are free and open to the public and will be preceded by light refreshments beginning at 2:30 pm Lectures will be cancelled and rescheduled (if ...
World Economic Forum Davos 2012: It would be foolish to restrict Internet ...
Economic Times
The issues like cyber security need to be taken seriously and we need to do a lot better on these fronts, he noted. "When we talk about free Internet and restrained Internet, the names like Arab Spring indeed come to the mind and the authoritarian ...
Daily WEF update
Try “gauging the atmosphere” on any given day that includes debates on unemployment, bank regulation, the environment, women's rights, cyber security, Africa, Asia, Europe and the US. It's like choosing which programme to watch on Christmas Day while ...
NZ PM seeks trans-Tasman push in Asia
She also announced the establishment of an Australian-New Zealand cyber dialogue to deal with the challenge of cyber security. "We've got work to do in our region, we've got work to do in Afghanistan, work to do in formats like the East Asia Summit and ...
DRDO – DU MOU for Enhanced Academic Interaction and R&D Collaboration
VAdvert Press Center (press release)
He set the roadmap by identifying certain key areas for collaboration such as laser physics, cyber security, cryptography, nanotechnology, MEMS, and sensors for specific applications. Earlier, welcoming the gathering, Dr Bhujanga Rao, ...
'Chuck' Recap (Series Finale): Thanks for the Memory
The Faster Times
You can believe that they go back to spying, or convert Carmichael industries into a cyber-security firm, or pretty much whatever you want. On that note, even though Chuck and Sarah are allegedly out of the spy game, there may well be more adventure...
The Faster Times
Statement by Public Safety Minister Vic Toews on Data Privacy Day
That is why, in 2010, our Government launched Canada's Cyber Security Strategy, Canada's plan for meeting the cyber threat and protecting our digital infrastructure. Canada's Cyber SecurityStrategy demonstrates our commitment to keep Canadians safe in ...
WISeKey in Focus at Davos as the WEF Names Cyber-security a ...
By admin
DAVOS, Switzerland, January 26, 2012 /PRNewswire/ –. WISeKey has been named a Global Growth Company Partner of the World Economic Forum (WEF), granting the company full participation at the 2012 Annual Meeting in Davos.
US cybersecurity labors trigger privacy concerns
By admin
The Associated Press obtained a facsimile of the article arrived advance. Cybersecurity has turn out to be a hurriedly expanding priority intended for the.
CSOSN 2012 : Cybersecurity of Online Social Networks
CSOSN 2012 : Cybersecurity of Online Social Networks.
The State of the Union's Cybersecurity
President Obama uttered the term "cyber" only once in his 7200-word State of the Union address Wednesday night, but that fleeting moment about an hour into ...
Cyber Security Issues and Solutions - Tweetmeme
Cyber Security Issues and Solutions - Emergency Management (blog) PBAbBIeL #InfoSec.
SANS: Tool Talk Webcast: What is a cybersecurity-ready log ...
Cyber Security Graduate School · isc Internet Storm Center ... What is a cybersecurity-ready log management solution and how do I find one? Featuring: Varun ...