ZDNet (blog)
Spam, malware and phishing campaigns are all irritating and potentially dangerous components of being online today. As adults begin to wise up to the process, albeit slowly, a worrying trend has emerged — that of targeting young online users for ...
Is Cyber Security Glitch a Damper on Broadband?
Put cyber attack and smart grid together and you get concerns not only about a consumer's personal information being hijacked, but the very real probability of whole energy distribution systems being brought down. We also can't overlook the impact this ...
Hackers Attempt to Sabotage Donation Campaign for Death-Row Dog
by Ernest | Print the article | The battle for the life of the death row dog Prada is getting intensity as the chip-in links to receive donations for her were hacked four times in 24 hours. Held caged for more than a year at the Metro Animal Control in ...
Massive spike in mobile threats in 2011: study
The Hindu
It concluded that 2011 was the year when hackers penetrated mobile OS and moved their malwarefrom “proof of concept” phase to “profitability” phase. There was a 155 per cent percentage point increase during 2011 in overall mobile threats across ...
OPSWAT Delivers Ground-breaking Deployment of 30 Antivirus Engines on One Box
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
AP source: Manny Ramirez close to signing with A's 02.20.12 OPSWAT's Metascan technology provides malware scanning with up to 30 engines simultaneously for significantly enhanced threat detection and scalability. OPSWAT announced today the first ...
Anonymous targets Vic Toews over Internet surveillance bill, revives Vikileaks
National Post
Anonymous is a loosely organized group of hackers that has taken credit for a variety of operations around the world. Recently, they grabbed headlines when they published a recording of a confidential call between FBI agents and London detectives in ...
National Post
Phone hackers get the message
The Lawyer
Do IP rights subsist in telephone voice messages? That was the central issue in the recent cases of Coogan v News Group Newspapers Ltd [NGN] & Glenn Mulcaire and Phillips v NGN & Glenn Mulcaire, which were heard together before the Lord Chief Justice ...
The Lawyer
Android still a major malware target: McAfee
Technology Spectator
Cyber security company McAfee has singled out the Android smartphone operating system as the largest target for mobile malware in the year ahead. Despite an overall drop in the amount ofmalware circulating through the internet, McAfee warned in its ...
Industry worries about cost of cybersecurity legislation
Infosecurity Magazine
A group of powerful Republican senators are calling on US Senate leadership to put the brakes on a compromise cybersecurity bill introduced this week, so that more than a half dozen committees can hold hearings on the legislation.
Hackers can follow you via your cell phone
SmartPlanet.com (blog)
By Christie Nicholson | February 20, 2012, 1:04 PM PST With limited cheap equipment hackerscould easily locate where you and your cell phone are without you having any idea. At least that is the conclusion of a recent study out of the University of ...
High yield, high risk
Bangkok Post
Social networks consequently have also become a target of hackers for distributing malware. Hackers release malware through Facebook applications, and for Twitter they do it by shortening the URL leading to the malicious Trajan web link of which ...
Bangkok Post
Forensic toolkit with malware analysis technology
Help Net Security
FTK 4 also introduces two expansion modules for computer forensics examiners andmalware analysts. These add-on offerings increase the breadth and depth of the FTK user experience and introduce a new paradigm for first and second responders.
Help Net Security
Mac OS X Mountain Lion Gatekeeper to Keep Malware at Bay
Mac OS X v10.8 Mountain Lion from Apple will be equipped with a new Gatekeeper feature that will prohibit execution of malware thus ensuring better system protection. Apple stated, "While malware is one of the biggest security challenges on personal ...
Weekend news roundup: Bono, webOS, hackers and fashion
A trawl through the weekend newspapers' tech coverage, which includes Bono's windfall from Yelp ahead of the Facebook IPO, how the IT people staved off the biggest hacker attack yet, the future for webOS and how fashion is bringing social media to the ...
Security firm Retainagroup makes "inexcusable" online security error
A company specialising in motor vehicle security has been running an insecure website leaving users' details open to interception. A website run by Retainagroup Ltd, which allows customers to submit their personal details including addresses,...
IRS among victims of internet servers infected by DNSChanger Trojan
Greeley Gazette
Here's the worst part: The malware also prevents security updates and disables installed security software. The FBI has set March 8 as the deadline for private and government internet servers to have the maleware called the DNSChanger Trojan out of ...
Trend Micro announces new cloud-based mobile application scanning technology
Trend Micro Mobile App Reputation is the first technology in the industry that can automatically identify, analyze and rate mobile applications for issues that could include malware, potential theft of private data and system resource abuse including ...
Research: Cell phone hackers can track your physical location without your ...
Balkans.com Business News
The University of Minnesota group has demonstrated that access to a cell phone user's location information is easily accessible to another group—possible hackers. “It has a low entry barrier,” Foo Kune said. “Being attainable through open source ...
Balkans.com Business News
Armenian hackers break 20 Azerbaijani websites
On this occasion Armenian hackers broke about 20 Azerbaijani websites, information security expert Samvel Martirosyan told Panorama.am. On February 19, 2004 Azerbaijani Ramil Safarov murdered Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan in his sleep in Budapest.
Anonymous Hackers Invade Spain's Goyas Film Awards
By Gianluca Mezzofiore: Subscribe to Gianluca's RSS feed The Spanish branch of the Anonymous hacker collective invaded Spain's equivalent of the Oscars awards ceremony in Madrid to protest against an anti-piracy law. Three hacktivists slipped through ...
Damballa Honored with Frost & Sullivan 2011 New Product Innovation Award for ...
MarketWatch (press release)
The solution embeds automated malware and behavioral analysis that dramatically augment its capacity to identify and track zero-day threats. The solution intelligently uncovers stealthy and hidden attacks masterfully avoiding any false positive alerts.
Greek police say 3 schoolboys were behind hacking of Justice Ministry website
Washington Post
Hackers posted a video and messages on the Justice Ministry website on Feb. 3 protesting the Greek government's signing of a global copyright treaty and its handling of the financial crisis. Police said Monday the detained youth, who is 18, ...
Hackers Were Scary In 1990
Gizmodo Australia
“Laughing at people talking about the internet decades ago” is one of our favourite video subgenres here at Gizmodo, and this specimen doesn't disappoint: a fatherly AT&T narrator explains the dangers of hackers. Look out! Your modem is under attack!
Truth About the March 8 Internet Doomsday
If people end up in the dark on March 8 it's because they're still infected with the malware the FBI started warning people about last November when it shut down a long-standing Estonian Web traffic hijacking operation that controlled people's ...
HijackThis Goes Open Source
HijackThis is a popular program produced by Trend Micro that specialises in scanning users' computers for any changes carried out by malware, spyware or other external threats. The program generates a detailed report after the initial scan that ...
The Radicati Group Releases "Corporate Web Security Market, 2012-2016"
MarketWatch (press release)
Web security is defined as any software, appliance, or hosted service that protects corporate users and networks from Web-based malware, enables organizations to control employee behavior on the Internet, and helps prevent data loss.
Soviet-Style Cybersecurity Regulation at US Action News
By Mwhipple
The resistance to regular legal processes in this bill is part and parcel of the stampede to regulate in the name of cybersecurity. It's a move toward centralized regulatory command-and-control over large swaths of the economy through ...
US Action News
FAQ : DNSChanger Trojan, Impact and Solutions | The Hacker News ...
By noreply@blogger.com (THN Reporter)
... Trojan, Impact and Solutions. THN Magazine and The Hacker News is Most Comprehensive resource in providing news related to Information Technology, Cyber security, infosec, Hacking threads, Vulnerability. ... skip to main | skip to sidebar. Leading resource in providing information & updates to security experts and hackers worldwide. ... The FBI is also undertaking an effort to identify and notify victims who have been impacted by the DNSChanger malware. Who are infected and ...
The Hacker News [ THN ] - Updates...
Greek teen arrested over ministry cyber attack | The Raw Story
By Agence France-Presse
In the February 2 cyber attack, the hackers posted a statement on the ministry website in response to Greece's tough fiscal reforms and the country's decision to join a controversial international anti-piracy pact. “You have introduced a new ...
The Raw Story
SEO News - Senator John McCain Proposes Cybersecurity Bill
Cybersecurity is one of those funny things that is talked about, but nothing is really ever done about it. We can, and have implemented new safeguards on our infrastructure. It doesn't change the fact that there isn't a national standard at which ...
SEOMoves SEO News
Genetics inspire cyber-security research | News – WFU Graduate ...
By Beth
Genetics inspire cyber-security research. Computer science graduate student Michael Crouse (BS '10, MS '12) spends just as much time thinking about biology as he does technology these days. Crouse and his faculty mentor, Associate ...
News - WFU Graduate School of...
Munindra Khaund | Podcasting and Vodcasting: Podcasts for Hackers
By Munindra Khaund
Podcasting and vodcasting resources from around the globe.
Podcasting and Vodcasting
Africa Investors to Meet in Kigali in March Over Cyber Security ...
By Blackmere
Feb 20, 2012 (Business Daily/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX) -- Investors and governments officials in Africa will meet next month in Kigali, Rwanda to seek ways of taming the rising risk of cyber crime. Cyber security experts such as .
Blackmere Consulting
Senators push for new cybersecurity bill - Technology & science ...
Leading U.S. senators planned to introduce a cybersecurity bill on Tuesday aimed at ... warned often only have the most rudimentary protections against hackers.
Linux Today - The Remarkable Rise of Android Malware
"The second pressure on the Android platform is from malware. The bad guys have begun a new land rush into uncharted territory, hoping to cash in on a new ...
The End of Malware? Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022 | Malware ...
Security advances may bring an end to malware and to governmental cluelessness, ... If you're wondering what online security will look like in the year 2022, ... be increased attacks from non-malware vectors, as well as smarter hackers and ...
Cybersecurity Act Gives Feds Power to Protect Infrastructure ...
The Cybersecurity Act of 2012 would give the Department of Homeland Security power to regulate the kind of ... Hackers Said to be Planning to Launch Own Satellites to Combat Censorship ... Read more like this: network security, online security, legislation, web legal issues ... FacebookMalware Scam Takes Hold ...
Senators introduce bill to boost DHS cybersecurity authority - Nextgov
Top members of the Senate Commerce, Intelligence, and Homeland Security committees introduced a long-awaited bill on Tuesday to address a wide range of ...
Profiling Hackers
Hackers run the gamut of human nature: good, bad, indifferent or scary. Hackers manipulate programs to push the limits of technology, and, whatever their ..... “ When you come across intruders or malware maNe sure you understand the attacNer's ..... http://www.securityprivacyandthelaw.com/2011/10/articles/ cybersecurity-‐ ...
Greek teen arrested over ministry cyber attack
Greek police said they had arrested an 18-year-old suspected of hacking into the justice ministry's website earlier this month, an attack claimed on behalf of onlinehackers group Anonymous. Greek police said Monday they had arrested an 18-year-old ...

Hacker group Anonymous threatens Vic Toews
(Adrian Wyld / THE CANADIAN PRESS) The hacker group Anonymous is demanding Public Safety Minister Vic Toews kill the Internet surveillance bill and resign or it will release "information" during what it calls "Operation White North.

Anonymous promises attacks every Friday
It's the calling card that Anonymous has signed-off their online assaults with since the start of their Internet crusades. As the hacktivists continue to come down hard on the websites of corrupt corporations and governments, they're offering the ...

Hackers target Putin's vote-monitoring system
Times of India
(Hackers have tried to crash a vast network of Web cameras which Vladimir Putin has ordered to allay fears of vote-rigging in the March presidential election.) NOVOSIBIRSK: Hackers have tried to crash a vast network of Web cameras which Vladimir Putin ...
Anonymous hacks FTC over Google privacy, ACTA
SC Magazine Australia
By Dan Kaplan on Feb 21, 2012 6:29 AM The Anonymous collective has again targeted the US Federal Trade Commission bringing down seven of its websites. The hackers said in a Pastebin file they targeted the FTC because it failed to take action on ...
Anonymous Invades the Spanish Academy Awards Ceremony For ...
By Jesus Diaz
Rather than just crashing web pages, Spanish anonymous members had the balls to crash the equivalent of the Oscars ceremony in Madrid today. Three members of Anonymous sneaked past extreme police and private security controls to ...
AnonOps Communications: #Anonymous against censorship laws ...
By Anonops
Three members of Anonymous sneaked past extreme police and private security controls to jump onto the stage as the event was at one of its highest points, as this video shows. Meanwhile, the Spanish film academy web page was under ...
AnonOps Communications
Let Freedom Rain: Stupid headline of the day: "Anonymous wants ...
By Jymn
This is why Anonymous exists. When the government and the media collude to cover up and promote one party's agenda, we need groups like Anonymous. You want to know why the group is actuallyanonymous? Look at what happened to ...
Let Freedom Rain
Top members of the Senate Commerce, Intelligence, and Homeland Security committees introduced a long-awaited bill on Tuesday to address a wide range of ...
Profiling Hackers
Hackers run the gamut of human nature: good, bad, indifferent or scary. Hackers manipulate programs to push the limits of technology, and, whatever their ..... “ When you come across intruders or malware maNe sure you understand the attacNer's ..... http://www.securityprivacyandthelaw.com/2011/10/articles/ cybersecurity-‐ ...
Greek teen arrested over ministry cyber attack
Greek police said they had arrested an 18-year-old suspected of hacking into the justice ministry's website earlier this month, an attack claimed on behalf of onlinehackers group Anonymous. Greek police said Monday they had arrested an 18-year-old ...
Hacker group Anonymous threatens Vic Toews
(Adrian Wyld / THE CANADIAN PRESS) The hacker group Anonymous is demanding Public Safety Minister Vic Toews kill the Internet surveillance bill and resign or it will release "information" during what it calls "Operation White North.
Anonymous promises attacks every Friday
It's the calling card that Anonymous has signed-off their online assaults with since the start of their Internet crusades. As the hacktivists continue to come down hard on the websites of corrupt corporations and governments, they're offering the ...
Hackers target Putin's vote-monitoring system
Times of India
(Hackers have tried to crash a vast network of Web cameras which Vladimir Putin has ordered to allay fears of vote-rigging in the March presidential election.) NOVOSIBIRSK: Hackers have tried to crash a vast network of Web cameras which Vladimir Putin ...
Anonymous hacks FTC over Google privacy, ACTA
SC Magazine Australia
By Dan Kaplan on Feb 21, 2012 6:29 AM The Anonymous collective has again targeted the US Federal Trade Commission bringing down seven of its websites. The hackers said in a Pastebin file they targeted the FTC because it failed to take action on ...
Anonymous Invades the Spanish Academy Awards Ceremony For ...
By Jesus Diaz
Rather than just crashing web pages, Spanish anonymous members had the balls to crash the equivalent of the Oscars ceremony in Madrid today. Three members of Anonymous sneaked past extreme police and private security controls to ...
AnonOps Communications: #Anonymous against censorship laws ...
By Anonops
Three members of Anonymous sneaked past extreme police and private security controls to jump onto the stage as the event was at one of its highest points, as this video shows. Meanwhile, the Spanish film academy web page was under ...
AnonOps Communications
Let Freedom Rain: Stupid headline of the day: "Anonymous wants ...
By Jymn
This is why Anonymous exists. When the government and the media collude to cover up and promote one party's agenda, we need groups like Anonymous. You want to know why the group is actuallyanonymous? Look at what happened to ...
Let Freedom Rain
Anonymous threatens to DDOS root Internet servers
By Jeremy Kirk IDG News Service - An upcoming campaign announced by the hacking groupAnonymous directed against the Internet's core address lookup system is unlikely to cause much damage, according to one security expert. In a warning on Pastebin, ...
Anonymous fights 'anti-pirates', study shows perhaps Hollywood is to blame ...
The Voice of Russia
And of course, the Anonymous could not help but participate. Last week I mentioned the actions of the Russian branch of the hacktivist group and an interview an alleged member gave to a Russian online magazine. The bottom line of that interview is that ...

The Voice of Russia
FTC hacked by Anonymous
Daily Caller
By Josh Peterson - The Daily Caller Several websites belonging to the Federal Trade Commission were allegedly knocked offline on Friday by cyber activist groupAnonymous. Anonymous, in a post to the site Pastebin, said that the action was taken in ...

Daily Caller
Anonymous says it will attack corrupt organisations every Friday
By Dave Neal HACKTIVIST GROUP Anonymous has promised that it will attack government, corporate and law enforcement web sites every Friday. The hacker group already has a tradition of attacking web sites on a Friday, which it does under its 'F*ck FBI ...
Hackers attempt to break into AP Government websites
PTI | 09:02 PM,Feb 20,2012 Hyderabad, Feb 20 (PTI) Hackers attempted to break into different websites of Andhra Pradesh Government departments today even as a security audit was being conducted at the State Data Centre maintained by Wipro here.
Anonymous targets Toews over 'lawful access' bill
Globe and Mail
Public opposition to the federal government's “lawful access” bill continued to grow over the weekend, as hacker group Anonymous stepped into the fray with a threat to reveal more personal information about Public Safety Minister Vic Toews if the ...

Globe and Mail
Greek hackers are arrested over Anonymous attacks
The message is in English, but Greek text is also available. The In.gr report says that the three, aged 16, 17 and 18, belong to a hacking group called the Greek Hacking Scene (GHS) and have publicly stated their support for Anonymous.
Anonymous: 'Never forgive, never forget. Expect us.'
The Depaulia
28, 2011, an Occupy Chicago protestor wears a Guy Falkes mask, a calling card of the hactivist collective "Anonymous." The group has supported the Occupy movements worldwide and is a fierce proponent of WikiLeaks and the Arab Spring protests.
Algerian, Turkish hackers attack AP sites again
Hindu Business Line
After embarrassing the Andhra Pradesh Government on the eve of its Budget presentation for 2012-13, hackers have launched series of attacks on Monday afternoon. Mr Ponnala Lakshmaiah, State IT Minister, has confirmed that Indonesia, Algeria and Turkey ...
Anonymous Hacks US Government Web Sites in Protest of ACTA
Gaming Bus
By Nathan Wood Anonymous has continued their assault of US government web sites in protest of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), as the group has reportedly hacked business.ftc.gov, consumer.gov, the National Consumer Protection Week ...

Gaming Bus
Anonymous wants transparency, but hides behind name
Globe and Mail
Its reach is global: This month alone, the Anonymous movement has claimed to have hacked into the websites of a US security company and the Polish government and has broadcast a private conference call between the FBI and Scotland Yard.

Globe and Mail
Hackers attempt to break into Andhra Pradesh govt websites
Deccan Chronicle
PTI AP for big hike in jr college fee Huge treasure in AP Hackers on Monday attempted to break into different websites of Andhra Pradesh Government departments even as a security audit was being conducted at the State Data Centre maintained by Wipro ...
Greece arrests suspected Anonymous member
Hurriyet Daily News (press release)
Greek police said today they had arrested an 18-year-old suspected of hacking into the justice ministry's website earlier this month, an attack claimed on behalf of onlinehackers group Anonymous. Two other boys aged 16 and 17 were also being sought...

Hurriyet Daily News (press release)
Hackers Wanted $50000 From Symantec for Stolen Source Code
Recent communications between Symantec and a hacker linked to Anonymous underscore the need for businesses to protect against potential security threats. According to an e-mail exchange posted to Pastebin on February 6, 2012, a Symantec employee named ...
Anonymous Promises Weekly Hacktivist Action
Hacktivist group Anonymous has announced that every Friday from now on will be known as #FFF (Fuck FBI Friday) and will feature an attack from the Antisec proponents. "We are already sitting on dozens of unreleased targets," said theanonymous ...

Anonymous threatens weekly mayhem for government and business websites
by Gareth Morgan Hackers affiliated with the Anonymous online collective have promised to unleash regularly scheduled bouts of chaos, by attacking business and government-related websites every Friday. According to a 19 February post on the Anonops ...

Teenage Anonymous hacktivists behind Ministry website attack: Greek police
A police statement says the three claim to be part of the international "Anonymous" activist collective, which has attacked computers in several countries. Hackers posted a video and messages on the Justice Ministry website on Feb 3 protesting the ...
Anonymous threatens root Internet servers
By Jeremy Kirk | Published: 08:46, 20 February 2012 An campaign announced by the hacking groupAnonymous directed against the Internet's core address lookup system is unlikely to cause much damage, according to one security expert.
Hacktivists Anonymous target Spain's Goya Awards
Hacktivisit group Anonymous used the ceremony as a chance to protest against a Spanish law similar to the controversial US Stop Online Piracy Act, known as SOPA. The official Goya webpage was taken down and some Anonymous members tried to storm the ...

TicketWeb Suffers Hackers' Onslaught, Clients get Phishing E-mails
SPAMfighter News
Consumers using the Internet based ticketing website TicketWeb's service are reported as getting phony electronic mails following hackers who, during the weekend, infiltrated the company's computer systems, acknowledged TicketWeb and which TechWorld ...
Senator John McCain Proposes Cybersecurity Bill
By Zach Walton · 1 min ago · Leave a Comment Cybersecurity is one of those funny things that is talked about, but nothing is really ever done about it. We can, and have implemented new safeguards on our infrastructure. It doesn't change the fact that ...
Virtual malware labs are 'broken': Webroot
ZDNet Australia
Using virtual labs to understand and dissect malware is a "broken" malware defence technique, according to Webroot managing director for Asia Pacific Crispin Kerr, who says that while the method may help detection, it doesn't provide a cure for ...
VIDEO: Anonymous threatens Toews over Bill C-30
MetroNews Canada
Hacker group Anonymous is demanding Canada's Public Safety Minister Vic Toews put an end to proposed Internet-surveillance legislation, Bill C-30, and resign, or they say they will release information during “Operation White North.
Armenian hackers target over 20 Azeri sites
Net - On February 20, Armenian hackers attacked over 20 Azerbaijani websites, including those of Azerbaijani television and Eurovision winner, according to information security expert Samvel Martirosyan. The attacks were dated to the 8th anniversary of ...

Anonymous threatens to take internet down March 31
Anonymous has threatened to launch a coordinated cyberattack that would effectively shut down the worldwide Internet, international media outlets reported. On Feb. 12, an announcement appeared on the file-hosting site Pastebin declaring March 31 as the ...
Android Malware Rises Over 3000 Per Cent In 2011 !
New research from Juniper Networks has shown just how big a problem malware is becoming on smartphones , particularly on Google's Android platform. In 2011 overall mobile malware rose by 155 per cent with Spyware and Trojans accounting for 63 per cent ...

Ford calls in the hackers
Fraser Coast Chronicle
Ford is poised to seek help from the most unlikely of sources - computer hackers - to develop the next killer iPhone-style in-car application. OpenXC, as the free software is known, is expected to be released to the hacker community in the next few ...
Are Protesters' ACTA Concerns Justified?
Spiegel Online
Many of them were wearing sinister-looking plastic masks, the trademark of the "Anonymous" hacker movement. About 100000 people, most of them young, demonstrated for a free Internet on Saturday, Feb. 11, in more than 50 German cities.

Spiegel Online
Hackers Target Phones and Tablets - Arik Hesseldahl - News ...
For Hackers, Attacking Phones and Tablets Is the New Hotness ... Its 2011 Mobile Threats Report found that the amount of malware created for mobile devices ...
Follow @sobeqorg
By Jeremy Kirk IDG News Service - An upcoming campaign announced by the hacking groupAnonymous directed against the Internet's core address lookup system is unlikely to cause much damage, according to one security expert. In a warning on Pastebin, ...
Anonymous fights 'anti-pirates', study shows perhaps Hollywood is to blame ...
The Voice of Russia
And of course, the Anonymous could not help but participate. Last week I mentioned the actions of the Russian branch of the hacktivist group and an interview an alleged member gave to a Russian online magazine. The bottom line of that interview is that ...
The Voice of Russia
FTC hacked by Anonymous
Daily Caller
By Josh Peterson - The Daily Caller Several websites belonging to the Federal Trade Commission were allegedly knocked offline on Friday by cyber activist groupAnonymous. Anonymous, in a post to the site Pastebin, said that the action was taken in ...
Daily Caller
Anonymous says it will attack corrupt organisations every Friday
By Dave Neal HACKTIVIST GROUP Anonymous has promised that it will attack government, corporate and law enforcement web sites every Friday. The hacker group already has a tradition of attacking web sites on a Friday, which it does under its 'F*ck FBI ...
Hackers attempt to break into AP Government websites
PTI | 09:02 PM,Feb 20,2012 Hyderabad, Feb 20 (PTI) Hackers attempted to break into different websites of Andhra Pradesh Government departments today even as a security audit was being conducted at the State Data Centre maintained by Wipro here.
Anonymous targets Toews over 'lawful access' bill
Globe and Mail
Public opposition to the federal government's “lawful access” bill continued to grow over the weekend, as hacker group Anonymous stepped into the fray with a threat to reveal more personal information about Public Safety Minister Vic Toews if the ...
Globe and Mail
Greek hackers are arrested over Anonymous attacks
The message is in English, but Greek text is also available. The In.gr report says that the three, aged 16, 17 and 18, belong to a hacking group called the Greek Hacking Scene (GHS) and have publicly stated their support for Anonymous.
Anonymous: 'Never forgive, never forget. Expect us.'
The Depaulia
28, 2011, an Occupy Chicago protestor wears a Guy Falkes mask, a calling card of the hactivist collective "Anonymous." The group has supported the Occupy movements worldwide and is a fierce proponent of WikiLeaks and the Arab Spring protests.
Algerian, Turkish hackers attack AP sites again
Hindu Business Line
After embarrassing the Andhra Pradesh Government on the eve of its Budget presentation for 2012-13, hackers have launched series of attacks on Monday afternoon. Mr Ponnala Lakshmaiah, State IT Minister, has confirmed that Indonesia, Algeria and Turkey ...
Anonymous Hacks US Government Web Sites in Protest of ACTA
Gaming Bus
By Nathan Wood Anonymous has continued their assault of US government web sites in protest of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), as the group has reportedly hacked business.ftc.gov, consumer.gov, the National Consumer Protection Week ...
Gaming Bus
Anonymous wants transparency, but hides behind name
Globe and Mail
Its reach is global: This month alone, the Anonymous movement has claimed to have hacked into the websites of a US security company and the Polish government and has broadcast a private conference call between the FBI and Scotland Yard.
Globe and Mail
Hackers attempt to break into Andhra Pradesh govt websites
Deccan Chronicle
PTI AP for big hike in jr college fee Huge treasure in AP Hackers on Monday attempted to break into different websites of Andhra Pradesh Government departments even as a security audit was being conducted at the State Data Centre maintained by Wipro ...
Greece arrests suspected Anonymous member
Hurriyet Daily News (press release)
Greek police said today they had arrested an 18-year-old suspected of hacking into the justice ministry's website earlier this month, an attack claimed on behalf of onlinehackers group Anonymous. Two other boys aged 16 and 17 were also being sought...
Hurriyet Daily News (press release)
Hackers Wanted $50000 From Symantec for Stolen Source Code
Recent communications between Symantec and a hacker linked to Anonymous underscore the need for businesses to protect against potential security threats. According to an e-mail exchange posted to Pastebin on February 6, 2012, a Symantec employee named ...
Anonymous Promises Weekly Hacktivist Action
Hacktivist group Anonymous has announced that every Friday from now on will be known as #FFF (Fuck FBI Friday) and will feature an attack from the Antisec proponents. "We are already sitting on dozens of unreleased targets," said theanonymous ...
Anonymous threatens weekly mayhem for government and business websites
by Gareth Morgan Hackers affiliated with the Anonymous online collective have promised to unleash regularly scheduled bouts of chaos, by attacking business and government-related websites every Friday. According to a 19 February post on the Anonops ...
Teenage Anonymous hacktivists behind Ministry website attack: Greek police
A police statement says the three claim to be part of the international "Anonymous" activist collective, which has attacked computers in several countries. Hackers posted a video and messages on the Justice Ministry website on Feb 3 protesting the ...
Anonymous threatens root Internet servers
By Jeremy Kirk | Published: 08:46, 20 February 2012 An campaign announced by the hacking groupAnonymous directed against the Internet's core address lookup system is unlikely to cause much damage, according to one security expert.
Hacktivists Anonymous target Spain's Goya Awards
Hacktivisit group Anonymous used the ceremony as a chance to protest against a Spanish law similar to the controversial US Stop Online Piracy Act, known as SOPA. The official Goya webpage was taken down and some Anonymous members tried to storm the ...
TicketWeb Suffers Hackers' Onslaught, Clients get Phishing E-mails
SPAMfighter News
Consumers using the Internet based ticketing website TicketWeb's service are reported as getting phony electronic mails following hackers who, during the weekend, infiltrated the company's computer systems, acknowledged TicketWeb and which TechWorld ...
Senator John McCain Proposes Cybersecurity Bill
By Zach Walton · 1 min ago · Leave a Comment Cybersecurity is one of those funny things that is talked about, but nothing is really ever done about it. We can, and have implemented new safeguards on our infrastructure. It doesn't change the fact that ...
Virtual malware labs are 'broken': Webroot
ZDNet Australia
Using virtual labs to understand and dissect malware is a "broken" malware defence technique, according to Webroot managing director for Asia Pacific Crispin Kerr, who says that while the method may help detection, it doesn't provide a cure for ...
VIDEO: Anonymous threatens Toews over Bill C-30
MetroNews Canada
Hacker group Anonymous is demanding Canada's Public Safety Minister Vic Toews put an end to proposed Internet-surveillance legislation, Bill C-30, and resign, or they say they will release information during “Operation White North.
Armenian hackers target over 20 Azeri sites
Net - On February 20, Armenian hackers attacked over 20 Azerbaijani websites, including those of Azerbaijani television and Eurovision winner, according to information security expert Samvel Martirosyan. The attacks were dated to the 8th anniversary of ...
Anonymous threatens to take internet down March 31
Anonymous has threatened to launch a coordinated cyberattack that would effectively shut down the worldwide Internet, international media outlets reported. On Feb. 12, an announcement appeared on the file-hosting site Pastebin declaring March 31 as the ...
Android Malware Rises Over 3000 Per Cent In 2011 !
New research from Juniper Networks has shown just how big a problem malware is becoming on smartphones , particularly on Google's Android platform. In 2011 overall mobile malware rose by 155 per cent with Spyware and Trojans accounting for 63 per cent ...
Ford calls in the hackers
Fraser Coast Chronicle
Ford is poised to seek help from the most unlikely of sources - computer hackers - to develop the next killer iPhone-style in-car application. OpenXC, as the free software is known, is expected to be released to the hacker community in the next few ...
Are Protesters' ACTA Concerns Justified?
Spiegel Online
Many of them were wearing sinister-looking plastic masks, the trademark of the "Anonymous" hacker movement. About 100000 people, most of them young, demonstrated for a free Internet on Saturday, Feb. 11, in more than 50 German cities.
Spiegel Online
Hackers Target Phones and Tablets - Arik Hesseldahl - News ...
For Hackers, Attacking Phones and Tablets Is the New Hotness ... Its 2011 Mobile Threats Report found that the amount of malware created for mobile devices ...
Follow @sobeqorg