The New American
This measure is packaged under the guise of cyber-security, but it serves ultimately the same purpose as SOPA and PIPA by providing more authority to the federal government over the Internet. Though the contents of the bill have generally been kept secret ... Much of the problem with the two bills is the vagueness of their terms, which could ultimately lead to entire websites being seized and shut down. Some of the felonies defined under the laws could carrying five-year prison sentences. “Indeed, the bill[s] imposes stiff penalties on anyone who doesn’t [comply], and offers immunity to ad networks and payment processors that follow orders. As such, SOPA is chock-full of incentives for ISPs [Internet Service Providers], content-hosting sites and other such entities to go along with the government’s demands,” writes Omar El Akkad of The Globe & Mail. . . Critics contend that Reid’s sense of urgency to pass yet further Internet regulations is a result of the upcoming presidential election, as Democrats somehow view doing so to be a victory, despite the opposition from the American people.
Is Reid To Trying Regulate The Internet Under The Guise of ...
By Vanguard of Freedom
Tech Editor at the Daily Caller, Josh Peterson is keeping track of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's 2012 push for internet regulating legislation, “this time in the form of a new cybersecurity bill,” he says: “The expected bill is the latest attempt ... Liberty News Network
SOPA, PIPA, and Kill Switch Bill: Are They Back? Harry Reid to Push ...
By Victoria Bekiempis
Though mass protest -- including a voluntary "blackout" of the web -- prompted Congress to throw out SOPA and PIPA in January, reports suggest that Reid might try to work intellectual property clauses into a new cyber-security bill. ... A House bill, the Promoting and Enhancing Cybersecurity and Information Sharing Effectiveness Act of 2011 or PrECISE Act -- would also give the the government control over large portions of the interet in the event of a cyber attack. But Reid supposedly ...
Runnin' Scared
Senate Cybersecurity Bill Nukes Privacy Protections
By Jim Harper
My seen-it-all cool was shaken yesterday when I examined how a Senate cybersecurity bill would scythe down legal protections for privacy. Anyone participating in government “cybersecurityexchanges” would have nearly total immunity from ...
Technology Liberation Front
The Circuit: Amazon and Viacom strike a deal, cybersecurity hearing, Sprint ...
Washington Post (blog)
“We can't use 19th & 20th century models, federally regulating the Internet, or giving DHS the power to make the final decisions about securing technology they don't own or operate; they will make ourcyber security less effective.
Tax Breaks Considered to Improve Cybersecurity on Vital Networks
8 (Bloomberg) -- Tax breaks and liability protection may spur banking, energy and telecommunication companies to improve cybersecurity on their computer networks, the chairman of a House technology panel said. Representative Greg Walden, an Oregon ...
The Senate's SOPA Counterattack?: Cybersecurity the Undoing of Privacy
Cato @ Liberty
The article seems calculated to insinuate that a follow-on to SOPA/PIPA might slip intocybersecurity legislation the Senate plans to take up. Whether that's in the works or not, I'll detail here the privacy threats in cybersecurity language being ...
House Subcom Serious about Cybersecurity
Multichannel News
The concerns of House Democrats and Republicans about cybersecurity was made clear in a Hill hearing Wednesday unusually free of the partisan divides that often surface in hearings in the House Communications Subcommittee.
EU to Stengthen Its Cybersecurity Watchdog
By Jennifer Baker, IDG News A push by European authorities to strengthen the European Union'scybersecurity watchdog has been given a green light by parliamentarians. ENISA, the European Network and Information Security Agency, was set up in 2004 to ...
Cyber Security Shortchanged in US Smart Grid Push
IEEE Spectrum
The audit found that in the Department's rush to push $3.5 billion in smart grid stimulus grant money out to US utilities, they didn't do such a good job of ensuring that effective cyber security controls were in place. As a result, smart grids may now ...
Cybersecurity Standardization: A Smart Grid Wild Card
Renew Grid
"The CIPs really are a decent starting point for building a cybersecurity program," he said. "You'll have a solid foundation, and then you can move on." The National Institute of Standards and Technology Internal Reports (NISTIR) 7628 protocol can also ...
ODVA Recommends Cybersecurity Guidelines
Control Design
ODVA ( made available new guidelines, Securing EtherNet/IP Networks, which discusses cybersecurity recommendations for automation networks, including how to determine and deploy security strategies for various network types.
Cyber Security Hiring Slows, Lawmakers Meet
By Tim Lemke The demand for cyber security jobs may have cooled a bit in the last three months of 2011, according to a company that analyzes employment trends. Wanted Analytics reports that the number of job postings for corporate cyber security jobs ...
Legislative Update – Cybersecurity
JD Supra (press release)
This concept of information sharing is a main component of a House cyber security bill that was marked up last week, and was also the topic of an opinion piece written by a group of Senate Republicans. The authors – Sens. Hutchison, Grassley, Chambliss ...
Security Experts Ask House for Light a Regulatory Touch
Network World
By Kenneth Corbin, CIO Cybersecurity experts on Wednesday warned members of a House subcommittee against racing to legislation that would establish an overly burdensome regulatory framework for safeguarding digital systems against attacks, ...
New cyber bill to put US in charge of global cyber security
Sydney Morning Herald
"The issue of cyber security is so vital right now to US national security and to the United States economy," said Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a co-sponsor of the proposed bill. Protester Nadine Wolf demonstrates against the proposed Stop Online Piracy ...

Sydney Morning Herald
New Cyber Security Assessment Tool assesses the overall security posture of ...
Einnews Portugal
February 09, 2012 /24-7PressRelease/ -- IT Governance Ltd, the global leader in information security, has released a Cyber Security Assessment Tool; an innovative self assessment tool that enables any organisation to quickly assess and demonstrate, ...
Hackers break into gov't cyber security head's site
Moreover, Ben-Israel attended an Israel Association of Electronic and Software Industries convention last night, where he spoke on cyber security and hackers. A group called "Emperor Security Team" took responsibility for the hacking, which put on the ...
UK cyber strategy implementation 'too slow', says former security minister
Computerworld New Zealand
The UK government needs to set out a clear timetable for the implementation of its cyber securitystrategy, former security minister Baroness Pauline-Neville Jones has said. By Anh Nguyen | London | Friday, 10 February, 2012 The UK government needs to ...
NIST to host 25th annual FISSEA conference.
ThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release)
February 9, 2012 - Scheduled for March 27-29, Federal Information Systems Security Educator's Association conference will explore "A New Era in Cybersecurity Awareness, Training and Education." Attendees will learn about current cybersecurity projects, ...
Police e-crime hubs announced
“The Government has acknowledged a need to collaborate and provide a structured response to the cyber security of the UK and these three additional policing units are going to play a critical role in our ability to combat the threat,” said ACPO lead on ...

Threatened Pentagon programs will play up cyber roles, experts predict
By Aliya Sternstein 02/08/2012 Military program managers whose operations are vaguely associated with computer networks could reposition their programs as being critical to cybersecurity to tap into one of the few untouched defense accounts and boost ...
Our Opinion: Government navigates minefield of cybersecurity
Jefferson City News Tribune
By News Tribune That question is at the heart of federal legislation to regulate computer security at private utilities. As much as 85 percent of our nation's water, electrical, nuclear and other providers are owned and operated by private firms.
Carnegie Mellon's Information Networking Institute Launches Novel Online ...
MarketWatch (press release)
The new program is designed to help a broad swath of business leaders and novel tech experts to see cybersecurity as a top priority, and to learn how to use tools like forensics to track adversaries. "Students pursue the program with a cohort of about ...
Credit Unions and the Evolving Cybercrime Landscape
Credit Union Times
By Andreas Baumhof Cybersecurity is a concern that cuts across all industries and economic sectors. But the potential for online fraud is especially worrisome in the financial services sector, where financial institutions are considered to be prime ...
DARPA to brief industry Feb. 21 on vetronics embedded computing cyber security ...
Military & Aerospace Electronics
The HACMS military cyber security program aims to develop a set of publicly available tools to help build embedded computing for high-assurance military vehicles with onboard networked military embedded systems that are able to resist efforts by ...
Inside INTERPOL's New Cybercrime Innovation Center
Fast Company
Michael Moran, INTERPOL's Acting Assistant Director for Cyber Security and Crime, told Fast Company on Wednesday that the main focus for IGCI would be digital security and innovation research for police officers worldwide investigating cybercrime.

Fast Company
Can Hackers Destroy The Internet?
Over 70000 new cyber security threats are discovered on a daily basis. Even the strongest networks are not safe from hackers. Last year's well-reported hacks included the Central Intelligence Agency, UK Treasury, Lockheed Martin, and Sony's famous ...

Truesigna Unveils Zero-Footprint "Password-Less" Enterprise and Cloud Security ... (press release)
Weakest link in the cyber security chain is the online user-authentication. Truesigna's patented solution enables zero-footprint “password-less” authentication, thereby helping Banks to reduce online fraud and Enterprises towards secure IT services.
OVERNIGHT TECH: Senate panel marks up bill to televise Supreme Court
The Hill (blog)
James Lewis, the director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said telecom companies have addressed cybersecurity on a level that other sectors have not. Internet Security Alliance President Larry Clinton was adamant that cost is the ...
Pentagon Spokesman Answers Twitter Questions
According to AFPS, Little answered questions from hundreds of users on topics ranging from Syria, Iran cybersecurity and Pentagon energy savings initiatives. Little said fielding the questions was a challenge and needed help to manage the questions, ...
Guidance Software to buy CaseCentral
Computer Business Review
Digital forensics software, cyber security software and e-discovery software offerings provider Guidance Software has signed a definitive agreement to acquire electronic discovery (e-discovery) firm CaseCentral. With the combined product portfolio, ...
Intrusion upon seclusion protected by Canadian court
Infosecurity Magazine (US)
The US Congress must include strong privacy protections in any cybersecurity legislation it adopts, a constitutional watchdog group warned in a report released Friday. US President Barack Obama has nominated three individuals to a congressionally ...
Ozuna vows to thwart construction project at Pecan Valley
San Antonio Express
By Brian Chasnoff, Express-News columnist Leticia Ozuna has served on the City Council for only about a month, but I can say this about the cyber-security specialist with certainty: She's bold. Despite the hazards, Ozuna this week swung a policy driver ...
EU to stengthen its cybersecurity watchdog - Page 1 - Government
Committee votes to extend life of the European Network and Information Security Agency, whose goal is ensure the EU's IT security - Page 1.
Daily IT Newswire
New Cyber Security Assessment Tool assesses the overall security ...
By Blackmere
/ Are you cyber secure? Are you cyber resilient? Do you have everything in place to ensure you can survive a cyber attack? How would you know? IT Governance Ltd, the global leader in information security, has released a ...
Blackmere Consulting
New CRS Report on Smart Meter Data: Privacy and Cybersecurity ...
By Geodata Policy
The Congressional Research Service recently prepared for the Members and Committees of Congress a report titled, “Smart Meter Data: Privacy and Cybersecurity“ (R42338), published on February 3, 2012 by co-authors Bradon J. Murril, ...
European Smart Grid Cyber Security 2012 updates: VIKING ...
By SMi Group Ltd Utilities Division
We are proud to announce the addition of the Viking Project, to the European Smart Grid Cyber Security Forum this March 12th and 13th. Dont miss this opportunity to attend and take part in the development of the Smart Grid Cyber Security ...
European Smart Grid Cyber Security...
Cyber Security in the Mobile World | Smart UK Project
By Gary Marshall
This seminar from UK Trade & Investment and ICT KTN will discuss what is meant by “Cyber Security” for mobile devices and networks, what the future holds in terms of threats, how real those threats are and what security could be put in place ...
Smart UK Project
Do You Have A False Sense of Cybersecurity for Mobile? | Robert ...
By Robert Siciliano
Nearly three-quarters of Americans have never installed data protection applications or security software on their mobile devices to prevent data loss or defend.
Robert Siciliano
Hackers break into gov't cyber security head's site |
By admin
The hacking was ironic, since the National Cyber Defense Authority is supposed to protect Israel from such incidents. Continue to full article.
Feds Prepare for Cyberterrorism as Old Threats Fade | Cyber ...
By Eugeni Karlov
Related articles: Technology » Cyber Security · Print · E-mail to a friend · Give feedback. Palestinian militants with the Ezzedine Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed ... which cuts across all programs, will be the number one threat to the country.” The FBI is preparing for this. Mueller said there are three main points the agency is focusing on: changing their organizational structure, recruiting and hiringcybersecurity experts, and understanding their role to investigate and prevent intrusions.
Epoch Times
Lawfare › House Cyber Legislation Amendments
By Paul Rosenzweig
First, the bill now says that “at least one significant purpose of ” of sharing cyber threat information must be either a cybersecurity purpose or a national security purpose. Readers will see in this language echoes of the “significant purpose” ...
U.S. intelligence chief warns of cyber “Cold War” | American ...
By Jim Kouri, CPP
The U.S. House of Representatives and Senate should pass legislation to increase cyber security -- in both public and private sectors -- since the country is involved in a "type of cyber Cold War," stated the U.S. Director of National Intelligence ... It's the broadband networks beneath us and the wireless signals around us, the local networks in our schools and hospitals and businesses, and the massive grids that power our nation, according to the White House cybersecurity report.
American Conservative News Politics...
Critical infrastructure operators must double cybersecurity spending ...
Combined, the 172 infrastructure operators surveyed, spent a $5.3 billion on cybersecurity, but the company's cybersecurity managers estimated that they would ...
Follow @sobeqorg
Tax Breaks Considered to Improve Cybersecurity on Vital Networks
8 (Bloomberg) -- Tax breaks and liability protection may spur banking, energy and telecommunication companies to improve cybersecurity on their computer networks, the chairman of a House technology panel said. Representative Greg Walden, an Oregon ...
The Senate's SOPA Counterattack?: Cybersecurity the Undoing of Privacy
Cato @ Liberty
The article seems calculated to insinuate that a follow-on to SOPA/PIPA might slip intocybersecurity legislation the Senate plans to take up. Whether that's in the works or not, I'll detail here the privacy threats in cybersecurity language being ...
House Subcom Serious about Cybersecurity
Multichannel News
The concerns of House Democrats and Republicans about cybersecurity was made clear in a Hill hearing Wednesday unusually free of the partisan divides that often surface in hearings in the House Communications Subcommittee.
EU to Stengthen Its Cybersecurity Watchdog
By Jennifer Baker, IDG News A push by European authorities to strengthen the European Union'scybersecurity watchdog has been given a green light by parliamentarians. ENISA, the European Network and Information Security Agency, was set up in 2004 to ...
Cyber Security Shortchanged in US Smart Grid Push
IEEE Spectrum
The audit found that in the Department's rush to push $3.5 billion in smart grid stimulus grant money out to US utilities, they didn't do such a good job of ensuring that effective cyber security controls were in place. As a result, smart grids may now ...
Cybersecurity Standardization: A Smart Grid Wild Card
Renew Grid
"The CIPs really are a decent starting point for building a cybersecurity program," he said. "You'll have a solid foundation, and then you can move on." The National Institute of Standards and Technology Internal Reports (NISTIR) 7628 protocol can also ...
ODVA Recommends Cybersecurity Guidelines
Control Design
ODVA ( made available new guidelines, Securing EtherNet/IP Networks, which discusses cybersecurity recommendations for automation networks, including how to determine and deploy security strategies for various network types.
Cyber Security Hiring Slows, Lawmakers Meet
By Tim Lemke The demand for cyber security jobs may have cooled a bit in the last three months of 2011, according to a company that analyzes employment trends. Wanted Analytics reports that the number of job postings for corporate cyber security jobs ...
Legislative Update – Cybersecurity
JD Supra (press release)
This concept of information sharing is a main component of a House cyber security bill that was marked up last week, and was also the topic of an opinion piece written by a group of Senate Republicans. The authors – Sens. Hutchison, Grassley, Chambliss ...
Security Experts Ask House for Light a Regulatory Touch
Network World
By Kenneth Corbin, CIO Cybersecurity experts on Wednesday warned members of a House subcommittee against racing to legislation that would establish an overly burdensome regulatory framework for safeguarding digital systems against attacks, ...
New cyber bill to put US in charge of global cyber security
Sydney Morning Herald
"The issue of cyber security is so vital right now to US national security and to the United States economy," said Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a co-sponsor of the proposed bill. Protester Nadine Wolf demonstrates against the proposed Stop Online Piracy ...
Sydney Morning Herald
New Cyber Security Assessment Tool assesses the overall security posture of ...
Einnews Portugal
February 09, 2012 /24-7PressRelease/ -- IT Governance Ltd, the global leader in information security, has released a Cyber Security Assessment Tool; an innovative self assessment tool that enables any organisation to quickly assess and demonstrate, ...
Hackers break into gov't cyber security head's site
Moreover, Ben-Israel attended an Israel Association of Electronic and Software Industries convention last night, where he spoke on cyber security and hackers. A group called "Emperor Security Team" took responsibility for the hacking, which put on the ...
UK cyber strategy implementation 'too slow', says former security minister
Computerworld New Zealand
The UK government needs to set out a clear timetable for the implementation of its cyber securitystrategy, former security minister Baroness Pauline-Neville Jones has said. By Anh Nguyen | London | Friday, 10 February, 2012 The UK government needs to ...
NIST to host 25th annual FISSEA conference.
ThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release)
February 9, 2012 - Scheduled for March 27-29, Federal Information Systems Security Educator's Association conference will explore "A New Era in Cybersecurity Awareness, Training and Education." Attendees will learn about current cybersecurity projects, ...
Police e-crime hubs announced
“The Government has acknowledged a need to collaborate and provide a structured response to the cyber security of the UK and these three additional policing units are going to play a critical role in our ability to combat the threat,” said ACPO lead on ...
Threatened Pentagon programs will play up cyber roles, experts predict
By Aliya Sternstein 02/08/2012 Military program managers whose operations are vaguely associated with computer networks could reposition their programs as being critical to cybersecurity to tap into one of the few untouched defense accounts and boost ...
Our Opinion: Government navigates minefield of cybersecurity
Jefferson City News Tribune
By News Tribune That question is at the heart of federal legislation to regulate computer security at private utilities. As much as 85 percent of our nation's water, electrical, nuclear and other providers are owned and operated by private firms.
Carnegie Mellon's Information Networking Institute Launches Novel Online ...
MarketWatch (press release)
The new program is designed to help a broad swath of business leaders and novel tech experts to see cybersecurity as a top priority, and to learn how to use tools like forensics to track adversaries. "Students pursue the program with a cohort of about ...
Credit Unions and the Evolving Cybercrime Landscape
Credit Union Times
By Andreas Baumhof Cybersecurity is a concern that cuts across all industries and economic sectors. But the potential for online fraud is especially worrisome in the financial services sector, where financial institutions are considered to be prime ...
DARPA to brief industry Feb. 21 on vetronics embedded computing cyber security ...
Military & Aerospace Electronics
The HACMS military cyber security program aims to develop a set of publicly available tools to help build embedded computing for high-assurance military vehicles with onboard networked military embedded systems that are able to resist efforts by ...
Inside INTERPOL's New Cybercrime Innovation Center
Fast Company
Michael Moran, INTERPOL's Acting Assistant Director for Cyber Security and Crime, told Fast Company on Wednesday that the main focus for IGCI would be digital security and innovation research for police officers worldwide investigating cybercrime.
Fast Company
Can Hackers Destroy The Internet?
Over 70000 new cyber security threats are discovered on a daily basis. Even the strongest networks are not safe from hackers. Last year's well-reported hacks included the Central Intelligence Agency, UK Treasury, Lockheed Martin, and Sony's famous ...
Truesigna Unveils Zero-Footprint "Password-Less" Enterprise and Cloud Security ... (press release)
Weakest link in the cyber security chain is the online user-authentication. Truesigna's patented solution enables zero-footprint “password-less” authentication, thereby helping Banks to reduce online fraud and Enterprises towards secure IT services.
OVERNIGHT TECH: Senate panel marks up bill to televise Supreme Court
The Hill (blog)
James Lewis, the director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said telecom companies have addressed cybersecurity on a level that other sectors have not. Internet Security Alliance President Larry Clinton was adamant that cost is the ...
Pentagon Spokesman Answers Twitter Questions
According to AFPS, Little answered questions from hundreds of users on topics ranging from Syria, Iran cybersecurity and Pentagon energy savings initiatives. Little said fielding the questions was a challenge and needed help to manage the questions, ...
Guidance Software to buy CaseCentral
Computer Business Review
Digital forensics software, cyber security software and e-discovery software offerings provider Guidance Software has signed a definitive agreement to acquire electronic discovery (e-discovery) firm CaseCentral. With the combined product portfolio, ...
Intrusion upon seclusion protected by Canadian court
Infosecurity Magazine (US)
The US Congress must include strong privacy protections in any cybersecurity legislation it adopts, a constitutional watchdog group warned in a report released Friday. US President Barack Obama has nominated three individuals to a congressionally ...
Ozuna vows to thwart construction project at Pecan Valley
San Antonio Express
By Brian Chasnoff, Express-News columnist Leticia Ozuna has served on the City Council for only about a month, but I can say this about the cyber-security specialist with certainty: She's bold. Despite the hazards, Ozuna this week swung a policy driver ...
EU to stengthen its cybersecurity watchdog - Page 1 - Government
Committee votes to extend life of the European Network and Information Security Agency, whose goal is ensure the EU's IT security - Page 1.
Daily IT Newswire
New Cyber Security Assessment Tool assesses the overall security ...
By Blackmere
/ Are you cyber secure? Are you cyber resilient? Do you have everything in place to ensure you can survive a cyber attack? How would you know? IT Governance Ltd, the global leader in information security, has released a ...
Blackmere Consulting
New CRS Report on Smart Meter Data: Privacy and Cybersecurity ...
By Geodata Policy
The Congressional Research Service recently prepared for the Members and Committees of Congress a report titled, “Smart Meter Data: Privacy and Cybersecurity“ (R42338), published on February 3, 2012 by co-authors Bradon J. Murril, ...
European Smart Grid Cyber Security 2012 updates: VIKING ...
By SMi Group Ltd Utilities Division
We are proud to announce the addition of the Viking Project, to the European Smart Grid Cyber Security Forum this March 12th and 13th. Dont miss this opportunity to attend and take part in the development of the Smart Grid Cyber Security ...
European Smart Grid Cyber Security...
Cyber Security in the Mobile World | Smart UK Project
By Gary Marshall
This seminar from UK Trade & Investment and ICT KTN will discuss what is meant by “Cyber Security” for mobile devices and networks, what the future holds in terms of threats, how real those threats are and what security could be put in place ...
Smart UK Project
Do You Have A False Sense of Cybersecurity for Mobile? | Robert ...
By Robert Siciliano
Nearly three-quarters of Americans have never installed data protection applications or security software on their mobile devices to prevent data loss or defend.
Robert Siciliano
Hackers break into gov't cyber security head's site |
By admin
The hacking was ironic, since the National Cyber Defense Authority is supposed to protect Israel from such incidents. Continue to full article.
Feds Prepare for Cyberterrorism as Old Threats Fade | Cyber ...
By Eugeni Karlov
Related articles: Technology » Cyber Security · Print · E-mail to a friend · Give feedback. Palestinian militants with the Ezzedine Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed ... which cuts across all programs, will be the number one threat to the country.” The FBI is preparing for this. Mueller said there are three main points the agency is focusing on: changing their organizational structure, recruiting and hiringcybersecurity experts, and understanding their role to investigate and prevent intrusions.
Epoch Times
Lawfare › House Cyber Legislation Amendments
By Paul Rosenzweig
First, the bill now says that “at least one significant purpose of ” of sharing cyber threat information must be either a cybersecurity purpose or a national security purpose. Readers will see in this language echoes of the “significant purpose” ...
U.S. intelligence chief warns of cyber “Cold War” | American ...
By Jim Kouri, CPP
The U.S. House of Representatives and Senate should pass legislation to increase cyber security -- in both public and private sectors -- since the country is involved in a "type of cyber Cold War," stated the U.S. Director of National Intelligence ... It's the broadband networks beneath us and the wireless signals around us, the local networks in our schools and hospitals and businesses, and the massive grids that power our nation, according to the White House cybersecurity report.
American Conservative News Politics...
Critical infrastructure operators must double cybersecurity spending ...
Combined, the 172 infrastructure operators surveyed, spent a $5.3 billion on cybersecurity, but the company's cybersecurity managers estimated that they would ...
Follow @sobeqorg