DoD Buzz
By Philip Ewing Wednesday, February 29th, 2012 6:05 pm The unexpected attacks he knows the US isn't ready for, Panetta told House budgeteers on Wednesday — especially a majorcyber-attack. Panetta said one of his worst fears is that suddenly America ...
Anonymous Retaliates For Interpol Arrests
Interpol had launched its so-called Operation Unmask--a not-so-subtle nod to Anonymous' own naming conventions--in February, in response to a series of cyber attacks that originated from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Spain. The attacks were directed ...
Finmeccanica Says NATO Contract Is Gateway for More Cyber Work
Finmeccanica yesterday became the first non-US company to be named prime contractor on a NATO cybersecurity contract, with the Italian company getting a 50 million-euro contract to detect and respond to cyber security threats to the 28 member nations ...
Whopping increase in cyber crimes
New Straits Times
By NICHOLAS CHENG CYBERJAYA: INCIDENCE of cyber crime in the country jumped 88 per cent last year with 15218 cases compared with 8090 in 2010.CyberSecurity Malaysia's chief executive officer Lt Col (R) Husin Jazri, in disclosing this, ...

New Straits Times
Take measures to prevent cyber crime attacks
Yorkshire Post
3. Conduct a cyber crime risk assessment to identify weak points in security. Most SMEs do not have the resources to continuously monitor for breaches, so tightening processes before a cyber attack happens will save time and money. 4.
Parents Need to Have "The Talk" About Smartphone Security with Their Kids
Bradenton Herald
... a leading provider of consumer-centric mobile security and productivity applications, and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), a non-profit public-private partnership focused oncybersecurity awareness and education for all digital citizens ...
We need to recycle Anonymous' talent into the companies they attack
Rehabilitating criminals is not a new concept, but their skills aren't always as specific as those of a cyber criminal. With hacktivist arrests on the rise, perhaps it's time for companies to realize the potential gain in employing the very people ...

OVERNIGHT TECH: GOP cyber bill takes light regulatory touch
The Hill (blog)
By Brendan Sasso - 02/29/12 06:13 PM ET THE LEDE: Six Republican senators will introduce acybersecurity bill on Thursday that will not give the Homeland Security Department regulatory power over critical computer systems — a key departure from a bill ...
Cyber Challenge Fills Education Void
By Brittany Ballenstedt 02/29/12 02:08 pm ET The US Cyber Challenge is attracting young college graduates who feel their education has not effectively prepared them for cybersecurity work. Panelists at the RSA Conference in San Francisco said Tuesday ...
Global Cyber Warfare Market - Spending on Systems Expected to Remain Robust ...
MarketWatch (press release)
DALLAS, February 29, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- ReportsnReports adds new market research report 'The Global Cyber Warfare Market 2011-2021' to its store. The formation of the USCyber Command or USCybercom by the highest defense spender globally, ...
Security firm finds new attack targeting online banking customers
By Stuart Sumner A security firm has uncovered a new form of cyber attack targeting online banking customers that uses live chat from hackers impersonating banking staff. Trusteer found that the attack uses the Shylock malware platform to execute a ...

Australia's Cyber War Escalates in 2012 with Tripling of Data Attacks
CFO World
Speaking today at the inaugural Cybercrime Symposium, Ty Miller, CTO of Pure Hacking outlined that the data cyber war against Australian business had increased markedly in the first months of 2012. Australia's leading specialist information security ...
The Global Cyber Warfare Market 2011-2021
Sacramento Bee
29, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue: • Comprehensive analysis of the top Cyber Warfare programs pursued by nations across the forecast period 2011-2021.
Risk Management the Key to Cyber-Defense: RSA Keynote
CIO Insight
By CIOinsight Arthur Coviello's opening keynote at the RSA Conference alternated between reminding attendees that perfect security is impossible and how managing risk is critical to defenses. SAN FRANCISCO--The sheer volume of attacks against ...
Finmeccanica, Northrop Secure Key NATO Cyber-security Deal
Wall Street Journal
(NOC), a coveted contract to supply an integrated cyber-security package to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, paving the way for future contracts in a highly-specialized area. While worth EUR50 million, half of which will trickle through to ...
WHS Cyber Cat: When jeffing becomes bullying
However, jeffing can be taken as an attack. Senior Andre Grayson believes that because of its playful tone, jeffing can never be considered bullying. “You can never jeff to a point where [people] feel like it's bullying,” Grayson said.
Testimony by NASA IG Paul Martin: NASA Cybersecurity: An Examination of the ...
Space Ref (press release)
Even more troubling, skilled and committed cyber attackers could choose to cause significant disruption to NASA operations, as IT networks are central to all aspects of NASA's operations. NASA is a regular target of cyber attacks both because of the ...
NCTA, CTIA, US Telecom Outline Cybersecurity Bill Priorities
Broadcasting & Cable
"We agree with Congress that ensuring the security of cyber space is a national imperative," they wrote, "and we share the goal of promoting a national framework for cybersecurity that enhances our economic and national security posture.
Anonymous, Surfaces, and Gaps |
By admin
The 1980s Marine Corps doctrine of Maneuver Warfare (MW) heavily focused on the concept of “surfaces and gaps.” Marines ... Whatever the merits or demerits of MW, the concept has utility for explaining the nature of cyber threats that exist for most companies and organizations rather than exotic foreign cyberwar specialists or apocalyptic infrastructure-crashing attacks. ... Anonymous, a group not known for discipline, is giving itself a weekly deadline, a new attack every Friday.
NIST Releases Major Revision to Cyber Document | FedScoop
By David Stegon
... and Technology released a major revision to “Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations, Special Publication (SP) 800-53, Revision 4 (Initial Public Draft),” that focuses on emerging cyber security threats. ... propose in Revision 4 are directly linked to the current state of the threat space – the capabilities, intentions and targeting activities of adversaries – and analysis of attack data over time,” said Ron Ross, FISMA implementation project leader ...
Don't fear the Web | Jack Shafer
By Jack Shafer
The best recent example of threat inflation is the overreaction to the failure of a water pump in the Midwest that the Washington Post described thusly in a headline: “Foreign hackers targeted U.S. water plant in apparent malicious cyber attack, ...
Jack Shafer
We're Right, We're Free, We'll Fight, You'll See - Gartner Blog Network
By Dan Blum
19 years at Gartner 33 years IT industry. Dan Blum, a Burton Group senior VP and principal analyst, covers security architecture, cloud-computing security, endpoint security, cybercrime/threat landscape, identity management, federated identity, and other security technologies. ... At one end of the spectrum is the chilling possibility that fanatic cyberterrorists who can't be attributed or deterred obtain military-grade cyber-weapons and launch an attack. At the other end of the spectrum is ...
Dan Blum
Survey: Cyber Risks Ignored by Boards Could Contribute to National ...
Key Cyber Risk Oversight Recommendations for Boards and Senior Executives Priorities are a nasty thing and often executives and boards can be so overwhelmed wit. ... The good news in this survey is that nearly one third of the boards and senior executives are looking at these risks aggressively, suggesting that should a successful attack occur, this same number might survive the attack. ...Waiting to Notify Customers of Breach Is to the Company's Advantage Network Security ...
Rob Enderle
Press release received, funnest thing evar: FREE LOGIN VAULT ...
By alecm
The scary thing is however that when most ordinary people have security breaches of their social networking, thieves are operating in stealth mode trying to gain more sensitive data they can use for identity theft or credit/debit fraud. What's more, once they are in, they often return again and ... The growth of identity theft and fraud means that 1 in 20 of us in the coming year will experience some kind of cyber attack or attempted fraud. So using stronger encryption technology than most ...
Parents Need to Have "The Talk" About Smartphone Security with ...
... (NYSE: NQ), a leading provider of consumer-centric mobile security and productivity applications, and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), a non-profit public-private partnership focused oncybersecurity awareness and education ...
Virtual-Strategy Magazine - Your...
NIST Releases Public Draft SP800-53 Addressing Cybersecurity ...
By Richard L. Santalesa
NIST notes that "[m]any of the changes were driven by particular cyber security issues and challenges requiring greater attention including, for example, insider threat, mobile and cloud computing, application security, firmware integrity, supply ...
Info Law Group
McCain Pushes for Cybersecurity Bill Called Less Costly ...
By Blackmere
McCain Pushes for Cybersecurity Bill Called Less Costly – Bloomberg. Published March 1, 2012. Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) and AT&T Inc. (T) would be shielded from lawsuits when sharingcyber threat information with the government ...
Blackmere Consulting
Legislators Listening To Research « Virtual School Meanderings
By mkbnl
Unlike what we see happening in Michigan, where the House of Representatives are poised to eliminate all meaningful restrictions that were placed on cyber charter schools – only months before data from the initial two year pilot phase becomes available and they would actually have access to data to be able to make some informed decisions; a colleague of mine sent me this ... Virtual charters have been under attack by Nancy Loome, executive director of the Parents' Campaign.
Virtual School Meanderings
Cybersecurity Tactics Must be Overhauled | AFCEA SIGNAL Scape
By Maryann Lawlor
Amazing anecdotes kept the audience entertained during the lunch session at the AFCEA International Homeland Security Conference. The experts were speaking about a ... CybersecurityTactics Must be Overhauled. Posted by Maryann Lawlor on 2/29/12 ... That's where we're at in cybertoday. It's a completely asymmetric ... He shared the lessons he learned from this experience, saying that today's cyber battlefield requires an asymmetric defense. To deploy an effective defense ,...
Windows 8 and Android kill switch, threats to privacy | Security Affairs
By paganinip
The more time passes the more I'alarmed by the improper use of this devices in critical sector without any perception of the cyber threat. Italian politicians make extensive use of systems such as iPhone and iPad, it is considered a status ...
Security Affairs
Cybersecurity and U.S.-China Relations
sense that: 1) the many policy issues involved in cybersecurity, espe- cially in its impact on ...cybersecurity and how they impact U.S.-China relations, but also to ...
Homebuilder s Mortgage Unit Suffers Cyber Attack / - Origination News
B of A's Exit from Correspondent Lending: David Zugheri, founder of Houston- based Envoy Mortgage discusses B of A's exit from correspondent mortgage ...
Cybersecurity Research by RAND Europe | RAND
Cyberspace is becoming increasingly important for economic growth, openness and democracy. In 2011, nearly three quarters of European households had ...
DHS to work with Netherlands on cybersecurity | Homeland Security ...
CybersecurityDHS to work with Netherlands on cybersecurity. Published 24 February 2012. Share |. On Wednesday DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano signed a ...
Follow @sobeqorg
Interpol had launched its so-called Operation Unmask--a not-so-subtle nod to Anonymous' own naming conventions--in February, in response to a series of cyber attacks that originated from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Spain. The attacks were directed ...
Finmeccanica Says NATO Contract Is Gateway for More Cyber Work
Finmeccanica yesterday became the first non-US company to be named prime contractor on a NATO cybersecurity contract, with the Italian company getting a 50 million-euro contract to detect and respond to cyber security threats to the 28 member nations ...
Whopping increase in cyber crimes
New Straits Times
By NICHOLAS CHENG CYBERJAYA: INCIDENCE of cyber crime in the country jumped 88 per cent last year with 15218 cases compared with 8090 in 2010.CyberSecurity Malaysia's chief executive officer Lt Col (R) Husin Jazri, in disclosing this, ...
New Straits Times
Take measures to prevent cyber crime attacks
Yorkshire Post
3. Conduct a cyber crime risk assessment to identify weak points in security. Most SMEs do not have the resources to continuously monitor for breaches, so tightening processes before a cyber attack happens will save time and money. 4.
Parents Need to Have "The Talk" About Smartphone Security with Their Kids
Bradenton Herald
... a leading provider of consumer-centric mobile security and productivity applications, and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), a non-profit public-private partnership focused oncybersecurity awareness and education for all digital citizens ...
We need to recycle Anonymous' talent into the companies they attack
Rehabilitating criminals is not a new concept, but their skills aren't always as specific as those of a cyber criminal. With hacktivist arrests on the rise, perhaps it's time for companies to realize the potential gain in employing the very people ...
OVERNIGHT TECH: GOP cyber bill takes light regulatory touch
The Hill (blog)
By Brendan Sasso - 02/29/12 06:13 PM ET THE LEDE: Six Republican senators will introduce acybersecurity bill on Thursday that will not give the Homeland Security Department regulatory power over critical computer systems — a key departure from a bill ...
Cyber Challenge Fills Education Void
By Brittany Ballenstedt 02/29/12 02:08 pm ET The US Cyber Challenge is attracting young college graduates who feel their education has not effectively prepared them for cybersecurity work. Panelists at the RSA Conference in San Francisco said Tuesday ...
Global Cyber Warfare Market - Spending on Systems Expected to Remain Robust ...
MarketWatch (press release)
DALLAS, February 29, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- ReportsnReports adds new market research report 'The Global Cyber Warfare Market 2011-2021' to its store. The formation of the USCyber Command or USCybercom by the highest defense spender globally, ...
Security firm finds new attack targeting online banking customers
By Stuart Sumner A security firm has uncovered a new form of cyber attack targeting online banking customers that uses live chat from hackers impersonating banking staff. Trusteer found that the attack uses the Shylock malware platform to execute a ...
Australia's Cyber War Escalates in 2012 with Tripling of Data Attacks
CFO World
Speaking today at the inaugural Cybercrime Symposium, Ty Miller, CTO of Pure Hacking outlined that the data cyber war against Australian business had increased markedly in the first months of 2012. Australia's leading specialist information security ...
The Global Cyber Warfare Market 2011-2021
Sacramento Bee
29, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue: • Comprehensive analysis of the top Cyber Warfare programs pursued by nations across the forecast period 2011-2021.
Risk Management the Key to Cyber-Defense: RSA Keynote
CIO Insight
By CIOinsight Arthur Coviello's opening keynote at the RSA Conference alternated between reminding attendees that perfect security is impossible and how managing risk is critical to defenses. SAN FRANCISCO--The sheer volume of attacks against ...
Finmeccanica, Northrop Secure Key NATO Cyber-security Deal
Wall Street Journal
(NOC), a coveted contract to supply an integrated cyber-security package to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, paving the way for future contracts in a highly-specialized area. While worth EUR50 million, half of which will trickle through to ...
WHS Cyber Cat: When jeffing becomes bullying
However, jeffing can be taken as an attack. Senior Andre Grayson believes that because of its playful tone, jeffing can never be considered bullying. “You can never jeff to a point where [people] feel like it's bullying,” Grayson said.
Testimony by NASA IG Paul Martin: NASA Cybersecurity: An Examination of the ...
Space Ref (press release)
Even more troubling, skilled and committed cyber attackers could choose to cause significant disruption to NASA operations, as IT networks are central to all aspects of NASA's operations. NASA is a regular target of cyber attacks both because of the ...
NCTA, CTIA, US Telecom Outline Cybersecurity Bill Priorities
Broadcasting & Cable
"We agree with Congress that ensuring the security of cyber space is a national imperative," they wrote, "and we share the goal of promoting a national framework for cybersecurity that enhances our economic and national security posture.
Witnesses Highlight Unique Cybersecurity Challenges at NASA
Space Ref (press release)
The threat of cyber attack to Agency satellite operations, mission support, and technology research is increasing in sophistication and frequency. NASA Inspector General Paul Martin said "Until NASA incorporates IT security policy into its Agency-wide ...
Take steps to reduce losses from cyber risk: RMS panel
Business Insurance
“It's not going to amount to a 100% perfect security, but you won't be the weakest firm on the block—and that's a good start.” Above all, the panelists noted, cyber liability cannot be addressed in a vacuum. When contemplating any significant actions ...
Testimony by NASA CIO Linda Cureton: NASA Cybersecurity: An Examination of the ...
Space Ref (press release)
This vision is driven by the requirement to identify and protect mission information targeted by adversaries such as nation-states, cyber criminals, and hackers; to integrate IT security solutions across NASA; to establish a risk-based approach to ...
Will Arrests Impact Anonymous?
The Nonprofit Quarterly
Shortly after Interpol cheered the arrest of 25 suspected Anonymous hackers from Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Spain in what it termed “Operation Unmask,” the hackers apparently responded with acyber-attack that took down Interpol's website.
Security experts target rising hacktivism
Many of the great minds who fight cyber-criminals flooded the RSA Conference at the Moscone Center to discuss a threat that many had never heard of until recently: hacktivism. "Many times the target of a hacktivist attack is a company that's taken a...

Hacker Shows Off Lethal Attack By Controlling Wireless Medical Device
Bloomberg (blog)
Radcliffe got hate mail by the hundreds, but he also got the attention of lawmakers, who successfully pressured the Government Accountability Office to investigate whether the medical device industry's cyber security rules are tough enough.

Bloomberg (blog)
Interpol Arrests Alleged Anonymous Hackers, Then Suffers Website Attack
Slate Magazine (blog)
Interpol suffered a cyber attack that brought the international law enforcement agency's website down this week, just after it announced the arrest of 25 suspected members of the hacktivist group Anonymous in Europe and South America.

Slate Magazine (blog)
25 Alleged Anonymous Members Arrested
Interpol said in a statement Tuesday that 25 alleged members of the loose knit hacking collective called Anonymous have been arrested for their role in a coordinatedcyber-attack on Colombia's defense ministry website, Chile's Endesa electricity ...

Report: Escalating U.S.-China cyber distrust must be addressed
US and Chinese officials should address their growing, mutual distrust in the cyber realm, which is generating negative assessments of each nation's long-term, strategic intentions, says a new report (.pdf) from the Brookings Institution.
Anonymous says it was infiltrated
TG Daily
Cyber activists linked to Anonymous have conceded that international law enforcement officials managed to infiltrate the collective in an operation which culminated with the arrest of 25 individuals. "This wave of arrests was not the product of...

TG Daily
Interpol website suffers 'Anonymous cyber-attack' - Information Policy
By Mikhail Doroshevich
Interpol's website appears to have been the victim of a cyber-attack after the international police agency announced the arrests of 25 suspected members of the hacking activist group Anonymous in Europe and South America. The website ...
Information Policy
Space Ref (press release)
The threat of cyber attack to Agency satellite operations, mission support, and technology research is increasing in sophistication and frequency. NASA Inspector General Paul Martin said "Until NASA incorporates IT security policy into its Agency-wide ...
Take steps to reduce losses from cyber risk: RMS panel
Business Insurance
“It's not going to amount to a 100% perfect security, but you won't be the weakest firm on the block—and that's a good start.” Above all, the panelists noted, cyber liability cannot be addressed in a vacuum. When contemplating any significant actions ...
Testimony by NASA CIO Linda Cureton: NASA Cybersecurity: An Examination of the ...
Space Ref (press release)
This vision is driven by the requirement to identify and protect mission information targeted by adversaries such as nation-states, cyber criminals, and hackers; to integrate IT security solutions across NASA; to establish a risk-based approach to ...
Will Arrests Impact Anonymous?
The Nonprofit Quarterly
Shortly after Interpol cheered the arrest of 25 suspected Anonymous hackers from Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Spain in what it termed “Operation Unmask,” the hackers apparently responded with acyber-attack that took down Interpol's website.
Security experts target rising hacktivism
Many of the great minds who fight cyber-criminals flooded the RSA Conference at the Moscone Center to discuss a threat that many had never heard of until recently: hacktivism. "Many times the target of a hacktivist attack is a company that's taken a...
Hacker Shows Off Lethal Attack By Controlling Wireless Medical Device
Bloomberg (blog)
Radcliffe got hate mail by the hundreds, but he also got the attention of lawmakers, who successfully pressured the Government Accountability Office to investigate whether the medical device industry's cyber security rules are tough enough.
Bloomberg (blog)
Interpol Arrests Alleged Anonymous Hackers, Then Suffers Website Attack
Slate Magazine (blog)
Interpol suffered a cyber attack that brought the international law enforcement agency's website down this week, just after it announced the arrest of 25 suspected members of the hacktivist group Anonymous in Europe and South America.
Slate Magazine (blog)
25 Alleged Anonymous Members Arrested
Interpol said in a statement Tuesday that 25 alleged members of the loose knit hacking collective called Anonymous have been arrested for their role in a coordinatedcyber-attack on Colombia's defense ministry website, Chile's Endesa electricity ...
Report: Escalating U.S.-China cyber distrust must be addressed
US and Chinese officials should address their growing, mutual distrust in the cyber realm, which is generating negative assessments of each nation's long-term, strategic intentions, says a new report (.pdf) from the Brookings Institution.
Anonymous says it was infiltrated
TG Daily
Cyber activists linked to Anonymous have conceded that international law enforcement officials managed to infiltrate the collective in an operation which culminated with the arrest of 25 individuals. "This wave of arrests was not the product of...
TG Daily
Interpol website suffers 'Anonymous cyber-attack' - Information Policy
By Mikhail Doroshevich
Interpol's website appears to have been the victim of a cyber-attack after the international police agency announced the arrests of 25 suspected members of the hacking activist group Anonymous in Europe and South America. The website ...
Information Policy
Anonymous, Surfaces, and Gaps |
By admin
The 1980s Marine Corps doctrine of Maneuver Warfare (MW) heavily focused on the concept of “surfaces and gaps.” Marines ... Whatever the merits or demerits of MW, the concept has utility for explaining the nature of cyber threats that exist for most companies and organizations rather than exotic foreign cyberwar specialists or apocalyptic infrastructure-crashing attacks. ... Anonymous, a group not known for discipline, is giving itself a weekly deadline, a new attack every Friday.
NIST Releases Major Revision to Cyber Document | FedScoop
By David Stegon
... and Technology released a major revision to “Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations, Special Publication (SP) 800-53, Revision 4 (Initial Public Draft),” that focuses on emerging cyber security threats. ... propose in Revision 4 are directly linked to the current state of the threat space – the capabilities, intentions and targeting activities of adversaries – and analysis of attack data over time,” said Ron Ross, FISMA implementation project leader ...
Don't fear the Web | Jack Shafer
By Jack Shafer
The best recent example of threat inflation is the overreaction to the failure of a water pump in the Midwest that the Washington Post described thusly in a headline: “Foreign hackers targeted U.S. water plant in apparent malicious cyber attack, ...
Jack Shafer
We're Right, We're Free, We'll Fight, You'll See - Gartner Blog Network
By Dan Blum
19 years at Gartner 33 years IT industry. Dan Blum, a Burton Group senior VP and principal analyst, covers security architecture, cloud-computing security, endpoint security, cybercrime/threat landscape, identity management, federated identity, and other security technologies. ... At one end of the spectrum is the chilling possibility that fanatic cyberterrorists who can't be attributed or deterred obtain military-grade cyber-weapons and launch an attack. At the other end of the spectrum is ...
Dan Blum
Survey: Cyber Risks Ignored by Boards Could Contribute to National ...
Key Cyber Risk Oversight Recommendations for Boards and Senior Executives Priorities are a nasty thing and often executives and boards can be so overwhelmed wit. ... The good news in this survey is that nearly one third of the boards and senior executives are looking at these risks aggressively, suggesting that should a successful attack occur, this same number might survive the attack. ...Waiting to Notify Customers of Breach Is to the Company's Advantage Network Security ...
Rob Enderle
Press release received, funnest thing evar: FREE LOGIN VAULT ...
By alecm
The scary thing is however that when most ordinary people have security breaches of their social networking, thieves are operating in stealth mode trying to gain more sensitive data they can use for identity theft or credit/debit fraud. What's more, once they are in, they often return again and ... The growth of identity theft and fraud means that 1 in 20 of us in the coming year will experience some kind of cyber attack or attempted fraud. So using stronger encryption technology than most ...
Parents Need to Have "The Talk" About Smartphone Security with ...
... (NYSE: NQ), a leading provider of consumer-centric mobile security and productivity applications, and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), a non-profit public-private partnership focused oncybersecurity awareness and education ...
Virtual-Strategy Magazine - Your...
NIST Releases Public Draft SP800-53 Addressing Cybersecurity ...
By Richard L. Santalesa
NIST notes that "[m]any of the changes were driven by particular cyber security issues and challenges requiring greater attention including, for example, insider threat, mobile and cloud computing, application security, firmware integrity, supply ...
Info Law Group
McCain Pushes for Cybersecurity Bill Called Less Costly ...
By Blackmere
McCain Pushes for Cybersecurity Bill Called Less Costly – Bloomberg. Published March 1, 2012. Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) and AT&T Inc. (T) would be shielded from lawsuits when sharingcyber threat information with the government ...
Blackmere Consulting
Legislators Listening To Research « Virtual School Meanderings
By mkbnl
Unlike what we see happening in Michigan, where the House of Representatives are poised to eliminate all meaningful restrictions that were placed on cyber charter schools – only months before data from the initial two year pilot phase becomes available and they would actually have access to data to be able to make some informed decisions; a colleague of mine sent me this ... Virtual charters have been under attack by Nancy Loome, executive director of the Parents' Campaign.
Virtual School Meanderings
Cybersecurity Tactics Must be Overhauled | AFCEA SIGNAL Scape
By Maryann Lawlor
Amazing anecdotes kept the audience entertained during the lunch session at the AFCEA International Homeland Security Conference. The experts were speaking about a ... CybersecurityTactics Must be Overhauled. Posted by Maryann Lawlor on 2/29/12 ... That's where we're at in cybertoday. It's a completely asymmetric ... He shared the lessons he learned from this experience, saying that today's cyber battlefield requires an asymmetric defense. To deploy an effective defense ,...
Windows 8 and Android kill switch, threats to privacy | Security Affairs
By paganinip
The more time passes the more I'alarmed by the improper use of this devices in critical sector without any perception of the cyber threat. Italian politicians make extensive use of systems such as iPhone and iPad, it is considered a status ...
Security Affairs
Cybersecurity and U.S.-China Relations
sense that: 1) the many policy issues involved in cybersecurity, espe- cially in its impact on ...cybersecurity and how they impact U.S.-China relations, but also to ...
Homebuilder s Mortgage Unit Suffers Cyber Attack / - Origination News
B of A's Exit from Correspondent Lending: David Zugheri, founder of Houston- based Envoy Mortgage discusses B of A's exit from correspondent mortgage ...
Cybersecurity Research by RAND Europe | RAND
Cyberspace is becoming increasingly important for economic growth, openness and democracy. In 2011, nearly three quarters of European households had ...
DHS to work with Netherlands on cybersecurity | Homeland Security ...
CybersecurityDHS to work with Netherlands on cybersecurity. Published 24 February 2012. Share |. On Wednesday DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano signed a ...
Follow @sobeqorg