Piracy vs Privacy: Obama may 'oppose' CISPA but still sign it like NDAA
Democratic Underground
The White House has officially announced that the Obama administration is opposed to the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA, expected to go before Congress this week. But does it really matter?
Democratic Underground
The White House has officially announced that the Obama administration is opposed to the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA, expected to go before Congress this week. But does it really matter?
Fars News Agency
"Despite the frequent efforts made by hackers, the cyber attack has failed to leave any impact on the data system," the statement said. It further praised the proper measures and full preparedness of the relevant departments at the science ministry for ...
Fars News Agency
Civil Liberties Groups See Holes In Cyber Defense Bill
The House has approved a bill designed to improve the nation's defenses against cyber attacks by foreign governments or terrorists. The measure would make it easier for the government and private sector to share data about suspected cyber threats.
Iran says identified source of reported cyber attack on oil industry
By Haaretz and Reuters Tags: Iran nuclear Iran threat Iran Iran has been able to identify the source of a recently reported cyber attack on its oil industry, an official at the Islamic Republic's Oil Ministry said on Saturday, adding that a computer ...
Kill the cybersecurity bill
Daily Democrat
The bill before the US House is the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, known as CISPA. It has the best of intentions, to bolster the nation's defense against the very real threat of cyberattacks. But Democrat Lofgren of San Jose is right ...
New python-based malware attack targets Mac, Windows computers
GMA News
Yet another new malware attack has started targeting computers running Apple's Mac OS X platform, prompting a security software firm to warn of further attacks by cyber-criminal gangs. Sophos said the new attack target both Mac and Windows computers, ...
Fighting Anonymous: Dover cybersecurity specialist studying hacker group
Foster's Daily Democrat
Few people have devoted as much time to researching the actions of Anonymous members as Corman, an Internet security specialist for the tech giant Akamai Technologies. Anonymous, which began as an Internet meme in the early 2000s, is the name used by ...
ANOTHER VIEW: Status quo on cybersecurity endangers infrastructure
The Westerly Sun
In fact, members of both parties on the Homeland Security Committee have come to the same basic conclusion: the status quo of voluntary action will not result in strong cyber protections for our most valuable and vulnerable industries.
Stearns backs cyber intelligence protection bill
Gainesville Sun
But on Thursday, the Ocala Republican joined somewhat of a bipartisan majority in favoring a bill that some critics allege would too easily allow government agencies to tap such data under the guise of national security. The House passed the Cyber ...
Flashback malware exposes big gaps in Apple security response
ZDNet (blog)
Instead, he said, Apple's security efforts have been slow, reactive, and generally ineffective: We now expect to see more and more because cyber criminals learn from success and this was the first successful one. [Apple] will understand very soon that ...
Microsoft has change of heart about CISPA — drops support
One of the biggest worries on the minds of activists against the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) was the number of large internet corporations who are supporting the bill. The US House of Representatives passed the bill on...
CISPA Bill Passed in US House Under Veto Threat
The Epoch Times
(Getty Images) The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) was passed by the US House of Representatives a day ahead of schedule, even as the threat of a presidential veto hangs over it. The White House has already declared its opposition ...
The Epoch Times
If CISPA Is Such A Threat, Why Is Silicon Valley Silent?
The Moderate Voice
... proponents sold it as a way to defend against foreign cyber-threats. While not mentioned specifically, the Act talks mostly about US intelligence agencies sharing information with private parties (with adequate security clearance) and viceversa.
Report: Hackers target Iran's science ministry
Senior official tells reformist newspaper cyber attack 'under control.' MP says reported deployment of stealth fighters in UAE 'part of US-Israel plot' Dudi Cohen, AP Hackers have attacked the computers of Iran's ministry of science, ...
US looks to South America for security partners
All three defense chiefs — Juan Carlos Pinzon of Colombia, Celso Amorim of Brazil and Andres Allamand of Chile — brought up cyber threats as a major concern for their countries, including incidents of hacker attacks and data thefts, the US defense ...
The sad rise of cyber courts full of Twittering bullies
Irish Independent
For now, no doubt, they remain bunkered in, regrouping, planning the next attack. It shouldn't take them long. Portuguese police have already refused to reopen the case, dismissing as "mere speculation" claims from Detective Chief Inspector Andy ...
12 arrested in a protest at Green Hill in Italy and Anonymous fights back
Allegedly this has set off a cyber attack from Anonymous called SD fur. At 16:15 a group of ALF protesters hurled stones at the first building of kennel, they then climbed over the fence to reach the cages where the animals are locked up.
Microsoft Kind Of Drops Support For CISPA
Here's the full statement from Microsoft: Microsoft has previously stated support for efforts to improve cyber security, and sharing threat information is an important component of those efforts. Improvements to the way this information is shared would ...
Washington Journal for Sunday, April 29
Cyber Security Consultant Topic: The House on Friday voted on several cybersecurity bills, including the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act which prompted a veto threat from the Obama administration. The votes follow a hearing earlier this ...
For the first time in three years, president takes part in meeting of ...
Intelligence & Terrorism Information Center
Ali-Reza Nikzad, a spokesman for the Petroleum Ministry, confirmed on Monday, April 23, that in recent days the information systems of the Petroleum Ministry and the National Petroleum Company have been under a cyber attack. He said that the virus, ...
Intelligence & Terrorism Information Center
Jordanian Internet users susceptible to Trojan horse attacks - security expert
Internet users in Jordan face several cyber threats and are vulnerable to these attacks as they do not adopt proper security solutions, the expert said. A Trojan horse attack tops the list of threats affecting Jordanians followed by viruses, David Emm, ...
Iran official: Possibility of war 'very, very weak'
Big Hollywood
Mehmanparast discounted, as "very far from the truth," fresh allegations by a US Republican congressman and Western experts that Iran is preparing to launch a potentially crippling cyber-attack on the United States and its allies.
Big Hollywood
Symantec Threat Report: Malicious Attacks Up 81 Per Cent
Although as Symantec notes, this is partially a reflection of the amount of cyber-ne'er-do-wells who are adopting easy to use attack toolkits to take efficient advantage of existing vulnerabilities. Spam levels also fell, which ties in with the ...
Story of the Week: Privacy advocates wary of CISPA
FT.com (blog)
On Thursday, the US House of Representatives passed the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), a bill that the authors claim will allow the government and private companies to work together in order to fight against cyber terrorism.
Allies to form nuclear attack contingency plan
The Korea Herald
As part of related measures, the two countries would strengthen the functions and roles played by Korea-US cyber communications channel, and push for sign an agreement concerning space defense issues within the year. In addition, South Korean military ...
Empower the children online
This method is used for various challenges faced by young people online such as cyber predators, cyber bullying and others. Based on the realities shared by the children, he adds, they adapt their online child protection initiatives.

US looks to South America to help in Pacific
Panetta's talks also focused on how the US can support their military efforts, including those directed at the expanding threat of cyber attacks, according to several senior defense officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because the meetings ...
Tom Watkins guest column: U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers — Is he Chicken Little or ...
Livingston Daily
Keith Alexander, head of the military's Cyber Command, characterized the losses caused by cybertheft as "the greatest transfer of wealth in history." Rogers has been working in overdrive to pass his controversial bill, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing ...
Kinzinger's Week in Review
ChicagoNow (blog)
On Thursday, April 26th, Congressman Kinzinger voted in favor of HR 3523, the CyberIntelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), which passed the House by a vote of 248-168. This legislations amends the National Security Act of 1947 to address the ...
The Cypress Times
Other freedom killing bills such as SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), PIPA (Protect IP Act), ACTA (Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement), and CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act) that have sprung up of late are all directed at spying on...

The Cypress Times
N. Korea's verbal threats
Korea Times
It is possible to speculate that the “special actions by the revolutionary forces” might include a range of possible attacks, including cyber attacks to paralyze government functions or operations of critical utility systems including power, ...

Korea Times
Week in Games - April 28th
The Yorker
CISPA is ostensibly a cybersecurity bill, and makes it easier for companies to share salient data with the government in the event of a cyber-security threat. Campaigners, however, are worried that this will be used both to censor and control the ...
Tom English: 'McCoist's words were a scare tactic, a device that was meant to ...
“Numpties” is a word you might use for cyber idiots, of which there are many, but it's not appropriate to the two dangerous animals who have just been sent away for a five-year stretch, a pair of warped minds who thought it would be a funny idea to put ...

Google used as cyber weapon. New attack method found | Security ...
By paganinip
Google used as cyber weapon. New attack method found. by paganinip on April 29th, 2012. hackers. True, sometimes the big discoveries are the daughters of the case. That's what happened to a researcher to Panos Ipeirotis, a researcher of ...
Security Affairs
The Korea Herald
As part of related measures, the two countries would strengthen the functions and roles played by Korea-US cyber communications channel, and push for sign an agreement concerning space defense issues within the year. In addition, South Korean military ...
Empower the children online
This method is used for various challenges faced by young people online such as cyber predators, cyber bullying and others. Based on the realities shared by the children, he adds, they adapt their online child protection initiatives.
US looks to South America to help in Pacific
Panetta's talks also focused on how the US can support their military efforts, including those directed at the expanding threat of cyber attacks, according to several senior defense officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because the meetings ...
Tom Watkins guest column: U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers — Is he Chicken Little or ...
Livingston Daily
Keith Alexander, head of the military's Cyber Command, characterized the losses caused by cybertheft as "the greatest transfer of wealth in history." Rogers has been working in overdrive to pass his controversial bill, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing ...
Kinzinger's Week in Review
ChicagoNow (blog)
On Thursday, April 26th, Congressman Kinzinger voted in favor of HR 3523, the CyberIntelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), which passed the House by a vote of 248-168. This legislations amends the National Security Act of 1947 to address the ...
The Cypress Times
Other freedom killing bills such as SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), PIPA (Protect IP Act), ACTA (Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement), and CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act) that have sprung up of late are all directed at spying on...
The Cypress Times
N. Korea's verbal threats
Korea Times
It is possible to speculate that the “special actions by the revolutionary forces” might include a range of possible attacks, including cyber attacks to paralyze government functions or operations of critical utility systems including power, ...
Korea Times
Week in Games - April 28th
The Yorker
CISPA is ostensibly a cybersecurity bill, and makes it easier for companies to share salient data with the government in the event of a cyber-security threat. Campaigners, however, are worried that this will be used both to censor and control the ...
Tom English: 'McCoist's words were a scare tactic, a device that was meant to ...
“Numpties” is a word you might use for cyber idiots, of which there are many, but it's not appropriate to the two dangerous animals who have just been sent away for a five-year stretch, a pair of warped minds who thought it would be a funny idea to put ...
Google used as cyber weapon. New attack method found | Security ...
By paganinip
Google used as cyber weapon. New attack method found. by paganinip on April 29th, 2012. hackers. True, sometimes the big discoveries are the daughters of the case. That's what happened to a researcher to Panos Ipeirotis, a researcher of ...
Security Affairs
Smartphones: PinStack.com - SUNDAY READER: CISPA explained ...
information government cispa cyber bill threat protection private companies sharing. ...Cybersecurity; Investigation and prosecution of cybersecurity crimes; Protection of individuals from the danger of death or physical injury; Protection of minors from physical or psychological harm; Protection of the national security of the United States ... CISPA could only be used if the government sees a cyber security danger in one of the five purposes mentioned in the first section above.
House Intel Cyber Bill: Legislation Helps Protect Government
Langevin stressed the steps the Committee has taken to address concerns that he shares about ensuring the protection of citizens' privacy when cyber threat information is shared with the government. ... He also highlighted his support for amendments offered today that would ensure the government can only use information for cybersecurity and national security purposes and requires the government to purge information unless it is specifically allowed to be kept for these reasons.
NewsBlaze.com Current News - Top Stories
CoreLink Data Centers Sponsors Annual ISSA LA Security Summit ...
By admin
... makers about current and inevitable network security risks, while also providing a strong platform to demonstrate options for strengthening infrastructures against cyber attack,” said Scott Brueggeman, CoreLink's Vice President of Marketing, ...
CoreLink Blog
Is a Use of Force the same as an Armed Attack in ... - Opinio Juris
By Duncan Hollis
... of Force the same as an Armed Attack in Cyberspace? by Duncan Hollis. I'm just back from the U.S. Naval Academy and a great conference put on by the Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership: Warfare in a New Domain: The Ethics of Military Cyber Operations. ... Cybersecurityis front and center in Congress, and cyberthreats and cyber-capacities have moved into the front seat in national security circles. Although I'm not sure everyone agrees with the cyber-arms race idea, it is ...
Opinio Juris
Cyber Security in the Mobile Age | Global Markets | Business ...
By Epoch Times
With the recent data breach of credit cards at Global Payments, it's clear that most companies aren't investing enough money in cybersecurity; they don't understand all the layers they need to protect their networks, data, and intellectual property. ... At a U.S. House of Representatives hearing last fall—“Cyber Threats and Ongoing Efforts to Protect the Nation”—Kevin Mandia, CEO of Mandiant Corp., stated: “Many American corporations may have been compliant and diligent, but they ...
Epoch Times
Rwanda's Nsengimana warns on cyber threats - In2EastAfrica - East ...
By In2EastAfrica Staff
The Minister further underscored that the government is taking proactive measures to reduce the likelihood of a serious attack by launching a national initiative focused on cyber-securityawareness, education, training, and professional ...
In2EastAfrica - East African...
Microsoft drops support for CISPA - AfterDawn
Improvements to the way this information is shared would help companies better protect customers, and online services in the United States and around the world from criminal attack. Microsoft believes that any proposed legislation should facilitate the voluntary sharing of cyberthreat information in a manner that allows us to honor the privacy and security promises we make to our customers. Legislation passed by the House of Representatives yesterday is a first step in this legislative ...
Mobile Use of Social Networks Becoming Preferred Way to Infect ...
By Software Magazine
AVG Technologies released its Q1 2012 Community Powered Threat Report. The report highlights the growing use of mobile devices to connect with social networks and how this is fast becoming a preferred method for cyber criminals to spread malware, particularly on those devices running Android.
Software Magazine
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