Network World
An Internet advocacy coalition launched Stop Cyber Spying Week, urging us to protest CISPAcybersecurity legislation which the House is set to vote on next week and has a decent shot of being passed. There's no time to delay adding your voice to the ...
How to stop cyber spying and protest CISPA
TG Daily
Civil liberties organizations have kicked off a week of Internet-wide protests against the proposed Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011 (CISPA). The controversial cyber security legislation would effectively negate existing privacy ...

TG Daily
Multiple Social Networking Companies Select Radware to Defend Against Cyber ...
MarketWatch (press release)
In addition one of the key factors was the proven expertise of Radware's Emergency Response Team (EMS) to help manage a cyber attack in real time with global 24 x 7 availability. "Data center and network security managers must maneuver through an ...
Cyber attack hits Melbourne firm
The Australian
A LOW-SCALE cyber-attack on a US hosting company has created a headache for Melbourne tech-incubation space York Butter Factory. The attack which began late last week targeted a server in the US operated by the company's hosting provider Monsterhost.
White House questions CISPA cybersecurity bill
CBS News
... the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, which is scheduled for a House of Representatives floor vote next week. CISPA is intended to improve computer security by allowing companies and government agencies to share sensitive information.

CBS News
Cybersecurity Act of 2012: Protecting America from cyber attacks
Denver Post
There is no national standard for cybersecurity and no national policy for defending againstcyber attacks. While thousands of daily threats are identified and successfully defeated by governmental and private entities, it is time to coordinate these ...
Ex FBI cyber cop takes job with startup company to help protect private sector ...
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — The FBI's former top cyber cop has taken a job with a startup company to help protect private-sector computer networks that he says are already under constant attack with intrusions. Shawn Henry recently left the FBI after more than 20 ...
Ex-FBI cyber chief joins Crowdstrike security firm
Henry, who retired from the FBI in March, said he looked forward to continuing his fight againstcyber attacks from outside government, where such work often ran into bureaucratic, jurisdictional and legal constraints. "I have always said the private ...
CISPA Author Rogers: China's Cyber 'Predators' Must Be Stopped
U.S. News & World Report
The bill would allow the government to share all of its classified cyber-security knowledge with private companies, forming knowledge-sharing agreements that would hopefully keep China (and other countries and hackers) out of American computer networks ...
CISPA: Embraced by Facebook, Scorned by Privacy Advocates
... are hoping that a week of protests against the proposed Cyber-Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) will have the same effect that similar movements had earlier this year in helping kill other proposed federal Internet security measures.
White House warns of CISPA flaws
Following a briefing with lawmakers and high-ranking security officials late Tuesday, the White House implicitly criticized the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), insinuating that the House cybersecurity bill fails to ...
Cyber Innovation Center to get $2.35 million, Landrieu says
Shreveport Times
The Cyber Innovation Center in Bossier City will get $2.35 million in a grant that is part of $22.8 million included in the Fiscal Year 2012 Homeland Security Appropriations bill for cybereducation and outreach activities, authored by Louisiana's ...
Cybersecurity Bill Revised to Ease Privacy Concerns
Network World
By Kenneth Corbin, CIO Supporters of a controversial cybersecurity bill have issued a revised discussion draft of the legislation in an effort to address the concerns raised by privacy advocates and civil liberties groups. The Cyber Intelligence ...
Canada's cyber-spooks network CSEC is all grown up — but who watches the ...
The Province
CSEC has poured enormous resources into cybersecurity, attempting to protect Canada's state secrets from foreign hackers, state-sponsored or otherwise. "The cyber threat has the capability to render us blind, mute and deaf all at once," Juneau-Katsuya ...
Is Your Organization Cyber Smart?
Chier Learning Officer
Arming employees with adequate knowledge of cyber security is vital to any organization's survival. Here's how CLOs can help. The next attack on the US may be launched from a personal computer or laptop. Although the attack itself would bear little ...

Chier Learning Officer
OVERNIGHT TECH: Privacy groups unimpressed with cybersecurity bill changes
The Hill (blog)
By Brendan Sasso - 04/17/12 06:22 PM ET THE LEDE: Changes to a House cybersecurity bill have failed to win over the bill's critics, who warn that it could undermine online privacy. TheCyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) would tear ...
Entrust Addresses Latest Cyber Attacks, Threat Landscape During Global e-Crime ...
Sacramento Bee
Boorer's presentation analyzed the frequency and complexity of today's most threatening cyberattacks, new mobile threats and the need for traditional security measures to meet new enterprise requirements. A sponsor of this year's event, ...
EFF Protesting CISPA Bill Over Privacy Concerns
Tom's Guide
Seems we have another bill firing up the Internet: the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), a cybersecurity bill introduced by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) (HR 3523). We're already seeing privacy and ...
KWN Cyber Attacked Following Gold Market's Deep Interview; The Secrets Of The ...
ETF Daily News
Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul: King World News is under a vicious 'distributed denial of service' cyber attack once again, according to The attack on Friday of KWN's servers is the latest of several previous attempts to disrupt Eric ...

ETF Daily News
White House criticizes cybersecurity bill CISPA
The Hill (blog)
By Brendan Sasso - 04/17/12 07:35 PM ET The White House issued a statement late Tuesday criticizing a House cybersecurity bill after top administration officials briefed lawmakers on the threat of cyber attacks. In a statement, National Security ...
Ex FBI cyber cop takes job with startup company
Omaha World-Herald
By EILEEN SULLIVAN « Washington AP WASHINGTON (AP) - The FBI's former top cyber cop has taken a job with a startup company to help protect private-sector computer networks that he says are already under constant attack with intrusions.
CISPA's Latest Critic: The White House
If you're concerned about the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (better known as CISPA), you're not alone: the White House doesn't think all that much of it either. NationalSecurity Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden told The Hill late ...
Cyber terrorism, the next Cold War?
By Kirsten Doyle, ITWeb portals editor It is widely believed that cyber warfare will play a major role in future wars. Although cyber warfare requires huge resources, financial and in terms of manpower, a key aspect of attacks seen to date is that the ...
Anti-CISPA 'Stop Cyber Spying Week' protest gets under way
By Kevin McCaney A new round of Internet protests is under way in opposition to cybersecuritylegislation before Congress that would open communications lines between the public and private sectors on security. The protests against the Cyber ...
PwC Unveils Latest Cyber Security Video Series: Credit Cards and Security ...
Sacramento Bee
By PwC NEW YORK, April 18, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- PwC US today released the next installment of the firm's Cyber Security Video Series on which features candid discussions about the latest risks companies currently face in the evolving cyber ...
Chinese and US military square off for cyber war games
By Phil Muncaster • Get more from this author The United States and Chinese military have been locking horns in secret cyber warfare exercises designed to help prevent the outbreak of real war between the two. The Guardian revealed that two so-called ...
Several nations trying to penetrate US cyber-networks, says ex-FBI official
Washington Post
At least half a dozen countries with offensive cyber-capabilities are probing US corporate and military computer systems, looking for data and a toehold should they one day want to disrupt or destroy the networks, according to the FBI's former top ...
Secret Cyber War Games Between US and China Let Countries Role-Play Their ...
Popular Science
The war games were designed to prevent a “sudden military escalation” amid burgeoning anger in Washington over cyber attacks that the US says are originating in China. For its part, China is feeling a bit bellicose, the Guardian reports.
Human rights group Avaaz launches a petition against CISPA
By Lee Bell HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST GROUP Avaaz has started a petition urging companies to drop support for the US Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). Targeting the major technology firms Facebook, Microsoft and IBM, the petition went ...
New Tech Observer: Ohio Man Arrested in Cyber Attack on Police ...
By blaha
Supposedly Borell is a member of Anonymous - whether this allegation is based on his own claims or those of law enforcement remains to be seen. This raises another interesting question about Anonymous; what if you are accused of being ...
New Tech Observer
TG Daily
Civil liberties organizations have kicked off a week of Internet-wide protests against the proposed Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011 (CISPA). The controversial cyber security legislation would effectively negate existing privacy ...
TG Daily
Multiple Social Networking Companies Select Radware to Defend Against Cyber ...
MarketWatch (press release)
In addition one of the key factors was the proven expertise of Radware's Emergency Response Team (EMS) to help manage a cyber attack in real time with global 24 x 7 availability. "Data center and network security managers must maneuver through an ...
Cyber attack hits Melbourne firm
The Australian
A LOW-SCALE cyber-attack on a US hosting company has created a headache for Melbourne tech-incubation space York Butter Factory. The attack which began late last week targeted a server in the US operated by the company's hosting provider Monsterhost.
White House questions CISPA cybersecurity bill
CBS News
... the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, which is scheduled for a House of Representatives floor vote next week. CISPA is intended to improve computer security by allowing companies and government agencies to share sensitive information.
CBS News
Cybersecurity Act of 2012: Protecting America from cyber attacks
Denver Post
There is no national standard for cybersecurity and no national policy for defending againstcyber attacks. While thousands of daily threats are identified and successfully defeated by governmental and private entities, it is time to coordinate these ...
Ex FBI cyber cop takes job with startup company to help protect private sector ...
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — The FBI's former top cyber cop has taken a job with a startup company to help protect private-sector computer networks that he says are already under constant attack with intrusions. Shawn Henry recently left the FBI after more than 20 ...
Ex-FBI cyber chief joins Crowdstrike security firm
Henry, who retired from the FBI in March, said he looked forward to continuing his fight againstcyber attacks from outside government, where such work often ran into bureaucratic, jurisdictional and legal constraints. "I have always said the private ...
CISPA Author Rogers: China's Cyber 'Predators' Must Be Stopped
U.S. News & World Report
The bill would allow the government to share all of its classified cyber-security knowledge with private companies, forming knowledge-sharing agreements that would hopefully keep China (and other countries and hackers) out of American computer networks ...
CISPA: Embraced by Facebook, Scorned by Privacy Advocates
... are hoping that a week of protests against the proposed Cyber-Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) will have the same effect that similar movements had earlier this year in helping kill other proposed federal Internet security measures.
White House warns of CISPA flaws
Following a briefing with lawmakers and high-ranking security officials late Tuesday, the White House implicitly criticized the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), insinuating that the House cybersecurity bill fails to ...
Cyber Innovation Center to get $2.35 million, Landrieu says
Shreveport Times
The Cyber Innovation Center in Bossier City will get $2.35 million in a grant that is part of $22.8 million included in the Fiscal Year 2012 Homeland Security Appropriations bill for cybereducation and outreach activities, authored by Louisiana's ...
Cybersecurity Bill Revised to Ease Privacy Concerns
Network World
By Kenneth Corbin, CIO Supporters of a controversial cybersecurity bill have issued a revised discussion draft of the legislation in an effort to address the concerns raised by privacy advocates and civil liberties groups. The Cyber Intelligence ...
Canada's cyber-spooks network CSEC is all grown up — but who watches the ...
The Province
CSEC has poured enormous resources into cybersecurity, attempting to protect Canada's state secrets from foreign hackers, state-sponsored or otherwise. "The cyber threat has the capability to render us blind, mute and deaf all at once," Juneau-Katsuya ...
Is Your Organization Cyber Smart?
Chier Learning Officer
Arming employees with adequate knowledge of cyber security is vital to any organization's survival. Here's how CLOs can help. The next attack on the US may be launched from a personal computer or laptop. Although the attack itself would bear little ...
Chier Learning Officer
OVERNIGHT TECH: Privacy groups unimpressed with cybersecurity bill changes
The Hill (blog)
By Brendan Sasso - 04/17/12 06:22 PM ET THE LEDE: Changes to a House cybersecurity bill have failed to win over the bill's critics, who warn that it could undermine online privacy. TheCyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) would tear ...
Entrust Addresses Latest Cyber Attacks, Threat Landscape During Global e-Crime ...
Sacramento Bee
Boorer's presentation analyzed the frequency and complexity of today's most threatening cyberattacks, new mobile threats and the need for traditional security measures to meet new enterprise requirements. A sponsor of this year's event, ...
EFF Protesting CISPA Bill Over Privacy Concerns
Tom's Guide
Seems we have another bill firing up the Internet: the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), a cybersecurity bill introduced by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) (HR 3523). We're already seeing privacy and ...
KWN Cyber Attacked Following Gold Market's Deep Interview; The Secrets Of The ...
ETF Daily News
Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul: King World News is under a vicious 'distributed denial of service' cyber attack once again, according to The attack on Friday of KWN's servers is the latest of several previous attempts to disrupt Eric ...
ETF Daily News
White House criticizes cybersecurity bill CISPA
The Hill (blog)
By Brendan Sasso - 04/17/12 07:35 PM ET The White House issued a statement late Tuesday criticizing a House cybersecurity bill after top administration officials briefed lawmakers on the threat of cyber attacks. In a statement, National Security ...
Ex FBI cyber cop takes job with startup company
Omaha World-Herald
By EILEEN SULLIVAN « Washington AP WASHINGTON (AP) - The FBI's former top cyber cop has taken a job with a startup company to help protect private-sector computer networks that he says are already under constant attack with intrusions.
CISPA's Latest Critic: The White House
If you're concerned about the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (better known as CISPA), you're not alone: the White House doesn't think all that much of it either. NationalSecurity Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden told The Hill late ...
Cyber terrorism, the next Cold War?
By Kirsten Doyle, ITWeb portals editor It is widely believed that cyber warfare will play a major role in future wars. Although cyber warfare requires huge resources, financial and in terms of manpower, a key aspect of attacks seen to date is that the ...
Anti-CISPA 'Stop Cyber Spying Week' protest gets under way
By Kevin McCaney A new round of Internet protests is under way in opposition to cybersecuritylegislation before Congress that would open communications lines between the public and private sectors on security. The protests against the Cyber ...
PwC Unveils Latest Cyber Security Video Series: Credit Cards and Security ...
Sacramento Bee
By PwC NEW YORK, April 18, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- PwC US today released the next installment of the firm's Cyber Security Video Series on which features candid discussions about the latest risks companies currently face in the evolving cyber ...
Chinese and US military square off for cyber war games
By Phil Muncaster • Get more from this author The United States and Chinese military have been locking horns in secret cyber warfare exercises designed to help prevent the outbreak of real war between the two. The Guardian revealed that two so-called ...
Several nations trying to penetrate US cyber-networks, says ex-FBI official
Washington Post
At least half a dozen countries with offensive cyber-capabilities are probing US corporate and military computer systems, looking for data and a toehold should they one day want to disrupt or destroy the networks, according to the FBI's former top ...
Secret Cyber War Games Between US and China Let Countries Role-Play Their ...
Popular Science
The war games were designed to prevent a “sudden military escalation” amid burgeoning anger in Washington over cyber attacks that the US says are originating in China. For its part, China is feeling a bit bellicose, the Guardian reports.
Human rights group Avaaz launches a petition against CISPA
By Lee Bell HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST GROUP Avaaz has started a petition urging companies to drop support for the US Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). Targeting the major technology firms Facebook, Microsoft and IBM, the petition went ...
New Tech Observer: Ohio Man Arrested in Cyber Attack on Police ...
By blaha
Supposedly Borell is a member of Anonymous - whether this allegation is based on his own claims or those of law enforcement remains to be seen. This raises another interesting question about Anonymous; what if you are accused of being ...
New Tech Observer
State Sponsored Hacking and Cyber Security Policy | Timour Tech ...
By Timour Rashed
State Sponsored Hacking and Cyber Security Policy. Posted by Timour Rashed ... One of the main issues surrounding a clear-cut cybersecurity policy is the somewhat anonymous nature of many cyber attacks. For example, technology still ...
Timour Tech Review
Submarines, icebergs and cyber defence « Secure Thinking
By AlexanderDuncan
... and cyber defence. By Dr Robert Ghanea-Hercock, Chief Researcher, BT Security Research Practice ... Cameron's adventure was a wholly peaceful challenge but, for me, it brought to mind the more usual use for submarines — warfare. ... In the submarine domain we can use sonar to listen for enemy vessels, but in the cyber domain we have a more limited sensory capability. Yes, we do ... Or is it all a sophisticated double-bluff orchestrated by the Kremlin for a first-strikeattack?
Secure Thinking
Multiple Social Networking Companies Select Radware to Defend ...
By WDM Group PR Network
In addition one of the key factors was the proven expertise of Radware's Emergency Response Team (EMS) to help manage a cyber attack in real time with global 24 x 7 availability. "Data center and network security managers must maneuver ...
Press Releases
By WDM Group PR Network
In addition one of the key factors was the proven expertise of Radware's Emergency Response Team (EMS) to help manage a cyber attack in real time with global 24 x 7 availability. "Data center and network security managers must maneuver ...
Press Releases
Several Nations Trying To Penetrate U.S. Cyber-networks
By jjtric
America is under attack by cyber criminals from countries around the world. At least half a dozen countries with offensive cyber-capabilities are probing U.S. corporate and military computer systems, looking for data and a toehold should they ...
Amherst Times
Prison » Chinese and US military square off for cyber ...
By admin
The United States and Chinese military have been locking horns in secret cyber warfare exercises designed to help prevent the outbreak of real war between the two. The Guardian revealed that two so-called war games were carried out last ...
Hackers for hire put corporate security systems to the test ...
By UnBylined
The pair from California State University-Pomona were hired after they aced a cyber-securitycompetition held by Boeing, in which the aerospace giant urged students to consider careers incyber security and, of course, scouted for fresh talent. As computer threats become more coordinated and ... more on simulated cyber battlefields than in classrooms. “As long as there are computers, there will be somebody trying to attack them,” said Sims, adding that teamwork at the office pays off.
Bangor Daily News
Foreign Nations Successfully Hacking Into US Digital Cyber ...
By News Desk 2
Washington D.C. - Shawn Henry, of the FBI's Criminal, Cyber, Response and Services Branch said at least a half dozen countries are actively and successfully penetrating US networks gaining access to large and small companies, and ... name the countries publicly, he went on to say that they foreign countries have been able to steal information and have gotten in so deep in some cases, that companies have been forced to throw out hardware and software, literally, to stop the attack.
The Florida News Journal - Quick...
Multiple Social Networking Companies Select Radware to Defend ...
"What's more, the combination of Radware's AMS technology and the expertise of Radware's ERT consultants provide probably the most effective cyber security services available today. This level of support while under attack is unique in the ...
Cybersecurity in the Public Sector « Silver Tail Systems Blog
By timothyeades
He also noted that “To meet the mission need for more-agile collaboration while still maintaining high levels of security, older cyberdefenses need to be upgraded or replaced to be more effective and efficient. The ability to ... With this growth in technology adoption, particularly as it relates to web-based activity, comes an added opportunity for global cyber espionage, cybercrime, and targeted attacks that could inflict harm on government systems, and in turn, the country. We see a true ...
Silver Tail Systems Blog
The 4th Media » Spying on Social Media: “Cybersecurity” Wiretap ...
By Kiyul Chung
National Security Agency chief General Keith Alexander, the dual-hatted commander of NSA and U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), the Pentagon satrapy that wages offensive cyberwar, was warned to “restrain his public comments after ...
The 4th Media
Cybersecurity Warning: Several Nations Trying To Penetrate U.S. ...
At least half a dozen countries with offensive cyber-capabilities are probing U.S. corporate and military computer systems, looking for data and a toehold should ...
New CISPA Draft Narrows Cybersecurity Language as Protests ...
From Yahoo! News: The U.S. House Intelligence Committee has released a new draft of theCybersecurity Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), ...
Cybersecurity News Round-Up: Hackers Take on Cyber Bill
Just when you thought it was safe to forget about SOPA, the much-debated Stop Online Piracy Act made its way back into the headlines this week for what ...
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