Internet users and activists have been raising alarm bells over “cybersecurity” legislation pending in Congress. That's because some lawmakers declared this week to be “cyber week,” promising votes on four different security-related bills.
President, House GOP Clash Over Cyber Bills
Wall Street Journal
House lawmakers are focusing on less controversial aspects of cybersecurity: The leading bill invites companies to voluntarily share cyber threats with the National Security Agency and other government agencies and private-sector companies.
House Poised to Debate CISPA: Where Are We Now?
PC Magazine
By Fahmida Y. Rashid The House of Representatives is expected to begin debate on cyber-securitylegislation today, despite claims from privacy groups and technology experts that there are serious problems with the bill. Introduced by Rep.
Thursday: Cyber bills, student loan bill in the House
The Hill (blog)
The cybersecurity bill is HR 3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. This bill would eliminate barriers that currently discourage companies from sharing intelligence and data about cyberattacks. Once the rule is passed, members will ...
Morning Bell: Stopping the Cyber Espionage Threat (blog)
It's the threat to America's cyber security, and today Congress has the opportunity to do something about it. Whether you know it or not, hackers are busy at work all around the world striking the United States via the Internet in an attempt to steal ...
Iranian cyber threat cannot be underestimated
The Hill (blog)
There is every reason to suspect an Iranian cyber attack on the United States could expand from oursecurity and intelligence infrastructure to the personal and financial security of American citizens. In fact, Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt ...
Is Congressman Mike Rogers a Chicken Little or Paul Revere when it comes to ...
Mike Rogers, R-Brighton, faces in his attempt to get the country to pay attention and protect ourselves against a massive cyber attack. Rogers is warning us of the potential cyber attack that could cripple our economy, wiping out our entire financial ...
China's cyber trade war against US
With the Internet boom, China turned its focus to cyber espionage and began stealing the hard work and innovations of US companies on a far larger scale. Every morning in China, thousands of highly trained computer spies now wake up with one mission: ...
Obama threatens to veto CISPA cybersecurity bill, citing privacy concerns
Washington Post
The White House threatened on Wednesday to veto cyber-legislation that is widely expected to pass the House this week, asserting that the bill would put Americans' privacy at risk and give a pass to companies that fail to secure their computer networks ...
House begins debate on cyber bill opposed by administration
Federal Times
By NICOLE BLAKE JOHNSON | Last Updated:April 26, 2012 The House begins debate Thursday on a cybersecurity bill opposed by the Obama administration and privacy advocates who argue it would threaten civil liberties. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and ...
Can Last-Minute Amendments Redeem the Troubling Cybersecurity Bill?
The Atlantic
CISPA is written on the reasonable assumption that cyber threats with national security significance could target a range of privately held networks or infrastructure and that in such an event it would behoove us all to have open lines of communication ...
Russia says many states arming for cyber warfare
... 25 (Reuters) - Russia has stepped up its campaign for a globally binding treaty on cyber security, warning that many states are acquiring cyber warfare capabilities that, if unleashed, could subvert economies and bring down critical infrastructure.
White House threatens veto of cybersecurity bill
Fox News
AP Photo/Eric Risberg WASHINGTON – The Obama administration on Wednesday threatened to veto a controversial cybersecurity bill slated to hit the House floor this week. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, known as CISPA, intends to defend ...
NYSE Receives Credible Cyber Threat
Fox Business
By Matt Egan The New York Stock Exchange has received a credible threat to its external website, prompting the Big Board to beef up its security and monitoring for a potential cyber attack, FOX Business has learned. The NYSE declined to comment ...
White House Sounds The Death Knell For CISPA With Veto Threat
“Cybersecurity and privacy are not mutually exclusive. Moreover, information sharing, while an essential component of comprehensive legislation, is not alone enough to protect the Nation's core critical infrastructure from cyber threats,” the statement ...

Obama Threatens Veto on House Cybersecurity Bill
The administration “strongly opposes” the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act in its current form and Obama's senior advisers would recommend that he veto the measure, according to a policy statement from the Office of Management and Budget ...
What is CISPA And Why Would The President Veto It?
The Obama administration has threatened to veto HR 3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), because it “fails to provide authorities to ensure that the Nation's core critical infrastructure is protected while repealing important ...
White House threatens veto of cyber intelligence bill
CNN (blog)
Mike Rogers, CISPA would broaden the intelligence community's ability to share classified information about threats to the nation's cyber security with private businesses or other non-governmental parties. Supporters of the bill claim that it would ...
Phantom 'Cyber 9/11' Haunts Cybersecurity Debate
National Journal
The House Homeland Security Committee, the Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus, and other lawmakers and federal officials have held dozens of briefings and hearings, warning of a "cyber 9/11" or "digital Pearl Harbor," in an attempt to galvanize Capitol ...
Obama sides with privacy advocates, threatens CISPA veto
Los Angeles Times
It also warns that by giving a key role to the National Security Agency, "HR 3523 effectively treats domestic cybersecurity as an intelligence activity." A third complaint is that the bill ignores the administration's main cyber security proposal: ...
Cyber protection act too broad, infringes on our privacy rights
The Hill (blog)
The bill is HR 3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), and would create an exemption to all privacy laws so that companies that hold our private information can share it with one another or the government for cybersecurity ...
House GOP Leading Anti Cyber-Crime Push
Christian Broadcasting Network
Republicans in the House of Representatives are leading a push to protect America's infrastructure from cyber-attacks. They're debating the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act on Capitol Hill Thursday and a vote is expected Friday.
Cyber attack on oil industry contained, says Iran
By Bloomberg A cyber attack that targeted Iran's crude industry and caused computer systems at the Oil Ministry and other related state-owned businesses to crash has been “fully contained,” a government official said. “All operational activities of the ...
Cybersecurity Measure Heads For House Floor Despite Privacy Fears
Wired News
By David Kravets The House is scheduled as early as Thursday to begin debatingcybersecurity legislation that privacy groups warn is a threat to civil liberties. TheCyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA, is sponsored by Reps.

Wired News
White House opposes cybersecurity bill because of privacy concerns
Washington Post (blog)
By Cecilia Kang The White House said Wednesday it would veto a controversial cybersecurity bill if it came to the president's desk, citing concerns that the legislation would harm consumers by stripping away privacy protections. The Cyber Intelligence ...
House sets rules for debate on cybersecurity bil
The Hill (blog)
By Brendan Sasso - 04/26/12 11:56 AM ET The House will vote on 16 amendments to the CyberIntelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) based on the terms of debate set by the Rules Committee late Wednesday. CISPA aims to improve cybersecurity by ...
CISPA cybersecurity bill gets veto threat from Obama
ABC News
"The Administration strongly opposes HR 3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, in its current form," Obama's Office of Management and Budget said in a statement. "If HR 3523 were presented to the President, his senior advisors would ...
Obama Threatens To Veto CISPA Over Privacy Concerns
... the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, an internet security act currently working its way through the House Chamber. CISPA sets guidelines for tracking and preventing a cyber attack on major corporations and the US government.

Fixing CISPA: A guide to the cybersecurity bill's key amendments
Late Tuesday, the wall of opposition to the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, CISPA, began to crumble, as the Center for Democracy & Technology announced that it would no longer strictly oppose the cybersecurity bill's passage in the House ...
CISPA: Cyber Security or Big Brother? -
By marissa
CISPA: Cyber Security or Big Brother? Posted On 04.26.2012. On Friday of this week, the House of Representatives will vote on a controversial new cybersecurity bill. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA for short, ...
Digital Surgeons
... 25 (Reuters) - Russia has stepped up its campaign for a globally binding treaty on cyber security, warning that many states are acquiring cyber warfare capabilities that, if unleashed, could subvert economies and bring down critical infrastructure.
White House threatens veto of cybersecurity bill
Fox News
AP Photo/Eric Risberg WASHINGTON – The Obama administration on Wednesday threatened to veto a controversial cybersecurity bill slated to hit the House floor this week. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, known as CISPA, intends to defend ...
NYSE Receives Credible Cyber Threat
Fox Business
By Matt Egan The New York Stock Exchange has received a credible threat to its external website, prompting the Big Board to beef up its security and monitoring for a potential cyber attack, FOX Business has learned. The NYSE declined to comment ...
White House Sounds The Death Knell For CISPA With Veto Threat
“Cybersecurity and privacy are not mutually exclusive. Moreover, information sharing, while an essential component of comprehensive legislation, is not alone enough to protect the Nation's core critical infrastructure from cyber threats,” the statement ...
Obama Threatens Veto on House Cybersecurity Bill
The administration “strongly opposes” the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act in its current form and Obama's senior advisers would recommend that he veto the measure, according to a policy statement from the Office of Management and Budget ...
What is CISPA And Why Would The President Veto It?
The Obama administration has threatened to veto HR 3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), because it “fails to provide authorities to ensure that the Nation's core critical infrastructure is protected while repealing important ...
White House threatens veto of cyber intelligence bill
CNN (blog)
Mike Rogers, CISPA would broaden the intelligence community's ability to share classified information about threats to the nation's cyber security with private businesses or other non-governmental parties. Supporters of the bill claim that it would ...
Phantom 'Cyber 9/11' Haunts Cybersecurity Debate
National Journal
The House Homeland Security Committee, the Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus, and other lawmakers and federal officials have held dozens of briefings and hearings, warning of a "cyber 9/11" or "digital Pearl Harbor," in an attempt to galvanize Capitol ...
Obama sides with privacy advocates, threatens CISPA veto
Los Angeles Times
It also warns that by giving a key role to the National Security Agency, "HR 3523 effectively treats domestic cybersecurity as an intelligence activity." A third complaint is that the bill ignores the administration's main cyber security proposal: ...
Cyber protection act too broad, infringes on our privacy rights
The Hill (blog)
The bill is HR 3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), and would create an exemption to all privacy laws so that companies that hold our private information can share it with one another or the government for cybersecurity ...
House GOP Leading Anti Cyber-Crime Push
Christian Broadcasting Network
Republicans in the House of Representatives are leading a push to protect America's infrastructure from cyber-attacks. They're debating the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act on Capitol Hill Thursday and a vote is expected Friday.
Cyber attack on oil industry contained, says Iran
By Bloomberg A cyber attack that targeted Iran's crude industry and caused computer systems at the Oil Ministry and other related state-owned businesses to crash has been “fully contained,” a government official said. “All operational activities of the ...
Cybersecurity Measure Heads For House Floor Despite Privacy Fears
Wired News
By David Kravets The House is scheduled as early as Thursday to begin debatingcybersecurity legislation that privacy groups warn is a threat to civil liberties. TheCyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA, is sponsored by Reps.
Wired News
White House opposes cybersecurity bill because of privacy concerns
Washington Post (blog)
By Cecilia Kang The White House said Wednesday it would veto a controversial cybersecurity bill if it came to the president's desk, citing concerns that the legislation would harm consumers by stripping away privacy protections. The Cyber Intelligence ...
House sets rules for debate on cybersecurity bil
The Hill (blog)
By Brendan Sasso - 04/26/12 11:56 AM ET The House will vote on 16 amendments to the CyberIntelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) based on the terms of debate set by the Rules Committee late Wednesday. CISPA aims to improve cybersecurity by ...
CISPA cybersecurity bill gets veto threat from Obama
ABC News
"The Administration strongly opposes HR 3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, in its current form," Obama's Office of Management and Budget said in a statement. "If HR 3523 were presented to the President, his senior advisors would ...
Obama Threatens To Veto CISPA Over Privacy Concerns
... the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, an internet security act currently working its way through the House Chamber. CISPA sets guidelines for tracking and preventing a cyber attack on major corporations and the US government.
Fixing CISPA: A guide to the cybersecurity bill's key amendments
Late Tuesday, the wall of opposition to the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, CISPA, began to crumble, as the Center for Democracy & Technology announced that it would no longer strictly oppose the cybersecurity bill's passage in the House ...
CISPA: Cyber Security or Big Brother? -
By marissa
CISPA: Cyber Security or Big Brother? Posted On 04.26.2012. On Friday of this week, the House of Representatives will vote on a controversial new cybersecurity bill. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA for short, ...
Digital Surgeons
Cyber-intelligence | White House | Veto | The Daily Caller
By Josh Peterson
White House threatens veto of cyber-intelligence-sharing bill | Obama administration wants HomelandSecurity to maintain its hold on cybersecurity issues.
The Daily Caller
Marathon Pundit: Cybersecurity Act coming to a vote soon
By John Ruberry
Protecting our nation's networks against cyber threats and ensuring the security of our cyber space is a national imperative. In the coming weeks, the House of Representatives will be considering several cybersecurity measures to help ...
Marathon Pundit
Iran recruits hacker army to attack US | PrairiePundit
By Merv
Iran has had a lot of opportunities recently to test its own defensive measures since the Stuxnet attacks on its nuclear program and just this week it was reported the oil ministry was under cyber attack. Iran is ruled by Islamic religious bigots ...
House Resolution 3523, Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection ...
By Willy
''(i) a cybersecurity purpose; or ''(ii) the protection of the national security of the United States. ''(2) AFFIRMATIVE SEARCH RESTRICTION.—The Federal Government may not affirmatively searchcyber threat information shared with the ...
Urban Times
AlterNet: Facebook and Google Turned Into Government Spies? The ...
By prnadmin
The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to pass a reprehensible cyber-security bill this week that seeks to protect online companies—giant social media firms to data-sharing networks controlling utilities—from cyber attack.
Progressive Radio Network | Progressi...
WH Opposes Cyber-Security Bill « The Talk Radio News Service
By Staff
H.R. 3523 The Cyber Protection Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, in its current form, is opposed by the Obama administration because it would establish legal protections for private industry to share information with each other via a ... The administration prefers that the Department of Homeland Security be the center of coordinating the exchange of Cybersecurity information with private industry and developing and establishing basic standards for Cybersecurity, as they feel ...
The Talk Radio News Service
Noon News: Carphone Warehouse to Sell Samsung Galaxy S3 ...
The survey of some 2000 IT security professionals found that 64 per cent believed their company would be hit by a cyber-attack in the next six months. Symantec has stated to ITProPortal, at the 'Infosec' Internet Security event in London ... Mobile & Telco
Blog Archive » House moves ahead with cyber security bill
By Associated Press
House moves ahead with cyber security bill. by Associated Press. Published: April 26,2012. Time posted: 9:26 am. Tags: cyber security, House of Representatives, security, Senate ... “Cybersecurityand privacy are not mutually exclusive.” ...
Colorado Springs Business Journal
“America Is Under Attack By Digital Bombs” | Liberty News Network
By Vanguard of Freedom
The intent is to conduct cyber warfare, possibly paralyzing our infrastructure, stealing our intellectual property, conducting espionage, and gaining access to our credit card, bank account and socialsecurity numbers.” If this sounds alarming, ...
Liberty News Network
NAM-Supported Cyber Bills Up this Week in the House Shopfloor
By Brian Raymond
As part of what is being called “Cyber Week” by House Leadership, the chamber is scheduled to vote on four cybersecurity bills Thursday and Friday. The NAM sent a letter to Capitol Hill this morning in support of all the bills. Why do we ...
Revolutionary Web Security & Protection Solution Showcased in ...
By Michael Teoh
Set for a global launch in May, the security suite offers enterprises cutting-edge ongoing protection against cybersecurity threats. Singapore, April 2012 - ESET, the leader in proactive protection against cyber-threats, today previewed its new ... ...
What Do U.S. Security Legislation and Insurance Companies Have ...
By Ken Spinner
In February, Senators Joe Lieberman, Susan Collins, John D. Rockefeller IV, and Dianne Feinstein introduced the Cybersecurity Act of 2012. The intent of the Act is to give the Department of HomelandSecurity (DHS) additional power to set cyber security standards for private companies that operate the nation's critical infrastructure. Simply speaking, the intent of the bill is to: Identify risk via cooperation between DHS and private corporations; Protect critical infrastructure (although what ...
The Metadata Era | Varonis
Cybersecurity - — Less Government
By SetonMotley
Members of Congress have dubbed this “Cyber Security Week,” during which: The House is set to take the lead in considering a wide range of measures designed to bolster America's cyber-defenses…, taking on as many as four cybersecurity ...
Less Government
Iranian oil ministry hit by cyber-attack | World news |
Iran's oil ministry has called a crisis meeting after its main website and internal communications system were hit by an apparent cyber-attack that forced ...
ICS-CERT: What does a Cyber Attack Feel Like?
What does a Cyber Attack Feel Like? Take the CSSP "ICS Advanced Training Course" and Find Out... It is two o'clock in the afternoon, and suddenly a tank ...
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