Earlier this week researchers at Kaspersky Labs unveiled a new type of malware called “Flame” and described as “one of the most complex threats ever discovered.” The cyber attack toolkit, whose origins are unclear, wasn't trying to knock out nuclear ...
Cyber Attack Talk May Outpace The Actual Threat
U.S. News & World Report (blog)
Friedman labels the warnings of senior government and industry officials about the economic and security dangers posed by an Internet-based attack "wildly overblown." While some cyber experts have said a cyber attack was the cause of the 2003 ...
U.S. News & World Report (blog)
'Flame' cyber attack in Middle East raises whodunit questions
Bellingham Herald
By BATSHEVA SOBELMAN — Los Angeles Times The latest case of cyber warfare and intelligence gathering in the Middle East has both surprised and impressed experts worldwide as word emerges of a newly detected malware dubbed Flame.
Flame Cyber Attack Overblown: Expert
By James Rogers 05/29/12 - 03:10 PM EDT NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- The discovery of sophisticated new malware, dubbed "Flame" has made headlines around the world in the last few days, again raising the frightening prospect of cyber warfare.
Flame Malware Mostly Smoke And Mirrors, Say Security Experts
A bulletin from the Iranian national cyber security agency released on Monday claimed that Flame was behind several “recent incidents of mass data loss” in the country. On Wednesday, another Iranian military official claimed the malware had struck the ...
Flame virus could attack other nations
CNET (blog)
"This is the most serious (cyber) warning we have ever put out," Marco Obiso, cyber securitycoordinator for the ITU, told Reuters. The warning will paint the virus as a "dangerous espionage tool that could potentially be used to attack critical ...
NU regents candidates question response to cyber attack
Lincoln Journal Star
The university has identified an individual who may have been responsible for the cyber attack, but no one has been arrested, he said. Mauk referred the Journal Star to University of Nebraska-Lincoln police, who are investigating the information breach ...
Iran confirms 'Flame' cyber attack
High-ranking Iranian officials' computers have been attacked by a newly detected data mining virus called “Flame,” an Iranian cyber defense group confirmed on Tuesday. Thecyber attack is the most destructive since the Stuxnet virus.
Iran Threatens US as New Cyber Super-Weapon Strikes
FrontPage Magazine
Its purpose appears to be the mass cultivation of intelligence and it is assessed to be 20 times more complex than Stuxnet, the original “cyber super-weapon” that ravaged Iran's nuclear program. The Flame has been discovered in seven Middle Eastern ...
Iran: "Flame" virus defeated; Data recovered
CBS News
Middle East virus sparks Israel speculation Massive Middle East cyber-attackuncovered Experts see technological links between Flame and the highly focused Stuxnet virus, which was tailored to disrupt Iran's nuclear centrifuges in 2010.
CBS News
Flame: World's Largest Discovered Cyber Attack (blog)
A cyber-attack on a scale never before seen was recently discovered by the Russian cyber securityfirm Kaspersky. The cyber-attack, dubbed “Flame,” targeted not only businesses and universities but also Middle Eastern governments including Israel and ...
Iran Slams Enemy Cyber Attack
Fars News Agency
Meantime, Israel's Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Ya'alon acknowledged the Zionist regime's cyber war attack on Iran, including developing malicious softwares to damage sensitive Iranian data and computers. According to a report posted by Israeli daily ...
Fars News Agency
Iran Confirms Attack by Virus That Collects Information
New York Times
In a statement about Flame on its Web site, Kaspersky Lab, a Russian producer of antivirus software, said that “the complexity and functionality of the newly discovered malicious program exceed those of all other cyber menaces known to date.
UN agency has major concerns about Flame virus
The warning is the latest signal that a new era of cyber warfare has begun following the 2010 Stuxnet virus attack that targeted Iran's nuclear program. The United States explicitly stated for the first time last year that it reserved the right to ...
CenturyLink CEO participates in White House Cybersecurity Event
MarketWatch (press release)
Post serves as chair of the Communications Security, Reliability and Interoperability Council, which was established by the Federal Communications Commission and is developing best practices that industry can use to limit cyber attacks and provide ...
Iran confirms attack by a virus that steals data
San Antonio Express
TEHRAN, Iran — The computers of high-ranking Iranian officials appear to have been penetrated by a data-mining virus called Flame, in what may be the most destructive cyber attack on Iran since the notorious Stuxnet virus, an Iranian cyberdefense ...
White House prepares to convene anti-botnet summit
The White House is planning to convene a cybersecurity summit tomorrow morning to discuss ways to counter botnets, which have emerged as the leading Internet security threat. Industry representatives are planning to announce a nine-point plan that ...
Iran 'can defend against Flame cyber attack'
A statement from the country's National Computer Emergency Response Team claimed that a detection and clean-up tool designed for the cyber threat was completed earlier this month, BBC News reports. Flame, which is thought to have been used to target ...
'Flame' malware is a glimpse of cyber wars to come
They don't know which government. Still, as sophisticated as it is, David Flamer says, "Flame is probably yesterday's cyber espionage tool." Fidler is with the Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research at Indiana University. He says Flame's power, ...
Iran confirms "Flame" cyber attack
Finding Petroleum
The Iranian Computer Emergency Response Team Co-ordination Center (CERTCC) has confirmed on its website that Iran has suffered a cyber attack, from a virus it codenamed "Flame". It follows reports in April this year that Iran had disconnected its main ...
Cyber-attack concerns raised over Boeing 787 chip's 'back door'
The Guardian
The discovery will heighten concerns about the risks of cyber-attacks on sensitive installations, coming on the heels of the discovery this week of the 'Flamer' virus which has been attacking computer systems in Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia.
The Guardian
3 Reasons to Worry About the Flame Virus
Marco Obiso, cyber security coordinator for the UN International Telecommunications Union, said the statement "is the most serious warning we have ever put out." The UN's formal notice tells nations the virus could potentially be used to attack ...
Iran admits malicious programme 'Flame' caused substantial damage
Times of India
WASHINGTON: Iran has admitted that a data-mining virus dubbed 'Flame' had caused substantial damage and massive amounts of data had been lost in what may be most destructive cyber attackon the nation. The virus also damaged centrifuges operating at ...
Wanted: Cyber warfare expert for Israel's central bank
The cyber warfare expert would be in touch with the National Information SecurityAuthority with the Shin Bet security service. The required skills for the position are formal computer science or science degree, along with a four-year experience in the ...
Cyber hacker anarchists Anonymous warn Canada Grand Prix fans of fresh plot
Daily Mail
By Sportsmail Reporter Cyber-anarchist group Anonymous are threatening anotherattack on Formula One during the Canadian Grand Prix on June 10 in support of protesting Quebec students. They have warned potential attendees to the event that they might ...
Daily Mail
Was flame virus that invaded Iran's computer networks made in USA? (blog)
By Robert Windrem As the United Nations and Iran warn that the newly discovered flame computer virus may be the most potent weapon of its kind, US computer security experts tell NBC News that the virus bears the hallmarks of a US cyber espionage ...
Officials: IDF networks safe from cyber attacks
Jerusalem Post
Ya'alon fueled speculation of Israeli involvement in the cyber attack when he told Army Radio on Tuesday that “whoever sees the Iranian threat as a serious threat would be likely to take different steps, including these, in order to hurt them.
Beyond Stuxnet: massively complex Flame malware ups ante for cyberwar
Cybersecurity researchers on Monday announced the discovery of Flame, a piece of malicious software that one firm has called "arguably ... the most complex malware ever found." At this early stage of analysis, only a few of Flame's functions are ...
Cyber-attack concerns raised over Boeing 787 chip's - The Raw Story
By Charles Arthur, The Guardian
The discovery will heighten concerns about the risks of cyber-attacks on sensitive installations, coming on the heels of the discovery this week of the 'Flamer' virus which has been attacking computer systems in Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia. In a paper that has been published in draft form ...“An attacker can disable all the security on the chip, reprogram cryptographic and access keys … or permanently damage the device,” they noted. Woods told the Guardian that they have offered all ...
The Raw Story
Instapundit » Blog Archive » THE TROUBLE WITH CHIPS? Cyber ...
By Glenn Reynolds
May 30, 2012. THE TROUBLE WITH CHIPS? Cyber-attack concerns raised over Boeing 787 chip's 'back door.' Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 2:44 am. Tweet · RSS Feed · Podcast RSS Feed · Email Instapundit. Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos ...
#Flame Malware - 21st Century Massive cyber attack on Iran | The ...
By THN Reporter
Flame Malware - 21st Century Massive cyber attack on Iran. The Hacker News is Most Comprehensive resource in providing news related to Information Technology, Hacker News, Hacked by, Learn Hacking, email hacker, Anonymous ...
The Hacker News [ THN ]
Iran Under Cyber-Attack by Data-Mining Virus - Uskowi on Iran
By Nader Uskowi
Iran Under Cyber-Attack by Data-Mining Virus. The data-mining virus called Flame has reportedly penetrated important computers in Iran in what is described as the most malicious program ever discovered. Iran's Computer Emergency ...
Uskowi on Iran - اسکویی...
Flame 'Redefines Cyber Espionage' | Defense Tech
By John Reed
All of these advanced features in one worm led Internet security firm Kaspersky to call the arrival of Flame, “another phase in this [cyber ]war, and it's important to understand that such cyber weapons can easily be used against any country. ... investigations during the last few months, the Maher center, the Iranian CERTCC, following the continuous research on the targeted attacks of Stuxnet and Duqu since 2010, announces the latest detection of this attack for the very first time.
Defense Tech
Israel suspected of 'cyberweapon' strike on Middle East computers ...
By crescentandcross
The National A malware superbug described as the most complex and sophisticated “cyberweapon” ever devised has attacked computers in Iran and elsewhere in the Middle East, a Russian digital-security provider says. Although it is ... “Oil loading in the Gulf is done by computer and Iran is quite good at cyber-warfare,” said Gary Sick, an Iran expert at Columbia University in New York who was the chief White House aide on issues related to Iran during the 1979 Iranian revolution.
The Ugly Truth
Powerful “Flame” Cyber Weapon Found in Iran
Cyber security experts said the discovery publicly demonstrates what experts privy to classified information have long known: that nations have been using pieces of malicious computer code as weapons to promote their security interests for ... Experts at Kaspersky Lab and Hungary's Laboratory of Cryptography and System Security who have spent weeks studying Flame said they have yet to find any evidence that it can attack infrastructure, delete data or inflict other physical damage.
Student News Daily
Chemical Facility Security News: HR 5856 Introduced – DOD ...
By PJCoyle
Young (R-FL) introduced HR 5856, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2013. While DOD has a major measure of responsibility for cybersecurity actions, there is nothing in the bill that mentions cybersecurity or cyber operations.
Chemical Facility Security News
International Cyber Security 2012 - HackerJournals Calendar
By martin
As new technologies to enhance flexible working practices continue to proliferate (such as smartphone, tablets, and the move to the “cloud”), potential targets for cyber attack continue to grow across all sectors whilst current security solutions ...
HackerJournals Calendar
Infidel Bloggers Alliance: Son of Stuxnet
By midnight rider
High-ranking Iranian officials' computers have been attacked by a newly detected data mining virus called “Flame,” an Iranian cyber defense group confirmed on Tuesday. The cyber attack is the most destructive since the Stuxnet virus. Iran has deplored the “massive” data loss suffered since over ...The computers security company said 189 infections were reported in the Persian country, 98 in Israel and Palestine and 32 in Sudan. Other Middle East countries such as Syria, Lebanon, ...
Infidel Bloggers Alliance
More Cyber Threat Warnings Issued | Cypherpath | Are you cyber ...
By admin
In a recent hearing up on the Hill, Jason Livingood, Comcast's Vice President of Internet systems engineering testified that Comcast will never be able to completely secure its broadband network fromcyber security threats such as botnets that can “turn ordinary users into unwitting participants ... This entry was posted in CyberAttacks, CyberSecurity, CyberThreats and tagged cyber attacks, Cyber Security, cyber terrorism, cyber threat, Cyr Warnings, data breaches, Tablets, Wifi Security .
Cypherpath | Are you cyber ready?
Flame Created by Government – Backed Hackers to Attack Middle ...
By Susanne Posel
Iran's National Computer Emergency Response Team posted a security alert stating that it believed Flame was responsible for “recent incidents of mass data loss” in the country. Israel/Palestine came in second with 98, followed by Sudan ... We have not seen any specific signs indicating a particular target such as the energy industry – making us believe it's a complete attack toolkit designed for general cyber-espionage purposes.” However, Gostev believes Flame could evolve into a ...
Cyber-attack concerns raised over Boeing 787 chip's 'back door ...
Two Cambridge experts have discovered a "back door" in a computer chip used in military systems and aircraft such as the Boeing 787 that could allow the chip ...

ybersecurity has become a major growth industry of late, and the government is committing to ...
Flame Cyber Attack Overblown: Expert - TheStreet
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- The discovery of sophisticated new malware, dubbed " Flame" has made headlines around the world in the last few days, again raising ...
Federal Worker Savings Plan Computers Hit in Cyber-Attack - Yahoo!
Last month the FBI notified the Thrift Savings Plan, the contribution retirement savings plan for Federal employees, that a contractor's computer systems had ...
'Flame' cyber-attack aimed at Middle Eastern countries | Electronista
Russian security firm Kaspersky has uncovered a massive malware attack, referred to as Flame, that is believed to have gathered sensitive data from a wide ...
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