The arrest was made alondside local officers as part of an ongoing investigation by the Police Central e-Crime Unit, a specialist team of cyber crime investigators in the Met. TeamPoison's highest-profile attack was mounted against Scotland Yard's ...
Feds Warn of Cyber Attack Targeting Natural Gas Firms
PC Magazine
By Chloe Albanesius Federal officials recently uncovered a cyber plot to infect various natural gas pipeline companies with malware. A report from the Homeland Security Department's Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) ...
CSOs warned of serious cyber-espionage attack
In many ways, the operation was a classic example of what the security industry calls an advanced persistent threat, which means the attackers studied each organization closely in order to tailor the attack to specific people. The cyber criminals ...
DHS: Hackers Mounting Organized Cyber Attack on US Gas Pipelines
iStockphoto/Thinkstock(WASHINGTON) -- For the past six months, an unidentified group of hackers has been mounting an ongoing, coordinated cyber attack on the control systems of US gas pipelines, prompting the Department of Homeland Security to issue ...
Cyber criminals are mass producing attack techniques, says Verizon
By Lee Bell CYBER CRIMINALS are mass producing their attack techniques and targeting smaller businesses, telecom Verizon has warned. Talking at Verizon's Security Operations Centre in Dortmund, Germany today, security research director Wade Baker told ...
US pipelines targeted in cyber attack
TG Daily
The US Department of Homeland Security warns that an ongoing cyber campaign is targeting natural gas infrastructure across the country. According to documents reviewed by the Christian Science Monitor, at least three confidential "amber" alerts were ...

TG Daily
Frost & Sullivan Hosts Analyst Briefing: Cyber Security -- The Road Ahead
Sacramento Bee
By Frost & Sullivan LONDON, May 9, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- Post 2010, after the infamous Stuxnet attack in Iran, cyber threats have gained considerable attention from all sections of the industry, from automation and device vendors at the plant-floor ...
US Natural Gas Sector Hit by Coordinated Cyber Attacks
Sci-Tech Today
By Mark Long With respect to the cyber attacks on private natural gas companies, ICS-CERT noted that the number of persons targeted appears to be tightly focused. "In addition, the e-mails have been convincingly crafted to appear as though they were ...

Sci-Tech Today
Centers of Innovation: At Norwich University, high-tech researchers combat ...
Michel Kabay, Ph.D., (left) and Peter Stephenson, Ph.D., work with students on cyber attack and defense strategies at Norwich UniversityĆs Cyber Weapons Range War Room. / EMILY McMANAMY, Free Press Norwich University, established 1819 by Captain Alden ...
Centers of Innovation: At Norwich University, high-tech researchers combat ...
Norwich University junior Ricky Sarmiento (left) confers with a fellow student while waging a simulated cyber attack in the school's Cyber Weapons Range War Room on Wednesday April 18, 2012. / EMILY McMANAMY, Free Press Norwich University, ...
McCain again makes his case to increase DoD's cyber role
Keith Alexander's April letter, which was in response to the senator's March 29 letter, about concerns over the competing cybersecurity bills going through Congress. Alexander leads the US Cyber Command and is the director of the National Security ...
Cybersecurity Firms Ditch Defense, Learn To 'Hunt'
Mandiant threat researchers will monitor cyber-intrusions at a company until they have identified the attackers' characteristic work patterns and what Bejtlich calls their operational "playbook." He says there are signs of an interplay between junior ...
Cyber intelligence needs to become part of financial service providers' DNA
It is becoming apparent that cyber security is not only an issue for the chief information securityofficer (CISO); it is increasingly becoming a critical factor to the success of technology-savvy and data-driven financial service providers.
Corporate cybersecurity rises in prominence
SecurityInfoWatch (blog)
by Geoff Kohl Cyber security is steadily gaining prominence for companies as assets live more on servers, rather than in locked rooms. I have to hand it to NPR. They had correspondent Tom Gjelten -- their security and economics correspondent -- tackle ...
Ustream Disabled by Cyber Attack
eSecurity Planet
By Jeff Goldman | May 09, 2012 Ustream was taken down by a DDoS attack earlier today that appeared to be intended to disrupt live streaming of video from anti-government demonstrations in Russia. "Ustream believe the DDoS attack started around 5.30am ...

eSecurity Planet
US gas pipelines under cyber attack
Press TV
The Department of Homeland Security has issued an alert warning that computer networks connected to privately-owned natural gas pipelines are presently undercyber attack in an “intrusion campaign” that began some four months ago and could extend to ...

Press TV
How Worried Should We Be About the Cyber-Threat?
IEEE Spectrum
In the past few weeks, there has been a spate of news stories that highlight wide-spread concerns that the United States is vulnerable to cyber-attack, cyber-espionage and id theft. For example, over the weekend, there was an article in the Christian ...
Why You Should Keep Your Software Patched
PC Magazine
Cyber criminals constantly look for ways to attack systems through flaws in browsers, operating systems, and other software. Software vendors patch flaws as quickly as they can. If you don't apply their patches, you're asking for trouble.
FBI Issues Cyber Warning For Travelers
Indiana's NewsCenter
Checking the author or digital certificate of any prompted update to see if it corresponds to the software vendor may reveal an attempted attack. The FBI also recommends that travelers perform software updates on laptops immediately before traveling, ...

Indiana's NewsCenter
Curious researcher may have deflected major cyber attack
Smart Grid News
A cyber security researcher who had bought RuggedCom equipment and tested it found a critical security vulnerability. He notified the company about the issue last April, but heard nothing back for a year. When he contacted the company about the issue ...

Smart Grid News
Cybersecurity experts begin investigation on self-adapting computer network ...
Then they select the best time for them to attack and exploit those security holes in order to do the most damage. This could change that." Creating a computer network that could automatically detect and defend itself against cyber attacks would ...
We're failing at cybersecurity, literally
Defense Systems (blog)
Interestingly enough, more than 60 percent of the states had identified cybersecurity as a high-priority capability. Even though cybersecurity is a high priority in more than 60 percent of the states, the average cyber capability level determined by ...
Cyber attacks 'neither sanctioned nor condoned'
The Department of Science and Technology's Information and Communications Technology Office (DOST-ICTO), in a statement, said the defacing of foreign websites allegedly carried out by local hacker groups, was "neither sanctioned nor condoned" by the ...
North Korea pumps up the GPS jamming in week-long attack
Ars Technica
by Sean Gallagher - May 9, 2012 10:53 pm UTC The North Korean military is using GPS jamming attacks to help build cyber-warfare capabilities, according to South Korean officials. Over the past two weeks, North Korea has used jamming equipment to ...

Ars Technica
Adm. Mike Mullen: Debt is still biggest threat to US security
They don't understand what a cyber attack would do. The potential is to shut down our transportation system, shut down our banking system, shut down other infrastructure in our country, and essentially bring us to parade rest. Now it's a two-way street ...

'Turf war' delays US cyber guidelines
Defense Systems
By Defense Systems Staff The urgent need for an updated United States cyber engagement policy is taking a backseat to the battle between the Homeland Security and Defense departments and their roles to defend US cyberspace, reports
Teenage 'spokesman' for hackers Team Poison arrested in UK
British police said Thursday they had arrested a 17-year-old suspected spokesman for Team Poison, a hacking group that has claimed responsibility for a series of high-profile cyber-attacks. The boy was arrested on Wednesday in Newcastle, ...
Teenage 'spokesman' for hackers Team Poison arrested
LONDON — Police have arrested a 17-year-old suspected spokesman for Team Poison, a hacking group that has claimed responsibility for a series of high-profilecyber-attacks. The boy was arrested on Wednesday in Newcastle in connection with alleged ...

U.S. Cyber Command Using Classified Intel To Scare CEOs To Action
Threatpost (blog)
by Paul Roberts The US's Cyber Command is using special, classified briefings with private sector CEOs to scare them into greater vigilance about the threat of cyber attacks, according to an NPR report. The report, quoting unnamed participants in the ...
The Persuasive General Alexander, and Why Critical Infrastructure Protection ...
Lawfare (blog)
The question is whether the private sector can adequately protect these systems from destructive cyber-intrusions (a term I use to include cyber-attacks and cyber-exploitations). The key term in this question is “adequately.” The nation depends on CI, ...
Cyber risk rising in Asia
Insurance Insight
Around 74% of Asia Pacific businesses have experienced cyber-attacks, costing them up to $730000 annually, according to research by data security software maker Semantec. Moreover, reports of data or network sabotage, virus and Trojan infections, ...

Insurance Insight
U.S. Warns Over Cyberattacks on Natural Gas Companies
FOX News: The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a warning about a potential threat to the nation's energy industry. DHS's Industrial Control Systems CyberEmergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) wrote that it had discovered "an active ...
FBI Warning: Don't Update Software on the Road
PC Magazine
IC3 is a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center and regularly releases Intelligence Notes to warn Internet users about cyber-security threats. Anyone who may have encountered this type of attack is encouraged to promptly ...
Norwegian teens arrested in connection with cyber attacks
Last week, SOCA was forced to take its website offline because of the attacks, which it said had not presented a security risk. Besides SOCA, a number of sites in America and Norway have come under similar attack in the past few weeks.
Pentagon CIO Talks Security, Mobility, Shared Services
InformationWeek (blog)
"It is very difficult to protect all these isolated enclaves, and so we are looking at what a Joint Information Environment would look like from that standpoint, from as much a cyber standpoint as an efficiency standpoint." Increasingly, for example ...
Cyber-Attack on US Natural Gas Pipeline Companies Network, Said ...
By VOGH Reporter
In a report Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said a major cyber attack is currently under way aimed squarely at computer networks belonging to US natural gas pipeline companies. DHS has issued at least three confidential warnings ...
Lockheed-Run Lab Creates Cyber Threat Metrics Method
By Katelyn Noland
Sandia National Laboratories, which was reportedly researching a nu clear-powered drone with Northrop Grumman, issued the report in March, indicating that cyber attack definition and metrics are immature among organizations. A Lockheed ... The current model could benefit the Department of Homeland Security and help its federal network security program provide unclassified estimates of current threats acting on agency and department systems, report authors wrote. Related ...
The New New Internet
Adm. Mike Mullen: Debt is still biggest threat to U.S. security ...
By Fortune Editors
We are vulnerable in the military and in our governments, but I think we're most vulnerable to cyber attacks commercially. This challenge is going to significantly increase. It's not going to go away. A lot of people don't feel the intensity of that threat because it seems so abstract. They don't understand what a cyber attack would do. The potential is to shut down ... Actually the way I said it was -- and I still believe this -- that it's the single biggest threat to our national security. Obviously it's ...
Management and Career World Community News » Springhill Group Counselling ...
By Kazor News
A new survey conducted by the security company Bit9 called 2012 Cyber Security Survey released on April 23 asked around 2000 IT experts in Europe and US regarding the presentsecurity condition of enterprise Relevant Services/Products. World Community News
Security a Weak Link for States |
By gHale
Although states have made huge strides in emergency and natural disaster preparedness, they're still vulnerable to cyber disasters, said a Federal Emergency.
ONC Releases New Guide to Privacy and Security of Health ...
By Steve Campbell
Backup Your System: To keep information available when and where it is needed, plan for backing up your EHR system and recover the system in the event of an incident, such as fire,cyber-attack, or natural disaster. The Guide is packed with ...
EMR Daily News
China in US cybersecurity link-up | Play Ball
By Zach Richards
Mr Liang denied that China was the main source of cyber-attacks against the US. "I can hardly agree with the proposition that the cyber-attacks directed to the United States are directly coming from China," he said. Mr Panetta acknowledged ...
Play Ball
Cybersecurity experts begin investigation on self-adapting computer ...
By gtammen
... operates normally. Creating such a network would substantially increase the security of online data for universities, government departments, corporations and businesses — all of which have been the targets of large-scale cyber attacks.
K-State News
Virgin Media website hit by Anonymous cyber attack - Neowin
Several days ago, the UK's High Court ruled that a number of ISPs in the UK, including Virgin Media, must block access to The Pirate Bay website for its ...
White House Indicates Support for Cybersecurity Bill That Includes ...
After indicating that they may veto the House's cybersecurity bill (CISPA) over privacy concerns, the Obama Administration is reaffirming its support for a ...
Follow @sobeqorg
PC Magazine
By Chloe Albanesius Federal officials recently uncovered a cyber plot to infect various natural gas pipeline companies with malware. A report from the Homeland Security Department's Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) ...
CSOs warned of serious cyber-espionage attack
In many ways, the operation was a classic example of what the security industry calls an advanced persistent threat, which means the attackers studied each organization closely in order to tailor the attack to specific people. The cyber criminals ...
DHS: Hackers Mounting Organized Cyber Attack on US Gas Pipelines
iStockphoto/Thinkstock(WASHINGTON) -- For the past six months, an unidentified group of hackers has been mounting an ongoing, coordinated cyber attack on the control systems of US gas pipelines, prompting the Department of Homeland Security to issue ...
Cyber criminals are mass producing attack techniques, says Verizon
By Lee Bell CYBER CRIMINALS are mass producing their attack techniques and targeting smaller businesses, telecom Verizon has warned. Talking at Verizon's Security Operations Centre in Dortmund, Germany today, security research director Wade Baker told ...
US pipelines targeted in cyber attack
TG Daily
The US Department of Homeland Security warns that an ongoing cyber campaign is targeting natural gas infrastructure across the country. According to documents reviewed by the Christian Science Monitor, at least three confidential "amber" alerts were ...
TG Daily
Frost & Sullivan Hosts Analyst Briefing: Cyber Security -- The Road Ahead
Sacramento Bee
By Frost & Sullivan LONDON, May 9, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- Post 2010, after the infamous Stuxnet attack in Iran, cyber threats have gained considerable attention from all sections of the industry, from automation and device vendors at the plant-floor ...
US Natural Gas Sector Hit by Coordinated Cyber Attacks
Sci-Tech Today
By Mark Long With respect to the cyber attacks on private natural gas companies, ICS-CERT noted that the number of persons targeted appears to be tightly focused. "In addition, the e-mails have been convincingly crafted to appear as though they were ...
Sci-Tech Today
Centers of Innovation: At Norwich University, high-tech researchers combat ...
Michel Kabay, Ph.D., (left) and Peter Stephenson, Ph.D., work with students on cyber attack and defense strategies at Norwich UniversityĆs Cyber Weapons Range War Room. / EMILY McMANAMY, Free Press Norwich University, established 1819 by Captain Alden ...
Centers of Innovation: At Norwich University, high-tech researchers combat ...
Norwich University junior Ricky Sarmiento (left) confers with a fellow student while waging a simulated cyber attack in the school's Cyber Weapons Range War Room on Wednesday April 18, 2012. / EMILY McMANAMY, Free Press Norwich University, ...
McCain again makes his case to increase DoD's cyber role
Keith Alexander's April letter, which was in response to the senator's March 29 letter, about concerns over the competing cybersecurity bills going through Congress. Alexander leads the US Cyber Command and is the director of the National Security ...
Cybersecurity Firms Ditch Defense, Learn To 'Hunt'
Mandiant threat researchers will monitor cyber-intrusions at a company until they have identified the attackers' characteristic work patterns and what Bejtlich calls their operational "playbook." He says there are signs of an interplay between junior ...
Cyber intelligence needs to become part of financial service providers' DNA
It is becoming apparent that cyber security is not only an issue for the chief information securityofficer (CISO); it is increasingly becoming a critical factor to the success of technology-savvy and data-driven financial service providers.
Corporate cybersecurity rises in prominence
SecurityInfoWatch (blog)
by Geoff Kohl Cyber security is steadily gaining prominence for companies as assets live more on servers, rather than in locked rooms. I have to hand it to NPR. They had correspondent Tom Gjelten -- their security and economics correspondent -- tackle ...
Ustream Disabled by Cyber Attack
eSecurity Planet
By Jeff Goldman | May 09, 2012 Ustream was taken down by a DDoS attack earlier today that appeared to be intended to disrupt live streaming of video from anti-government demonstrations in Russia. "Ustream believe the DDoS attack started around 5.30am ...
eSecurity Planet
US gas pipelines under cyber attack
Press TV
The Department of Homeland Security has issued an alert warning that computer networks connected to privately-owned natural gas pipelines are presently undercyber attack in an “intrusion campaign” that began some four months ago and could extend to ...
Press TV
How Worried Should We Be About the Cyber-Threat?
IEEE Spectrum
In the past few weeks, there has been a spate of news stories that highlight wide-spread concerns that the United States is vulnerable to cyber-attack, cyber-espionage and id theft. For example, over the weekend, there was an article in the Christian ...
Why You Should Keep Your Software Patched
PC Magazine
Cyber criminals constantly look for ways to attack systems through flaws in browsers, operating systems, and other software. Software vendors patch flaws as quickly as they can. If you don't apply their patches, you're asking for trouble.
FBI Issues Cyber Warning For Travelers
Indiana's NewsCenter
Checking the author or digital certificate of any prompted update to see if it corresponds to the software vendor may reveal an attempted attack. The FBI also recommends that travelers perform software updates on laptops immediately before traveling, ...
Indiana's NewsCenter
Curious researcher may have deflected major cyber attack
Smart Grid News
A cyber security researcher who had bought RuggedCom equipment and tested it found a critical security vulnerability. He notified the company about the issue last April, but heard nothing back for a year. When he contacted the company about the issue ...
Smart Grid News
Cybersecurity experts begin investigation on self-adapting computer network ...
Then they select the best time for them to attack and exploit those security holes in order to do the most damage. This could change that." Creating a computer network that could automatically detect and defend itself against cyber attacks would ...
We're failing at cybersecurity, literally
Defense Systems (blog)
Interestingly enough, more than 60 percent of the states had identified cybersecurity as a high-priority capability. Even though cybersecurity is a high priority in more than 60 percent of the states, the average cyber capability level determined by ...
Cyber attacks 'neither sanctioned nor condoned'
The Department of Science and Technology's Information and Communications Technology Office (DOST-ICTO), in a statement, said the defacing of foreign websites allegedly carried out by local hacker groups, was "neither sanctioned nor condoned" by the ...
North Korea pumps up the GPS jamming in week-long attack
Ars Technica
by Sean Gallagher - May 9, 2012 10:53 pm UTC The North Korean military is using GPS jamming attacks to help build cyber-warfare capabilities, according to South Korean officials. Over the past two weeks, North Korea has used jamming equipment to ...
Ars Technica
Adm. Mike Mullen: Debt is still biggest threat to US security
They don't understand what a cyber attack would do. The potential is to shut down our transportation system, shut down our banking system, shut down other infrastructure in our country, and essentially bring us to parade rest. Now it's a two-way street ...
'Turf war' delays US cyber guidelines
Defense Systems
By Defense Systems Staff The urgent need for an updated United States cyber engagement policy is taking a backseat to the battle between the Homeland Security and Defense departments and their roles to defend US cyberspace, reports
Teenage 'spokesman' for hackers Team Poison arrested in UK
British police said Thursday they had arrested a 17-year-old suspected spokesman for Team Poison, a hacking group that has claimed responsibility for a series of high-profile cyber-attacks. The boy was arrested on Wednesday in Newcastle, ...
Teenage 'spokesman' for hackers Team Poison arrested
LONDON — Police have arrested a 17-year-old suspected spokesman for Team Poison, a hacking group that has claimed responsibility for a series of high-profilecyber-attacks. The boy was arrested on Wednesday in Newcastle in connection with alleged ...
U.S. Cyber Command Using Classified Intel To Scare CEOs To Action
Threatpost (blog)
by Paul Roberts The US's Cyber Command is using special, classified briefings with private sector CEOs to scare them into greater vigilance about the threat of cyber attacks, according to an NPR report. The report, quoting unnamed participants in the ...
The Persuasive General Alexander, and Why Critical Infrastructure Protection ...
Lawfare (blog)
The question is whether the private sector can adequately protect these systems from destructive cyber-intrusions (a term I use to include cyber-attacks and cyber-exploitations). The key term in this question is “adequately.” The nation depends on CI, ...
Cyber risk rising in Asia
Insurance Insight
Around 74% of Asia Pacific businesses have experienced cyber-attacks, costing them up to $730000 annually, according to research by data security software maker Semantec. Moreover, reports of data or network sabotage, virus and Trojan infections, ...
Insurance Insight
U.S. Warns Over Cyberattacks on Natural Gas Companies
FOX News: The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a warning about a potential threat to the nation's energy industry. DHS's Industrial Control Systems CyberEmergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) wrote that it had discovered "an active ...
FBI Warning: Don't Update Software on the Road
PC Magazine
IC3 is a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center and regularly releases Intelligence Notes to warn Internet users about cyber-security threats. Anyone who may have encountered this type of attack is encouraged to promptly ...
Norwegian teens arrested in connection with cyber attacks
Last week, SOCA was forced to take its website offline because of the attacks, which it said had not presented a security risk. Besides SOCA, a number of sites in America and Norway have come under similar attack in the past few weeks.
Pentagon CIO Talks Security, Mobility, Shared Services
InformationWeek (blog)
"It is very difficult to protect all these isolated enclaves, and so we are looking at what a Joint Information Environment would look like from that standpoint, from as much a cyber standpoint as an efficiency standpoint." Increasingly, for example ...
Cyber-Attack on US Natural Gas Pipeline Companies Network, Said ...
By VOGH Reporter
In a report Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said a major cyber attack is currently under way aimed squarely at computer networks belonging to US natural gas pipeline companies. DHS has issued at least three confidential warnings ...
Lockheed-Run Lab Creates Cyber Threat Metrics Method
By Katelyn Noland
Sandia National Laboratories, which was reportedly researching a nu clear-powered drone with Northrop Grumman, issued the report in March, indicating that cyber attack definition and metrics are immature among organizations. A Lockheed ... The current model could benefit the Department of Homeland Security and help its federal network security program provide unclassified estimates of current threats acting on agency and department systems, report authors wrote. Related ...
The New New Internet
Adm. Mike Mullen: Debt is still biggest threat to U.S. security ...
By Fortune Editors
We are vulnerable in the military and in our governments, but I think we're most vulnerable to cyber attacks commercially. This challenge is going to significantly increase. It's not going to go away. A lot of people don't feel the intensity of that threat because it seems so abstract. They don't understand what a cyber attack would do. The potential is to shut down ... Actually the way I said it was -- and I still believe this -- that it's the single biggest threat to our national security. Obviously it's ...
Management and Career World Community News » Springhill Group Counselling ...
By Kazor News
A new survey conducted by the security company Bit9 called 2012 Cyber Security Survey released on April 23 asked around 2000 IT experts in Europe and US regarding the presentsecurity condition of enterprise Relevant Services/Products. World Community News
Security a Weak Link for States |
By gHale
Although states have made huge strides in emergency and natural disaster preparedness, they're still vulnerable to cyber disasters, said a Federal Emergency.
ONC Releases New Guide to Privacy and Security of Health ...
By Steve Campbell
Backup Your System: To keep information available when and where it is needed, plan for backing up your EHR system and recover the system in the event of an incident, such as fire,cyber-attack, or natural disaster. The Guide is packed with ...
EMR Daily News
China in US cybersecurity link-up | Play Ball
By Zach Richards
Mr Liang denied that China was the main source of cyber-attacks against the US. "I can hardly agree with the proposition that the cyber-attacks directed to the United States are directly coming from China," he said. Mr Panetta acknowledged ...
Play Ball
Cybersecurity experts begin investigation on self-adapting computer ...
By gtammen
... operates normally. Creating such a network would substantially increase the security of online data for universities, government departments, corporations and businesses — all of which have been the targets of large-scale cyber attacks.
K-State News
Virgin Media website hit by Anonymous cyber attack - Neowin
Several days ago, the UK's High Court ruled that a number of ISPs in the UK, including Virgin Media, must block access to The Pirate Bay website for its ...
White House Indicates Support for Cybersecurity Bill That Includes ...
After indicating that they may veto the House's cybersecurity bill (CISPA) over privacy concerns, the Obama Administration is reaffirming its support for a ...
Follow @sobeqorg