Blowback and the Consequences of Obama's Foreign Policies
The Atlantic
Yes, President Obama's decision to escalate a cyber-attack on Iran perhaps set back its nuclear program, or even delayed an Israeli strike on its facilities. But as my colleague Robert Wright points out, he did so after declaring that cyber-aggression ...

The Atlantic
The Atlantic
Yes, President Obama's decision to escalate a cyber-attack on Iran perhaps set back its nuclear program, or even delayed an Israeli strike on its facilities. But as my colleague Robert Wright points out, he did so after declaring that cyber-aggression ...
The Atlantic
By IANS, Jerusalem : The Israeli military is using cyber-warfare to curb attacks on the country'scyber space and to counter enemies on the net, the authorities say. In a statement released on the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) website Sunday, ...
US Administration's Reckless Cyber Policy Puts Nation at Risk
Moreover, as the Flame investigation shows, the Administration's position potentially jeopardizes national and economic security interests, including the stability of the critical infrastructure businesses that are dependent upon critical cyber ...
Iranophobia and Obama the cyber-warrior
Asia Times Online
The cyber-attack and other technologies of sabotage and control used with such facility by Obama may be cutting edge but the underlying discourse is purely pre-modern and even medievalist, ie Machiavellian through and through. As such, Obama is hostage ...
Massive Middle East Cyber Attack Reported
Midsize Insider
A shadowy cyber war being waged across the Middle East has been taken to a higher level of scale and sophistication, a leading security research firm reported. The newly reported attack is apparently on a much larger scale than Stuxnet.
Obama oversees cyber warfare against Iran
World Socialist Web Site
The cyber warfare project, code-named Olympic Games, was begun under the Bush administration, but had failed to achieve significant results by the time Bush left office. “Meeting with Mr. Obama in the White House days before his inauguration, ...
DTCC Calls for Increased Public-Private Information Sharing to Protect the ...
MarketWatch (press release)
NEW YORK, Jun 04, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- DTCC testified before a Congressional subcommittee that federal agencies and the financial sector must expand information sharing oncyber-threats to more effectively protect the capital markets from attack.
Israel, US using cyberspace to attack enemies
Sydney Morning Herald
The website said it was "for the first time" revealing a document recently written by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) Operations Department, detailing the goals and methods of its cyber warfare. "The IDF has been engaged in cyber activity consistently ...
Sydney Morning Herald
US vs. Iran - Cyber War: Is Obama Behind Stuxnet/Flame?
Now that this highly classified information was made public, should we fear a retaliatoryattack from the Iranians? It is known that last year, Iran officially announced that it had created a “cyber military” in which the country would be able to ...
'Flame' Spread Via Rogue Microsoft Security Certificates
By Tony Bradley, PCWorld Analysis of the massive 'Flame' cyber attack code has revealed that rogue Microsoft security certificates were used to make the malware appear as if it was officially signed by Microsoft. Microsoft has issued a security ...
Israel admits to 'consistent and relentless' cyber warfare as US warns of new ...
The Daily Telegraph
ISRAEL has confessed to cyber warfare, just days after it emerged the US President was behind the Stuxnet virus attack on Iranian infrastructure. The confession appeared on the Israeli Defence Force's website over the weekend in a list of their goals ...
It Appears that the United States is at War with Iran
The United States is not alone in its use of cyber weapons to conduct a covert form of warfare. In 2007, Estonia was the victim of a massed spam attack against the country's entire IT infrastructure including the Estonian parliament, ...
Front Page Cyber: Stuxnet and Flame have Changed the Discourse
Public CIO (blog)
Starting with the New York Times article dated June 1, 2012, which proclaimed: Obama Order Sped Up Wave of CyberAttacks Against Iran, the global discourse regarding cyber attacks has now shifted. This NY Times article openly discusses cyberweapons and ...
In Defense of Stuxnet
Internet Evolution
And it makes a lot more sense why the US would use it, also, now that it was revealed that Israel was preparing to attack Iran and only backed down when the US promised to carry out a non-lethalcyber-attack. The US set a new precedent, surely, ...
Cybersecurity next national security challenge
San Francisco Chronicle
It represents yet another brazen attack on the United States using a new form of terrorism:cyber-attack. In other words, hackers used computers - not guns and grenades - to attack in a very physical way. In face of these dangers, Congress is debating ...
U.S., Israel Stuxnet attack on Iran: Virus escaped into cyberspace
Cyber attacks by any government are a relatively new, novel approach to dealing with enemies and opponents. There are few, if any, rules of engagement and the long-term consequences of such assaults are not well understood.
Iranian Bluster in Wake of Latest Cyber Attack
However Iran Now Be Facing More Cyber Attacks Similar To Flame & Stuxnet If Iran's Supreme leader Ali Khamenei thinks there is no threat of a military strike from the US or Israel, what does that auger for the current crisis over Tehran's nuclear ...
Stuxnet's origins decoded: Now we know who did it, but what does it mean?
Indiana University Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research Fellow and Maurer School of Law Professor David P. Fidler said the article raises important questions. His commentary follows: David Sanger's article in today's New York Times confirms what ...
Legal action must be taken against US over cyber attacks: Analyst
Press TV
In an article published on Friday June 1, 2012, The New York Times revealed that in the first months of his presidency, US President Barack Obama had secretly ordered acyber attack with the Stuxnet virus against Iran. This important and revealing ...
Press TV
The Indiana Cyber Charter School, Indiana's newest educational option, now ...
Sacramento Bee
By The Indiana Cyber Charter School INDIANAPOLIS, June 4, 2012 -- /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Indiana Cyber Charter School (IN Cyber), a new statewide, online learning program for K-12 students in Indiana and based in Schererville, is now enrolling ...
Israel admits to 'consistent and relentless' cyber warfare as US warns of new ...
Perth Now
Picture: AFP Source: AFP ISRAEL has confessed to cyber warfare, just days after it emerged the US President was behind the Stuxnet virus attack on Iranian infrastructure. The confession appeared on the Israeli Defence Force's website over the weekend ...
Finance Services Leaders Appeal for Limited Government Aid to Fight Cyber Attacks
By Kenneth Corbin CIO — A group of industry experts representing the financial services industry, an increasingly popular target for cyber criminals, on Friday appealed to members of a House subcommittee for limited government action to help banks and ...
Is your TSP account secure?
Federal Times
... Linker received a rude surprise in the mail May 29: a letter telling her that she was one of 123201 Thrift Savings Plan participants whose Social Security numbers and other personal information had been stolen in a sophisticated cyber attack.
ITU Calls World's Attention To Threats Of Cyber Security
Flame was discovered by Kaspersky Lab experts, following a technical analysis requested by theITU into an unknown piece of malware which was deleting sensitive information. International co-operation is a key element of ITU'S Global Cyber security ...
IDF Redefining Cyber Space as Battlefield
The Jewish Press
In January, the Israeli Defense Ministry established a special cyber warfare administration, to conduct cyber warfare in a coordinated effort between the IDF and Israeli security agencies. January saw a significant increase in cyber attacks on Israeli ...
Cisco to Showcase Lancope's StealthWatch for Cyber Threat Defense at Cisco Live
Sacramento Bee
The Cisco Cyber Threat Defense Solution allows security analysts to understand the "who, what, when, where, why and how" of network traffic and easily identify anomalous behaviors. This approach provides administrators with pervasive insight into the ...
Cyber war puts civilians on the front line
SC Magazine Australia
By Marcus Ranum on Jun 4, 2012 12:10 PM Cyber war is a term that seems to have almost as many definitions as it has proponents. It could be generally defined as using attacks against an enemy's computer systems to degrade or damage their ability to ...
Cyber security covers everything
New Europe (blog)
So this whole issue of cyber crime, cyber attack, cyber security really has it root in the fact that we've always lost information, in whatever walk of life. Technology has basically amplified the problem. So, when I look at cyber security in my job at ...
Use of cyber warfare can help reduce casualties
Oneonta Daily Star
This includes cyber warfare, which the US has been using in its fight against al-Qaida in Yemen. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that Strategic Counterterrorism Communications, housed at the State Department, has challenged extremists in ...
Cyber Threat Projection and the Insider Threat: Stuxnet Edition
By admin
Yesterday's revelations by the New York Times, which seem to lay to rest any remaining doubt about U.S. involvement in the Stuxnet cyber attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, suggest that “projection” and “insider threat” should take on new ...
US, Iran dig in for long cyber war | Defense Technology News at ...
By Agence France-Presse
The Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has revealed few details about its “Plan X,” which it calls a “foundational cyber warfare program” that draws on expertise in academia, industry and the gaming community.
Defense Technology News at DefenceTal...
How Cyberpunk Killed Cybersecurity |
By admin
This manifests itself not only half-baked ideas like “cyber arms control” that rely on Cold War legacy futures that compare code to nuclear missiles, but also in fundamental aspects of how we think about cyberspace. In his essay, “The Myth of .... You aren't going to have Hans Blix do on-the-spot inspections of Russian and Chinese internet cafes or the UN Security Council discussing the finer points of 4chan posts with Guy Fawkes mask-wearing Anonymous hackers. But digital dualism ...
Palestinian Pundit: Iranophobia and Obama the cyber-warrior
By Tony
"News that United States President Barack Obama orchestrated the Stuxnet cyber-attack on Iran's nuclear facilities while offering an olive branch exposes his imperialist tendencies. The revelation adds to insecurities engendered by the recent ...
Palestinian Pundit
US unleashes with Israel major cyber attack on Iranian nuclear ...
By dancingczars
Steve Emerson discusses cyber warfare on Iranian nuclear facilities. by Steven Emerson. Investigative Project on Terrorism ... This entry was posted in US unleashes with Israel major cyber attack on Iranian nuclear facilities unlike anything before and tagged Iran Nuke facilities, new virus against, US and Israel unleash. Bookmark the permalink. ← “We Have You Surrounded. ... LOOK at who he has put into our Security! We now have DEVOUT MUSLIMS who are into everything ...
We the People
State to take steps to ensure utilities are prepared to fight cyber attacks
By jim
DOE publishes electric grid cybersecurity model ... “There are hundreds of attempts everyday to break into the grid, and if there is an outage based on cyber security, it could affect so many things that people don't realize,” Mays said.
Fedora 18 Added UEFI Secure Boot (Security-Key Purchased From ...
By VOGH Reporter
VOGH- VOICE OF GREYHAT| Leading Resource of Cyber-Security & Hacking News ... Newly FoundCyber-Weapon Discovered By Iran (MAHER) ... Pirate Bay Criticize Anonymous. TPB CriticizeAnonymous DDoS Attack on Virgin Media ...
Hong Kong firms also at risk from Chinese hackers | Tech 4 Business
By Jose Ricardo
Security experts have warned multinationals with bases in Hong Kong that they are not immune to cyber attack from China despite the shared sovereignty between the Special Administrative Region (SAR)and its mainland parent. The Chinese ...
Tech 4 Business
“Catch Me If You Can” Trojan Banker Zeus Strikes Again (Part 4 of 5 ...
By SpiderLabs Research
Official Blog of Trustwave's SpiderLabs - SpiderLabs is an elite team of ethical hackers, investigators and researchers at Trustwave advancing the security capabilities of leading businesses and organizations throughout the world. ... The second phase of the malware involves downloading a configuration file from (, hosted in Shenyang (China) according to the GeoIP database, though the core of this cyber-criminal attack operation is located in ...
SpiderLabs Anterior
The hacktivism phenomenon | Security Affairs
By paganinip
The hacktivists attack IT infrastructures with legal and illegal tools to perform their operations of protest, such as denial-of-service attacks, information theft, data breach, web site defacement, typosquatting, and any other methods of digital sabotage. Anonymous and its ... Hacktivism also has a cyber warfare connotation, with some groups having a total aversion to any form of control and monitoring, making these groups of hackers oppose any government(s). The boundary between ...
Security Affairs
War News Updates: Expert Warns On The Dangers Of Governments ...
By War News Updates Editor
If there will be a reaction, it will probably only come about when we become the targets for cyber attack. And if we should lose our communication/financial networks for a day or two due to a cyber attack .... that is when I can guarantee you that ...
War News Updates
Drone and Cyber Technology : Moral, Leagal and Privacy Issues _ ...
By Conservatives on Fire
Two such technologies that are often in the news today have to do with drones and the cyber world of the internet. Part I will deal with ... Including the attack last September killing US citizen and terror suspect Anwar al-Awlaki? The stealth ...
Conservatives on Fire
Tony Romm and Jennifer Martinez – Cyberthreats turn into ...
By Staff
Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), speaking on the Senate floor last week in opposition to pending cybersecuritylegislation. “These bills create a cyber-industrial complex that has an interest in preserving the problem to which it is the solution.” Read More: ...
Progressive Radio Network | Progressi...
Leaks from the Obama administration are harming national security ...
By Tom Rogan
In a similar vein as the drone story, the second story was an examination of the president's role in shaping a joint U.S.-Israeli cyber-attack on Iran's nuclear program. The details in ... Tags: cyber warfare, drones, National security, Tom Rogan ...
The Daily Caller
US was 'key player in cyber-attacks on Iran's nuclear programme ...
The US was the principal player in the most sophisticated cyber-attack ever known and has been orchestrating a campaign against Iran designed to undermine ...
Lawfare › Cybersecurity Wiki: Introduction and Call for Assistance
Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society for Internet & Society has developed aCybersecurity Wiki that is designed to be a curated, comprehensive, ...
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