Bradenton Herald
At least, it is war by the definition of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who told ABC News only three weeks ago that a major cyber attack on U.S. electrical or ...
Daedalus Cyber-attack alert system from DICT
What you see in the video above is not some holographic representation of a future space battle. No sir, it is known as the Daedalus, developed by NICT to be ...
Sandia Opens Cybersecurity Technologies Research Laboratory
A new cyber-security research facility aims to bring scientists and students ... Sandia Corp., opened the Cybersecurity Technologies Research Laboratory ...
Cyber attack is 'single largest threat' to US: House Intelligence ...
Business Insurance
author of a cyber security bill that has passed the House that would encourage greater participation by the private sector in cyber security efforts—said the “threat ...
Companies Strike Back at Hackers
Companies are striking back at hackers in retaliation for security breaches, a questionable ...His new employer, CrowdStrike, aims to help businesses fend off cyber ... Without concrete proof of an impending cyber attack, it may be difficult for ...
Hacking the hackers: U.S. Companies fight back against cyber-crime ...
Daily Mail
Known in the cybersecurity industry as 'active defense' or 'strike-back' ...Destructive: Researchers have found the two cyber weapons are connected ...Security experts say they even know of some cases where companies have taken action ...
Daily Mail
The Whitehouse-Kyl Compromise Cyber Legislation
Lawfare (blog)
The Whitehouse-Kyl Compromise Cyber Legislation ... having the Department of HomelandSecurity develop cybersecurity standards — what the proposal now ...
Reboot Charlotte: DNC Sparks Cyber Security Concerns
FOX Charlotte
Payton's made attempts to address cyber security issues with local leaders. ... Payton says during the DNC, Charlotte could be a perfect target for a cyber attack.
Former FBI cyber expert: 94% of cyber security breaches unreported
Daily Caller
At a cyber security panel on Monday, cyber security expert Shawn Henry said ... of Homeland Security logo in the eyeglasses of a cybersecurity analyst at the ...
Daily Caller
Five Things The Government's Cybersecurity Providers Should ...
I write about national security, especially its business dimensions. ... The sheer scale of the cyber challenge has become overwhelming. In 1995, there were ...
Hacked firms fight back with vigilante justice
Globe and Mail
Security experts say some frustrated companies have deployed deception and offensive ... Video: Kaspersky warns of new age of cyber warfare ... Known in thecybersecurity industry as "active defense" or "strike-back" technology, the reprisals...
Globe and Mail
Should a greater effort be made to hunt down cyber criminals?
Defense Systems
Fighting cyber crime might be much more effective if less money was spent on cybersecuritysoftware and more spent on old-fashioned law enforcement effort to ... Defense Systems: Information Technology and Net-Centric Warfare ... Spending on IT ...
Privilege comes with peril in world of cybersecurity
Network World
Security experts have been warning enterprises for some time that the ... Security vendorCyber-Ark's "2012 Trust, Security & Passwords Survey" finds 71% of ...
Lancope President and CEO Mike Potts Joins US Chamber of ...
MarketWatch (press release)
"We are honored to leverage our unique perspective on cyber security to advise the ... Other members of the National Security Task Force and/or Cybersecurity ...
David DeWalt Joins FireEye as Chairman of the Board of Directors
MarketWatch (press release)
Launch of an integrated cyber security solution that uniquely detects and blocks ... It addresses all stages of an attack lifecycle with a signature-less engine ...
Intel chairman predicts Obama will back down from threat to veto ...
The Hill (blog)
Rogers, the author of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), said he believes Obama will sign the cybersecurity bill, or something very similar to ... as electrical grids and gas pipelines, to meet mandatory security standards.
A corporate hack counter-attack
Technology Spectator
Known in the cyber security industry as "active defence" or "strike-back" technology, the reprisals range from modest steps to distract and delay a hacker to more ...
Cyber Thieves Target European Banks: Is the US Next?
The Fiscal Times
Cyber Thieves Target European Banks: Is the U.S. Next? ... according to investigators at Trend Micro Inc, a Japan-based security company that has many banks as customers. ... "This attack toolkit ushers in a new era of bank heists." ...
The Fiscal Times
CISPA Co-Sponsor Says President Will Change His Mind on Veto
Game Politics
chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and a co-sponsor of Cyber ... critical infrastructure to be put under a mandate to be ready for a cyber attack.
Radware Unveils Attack Mitigation Black Belt Challenge
Exec Digital (press release)
How would you respond if you experienced an Application Layer 7 security ... may not only demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of cyber attack mitigation, but ...
House Intel Chair: Cyber Bill May Lack Mandatory Standards
National Journal
House Intel Chair: Cyber Bill May Lack Mandatory Standards ... cybersecurity legislation must include more authority for Homeland Security Department officials ...
The Sneaky Ways That Companies Are Getting Even With Hackers
The new tactics, referred by the cyber security guys as “active defense” or “strike ... after anattack and hope updating some software can prevent future ones.
'Revenge is mine,' sayeth the CSO; 'wise up,' quoth Gartner
There is little or nothing even major companies with well-funded security ... The number, severity and even acceptance of cyber attacks as a fact of life has ... They raise the stakes of anattack, inviting more serious counterattack, which is a ...
Cyber crooks evading advanced bank security to transfer funds
SC Magazine
A new attack method, automatic transfer system (ATS), is being used in ... Cyber criminals are using an automated system to silently loot bank accounts without ...
What You Really Need to Know About Cloud Security
Cloud security breaches aren't necessarily headline news, but there's a good reason ... the cloud as the target of an attack, but often as a resource to launch anattack. ... "Cyber-criminals aren't going to spend a lot of time to come up with a new ...
New ATS Attack Calls For Banking Security
A new Automated Transfer System attack tool actively targeting banks has called into ... A newcyber threat that allows cybercriminals to bypass banking security ...
Flame Malware, SSL Certificates and Internet Security
By Sarah Harper
This was the first time a cyber-attack had been used to effect physical destruction, rather than just steal information or cripple networks, the worm was designed to slow or speed up the delicate centrifuges that were refining uranium for Iran's ...
Trustico® Global Internet Security
FBI Announces Executive Appointments in Cyber ... - The Daily Attack
By RJ Director Robert S. Mueller, III announced executive appointments at FBI Headquarters in the Cyber and International Operations Divisions. Joseph M. Demarest, assistant director for International Operations, will move to the ...
The Daily Attack
New Tech Observer: Companies Using "Active-Defense" to Attack ...
By blaha
Known in the cyber security industry as "active defense" or "strike-back" technology, the reprisals range from modest steps to distract and delay a hacker to more controversial measures.Security experts ... Labels: cyber warfare, cybersecurity ...
New Tech Observer
CIA's hacktivists may have had access to Flame and Stuxnet | Hang ...
By Jacque Fresco
Josh Corman, director of security intelligence for Akamai, who has studied Anonymous, explains that Anonymous members will leave the group “if there is no organizing principle, if they grow frustrated that they are not having enough impact or are not satisfied with their investment of time or they're sick of trolling.” LulzSec ... Eugene Kaspersky, of the Russian Kaspersky Lab, has made the connection between Flame and Stuxnet and the cyber-attack on Iran by the US and Israel.
Hang The Bankers | He Who Controls...
Dexsoft - Cyber Infiltrator Download All You Want - HeroTurko
By ivanushka
Dexsoft - Cyber Infiltrator | Animated model with 21 animations | 973Mb Animated model with 21 animations (!), 6409 triangles, 2 weapon models, textures in tga, dds and png format, ready to.
Download All You Want - HeroTurko
Cybersecurity Conference and Expo, October 22-23, 2012 ...
By admin
The Cybersecurity Conference and Expo will be held October 22-23, 2012 in the Grand Hyatt, Washington DC. The conference focuses on the essential defensive security solutions from both the executive program view, as well as the ...
Cyber Security Market
How Google fights China on America's behalf » FISMA Focus
By jim
While cybersecurity legislation languishes in congressional committees, the search king mounts a full-frontal assault on Chinese hackers. Earlier this month, many Gmail users received a message from Google ... General Keith Alexander, commander of U.S. Cyber Command (CYBERCOM) and director of the National Security Agency, has called China's electronic misbehavior “the greatest transfer of wealth in history.” Billions of dollars and decades of research are secretly stolen from ...
Critical IE Attack Code Available |
By gHale
The addition of the exploit into Metasploit effectively means that cyber-criminals now have access to copy the attack code for use in exploit kit and other mass malware attacks. The vulnerability is a remote code execution flaw in the way that ...
Revealed: plan to split British Army into two forces
By Phantom Report
Plans being drawn up will see the force split in two, with greater emphasis placed on undercover special operations, intelligence, surveillance and cyber warfare, The Independent has learned. A blueprint ... Although the scheme will take time to come to fruition, the plans have been heavily influenced by the events of the Arab Spring, the confrontation over Iran's nuclear arsenal and the possibility of an Israeli attack as well as lessons learned from Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Senior ...
Phantom Report
Bite Your Tongue: Internet Censorship Isn't Just for China | PandoDaily
By Hamish McKenzie
In 2010, much was made of the company's partial withdrawal from the country in response to what it said was “a sophisticated cyber attack” that targeted the Gmail accounts of dozens of China-connected human rights activists. No sane person ...
Big Data's Big Risks | Big Data | DATAVERSITY
By A.R. Guess
He continues, “From the information security standpoint, the key issues surrounding big data tend to fall into the following five areas: (1) Cyber security: With more transactions, conversations, interactions and data now online, there are greater ... January 2012 report, 'Cyber Security Strategies: Achieving Cyber Resilience,' today's cyber criminals are better organized, more professional and have access to powerful tools and capabilities, which they use to identify, target and attack.
'Infocrafting' Smears Dissenters | American Free Press
The power elites in Washington are barreling headlong toward legitimizing the use of propaganda, disinformation and misinformation in order to smear Washington's critics and shape Americans' views on such issues as the warfare state. ... It is much broader than that, evidenced by Obama legal advisor Cass Sunstein's academic paper in 2008 that argued the federal government should employ cyber-plumbers to infiltrate and attack what he labeled “hardcore extremist [groups] who ...
American Free Press
Schneier Calls US Stuxnet Cyberattack a 'Destabilizing and ...
alphadogg writes "Revelations by The New York Times that President Barack Obama in his role as commander in chief ordered the Stuxnet cyberattack against ...
Daedalus Cyberattack Alert System Looks Amazing | Geekosystem
In the movies, when the good guys are getting hacked there's always some kind of crazy 3D ...
cyber attack » INSUREtrust
The nation is woefully unprepared for a major cyber attack, according to a new report released by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Among ...
alphadogg writes "Revelations by The New York Times that President Barack Obama in his role as commander in chief ordered the Stuxnet cyberattack against ...

In the movies, when the good guys are getting hacked there's always some kind of crazy 3D ...
cyber attack » INSUREtrust
The nation is woefully unprepared for a major cyber attack, according to a new report released by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Among ...
US government opens new cybersecurity research center | The ...
US government opens new cybersecurity research center infosecurity-magazine. com | Jun 13th 2012 The center will provide “open yet controlled” facilities for ...
Governments preparing for cyber-war attacks | Asia Pacific | ABC ...
South Korean police are investigating whether North Korea was behind a major cyber attack on a Seoul newspaper last Saturday.
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