New York Times
It can be argued that the time was ripe for history's first cyber weapon, and having it come from China or Russia would have created another unpleasant Sputnik experience. On the other hand it is evident that the United States is not prepared to defend ...
How Obama Was Dangerously Naive About STUXNET and Cyberwarfare - Technology Review: " second reason that we should temper our anxiety over cyber attacks is that there is a funny sort of asymmetry to cyber warfare. As is the case with anti-virus software, merely knowing that a threat exists can allow us to rapidly innoculate our systems against these threats. Whether or not we're doing it is quite another question. And that's the one area where the Obama administration comes off as hopelessly naive in its conversations about the potential impact of the STUXNET worm: Didn't it occur to anyone in the room that, once unleashed, this kind of attack would mean that every piece of critical computer-controlled infrastructure in the US would have to be evaluated, and forever-after upgraded, in order to defend against such an attack?"
Israel Army's Cyber-Knowhow Aids Companies Hiring Hackers
Billionaire Gil Shwed, who served in an elite intelligence unit, says he has recruited from the military for his Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (CHKP) (CHKP), the world's second-largest maker ofsecurity networks. Cyber-Ark Software Ltd., ...
North Korea Allegedly Infected Video Games with Viruses for Cyber Attacks
Jo allegedly met with the agents to ask them to develop game software for a cyber attack on South Korea. Those games would turn players' computers against their own country. The South Korean man, who worked as game distributor, shelled out tens of ...
Cyber Security Advocate James R. Woodhill Presented Problems and Solutions ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Two other witnesses on his panel stated that end users could not defend the computers they use for online banking against cyber attack. He continued that the FFIEC issued supplemental guidance in June of 2011 specifying in greater detail how the crime ...
Accommodating China key to countering cyber attack threat
The Canberra Times
The best way to counter the threat of a cyber attack by China is to facilitate that country's peaceful rise as a world power, an elite group drawn from Canberra's defence and national security community was told yesterday. US Centre for Strategic and ...
INFORMATION WARFARE: Israel and US Admit Joint Cyber War Effort
Strategy Page
The US Department of Defense had long asked for permission to go on the offensive using CyberWar weapons. But the US government regularly and publicly declined to retaliate against constantattack from China, mainly because there were fears that there ...
Cyber Spy Program Flame Compromises Key Microsoft Security System
ABC News
The cyber espionage super bug Flame compromised a key Microsoft security system, the company has now revealed, prompting Microsoft to issue an emergency patch to its millions of customers because of fears of what one expert called potential "collateral ...
Corporate data, supply chains remain vulnerable to cyber crime attacks, says ...
ZDNet (blog)
Joel is a former Senior Counsel at the National Security Agency (NSA), where he advised on legal and policy issues relating to network security. Mr. Brenner currently practices law in Washington at Cooley LLP, specializing in cyber security.
Israeli army stresses on cyber warfare
Economic Times
JERUSALEM: Israeli army has conceded that it is using cyber-warfare to defend the country, an admission which comes close on the heels of an unprecedented "cyber espionage worm" attack on Iran's nuclear installations. "Cyber space is to be handled ...
Operation Olympic Game, Project X, and the assault on the IT security industry
As events snowball and there appears to be a unilateral build up of offensive cyber capabilities by the United States there are implications for the $40 Billion IT security industry. The 1500 vendors ofsecurity products and thousands of security ...
How Obama's Cyberweapons Could Boomerang
The Atlantic
"Moral indignation about using a cyber attack to slow down Iran's nuclear program? Really? What do you propose we do instead?" Actually, I've already written about what the West should do if it wants a negotiated solution to the Iran problem.
Who Can You Trust?
Network World
There has been much written recently about Flame, the latest sophisticated cyber attack /malware discovered by security researchers. Flame follows Duqu and Stuxnet before that as very sophisticated cyber attack vehicles that seem to be state-sponsored ...

Network World
South Korean Man Infected Online Game Software for Cyber Attacks
Game Politics
Jo asked the agents to develop game software that contained malware for use in a cyber attack on South Korea. According to South Korean officials, the man shelled out tens of millions of Korean won for the infected games, which he then distributed ...
Flame, Stuxnet fanning the flames of cyber world war
Governments are stepping into cyber war to commit or defend against terrorism, or to disable a nation's infrastructure (for example, to disable Iran's nuclear capabilities). Cyber warfare is expected, directly or indirectly, to impact everyday people ...
Disclosing Cyber Security Incidents: The SEC Weighs In
Recent high profile data breaches, corporate economic espionage cases and government reports detailing the threat posed by foreign economic espionage in cyberspace have generated more focus on the risks posed by cyber incidents and whether corporations ...
DTCC Urges Restart of Federal Program to Prevent Cyber Espionage
Wall Street & Technology
By Ivy Schmerken DTCC urged a Congressional subcommittee that federal agencies and the financial sector must expand information sharing on cyber-threats to more effectively protect the capital markets from attack. In testimony on June 1, Mark Clancy, ...
Meet Flame, the Nastiest Computer Malware Yet
The firm — which analyzed the malware over the weekend and revealed it to be the largest and most complex attack toolkit to date — believes that it was commissioned by a country or countries' government. “Flame is a covert operation in cyber-space ...
Flame exploits Windows bug to attack PCs
said Roel Schouwenberg of Russian security firm Kaspersky Lab, one of the researchers who helped discover the Flame virus. Experts described the method as "elegant" and they believed it had likely been used to deliver other cyber weapons yet to be ...
CYBERSECURITY EXPERT: The US Is Vulnerable To Viruses Much Simpler Than Those ...
Business Insider
To understand why it's so easy to hack America right now, one must recognize the immensity of the US cyber infrastructure and the consequent due diligence required to secure it. "The difference with America is that we are so interconnected, ...

Business Insider
Flame Hits Windows Update: 7 Key Facts
Flame's use of spoofed Microsoft security certificates will likely be mimicked by sophisticatedmalware writers to craft widespread attacks, experts say. By Mathew J. Schwartz InformationWeek The latest revelation into the Flame malware's capabilities ...
Tom Still: More soldiers are needed in cyber battle
La Crosse Tribune
Ultimately, that's an even bigger threat to national security if hackers act as vampires, sucking away at the life's blood of American innovation. “My greatest fear is that, rather than having a cyber-Pearl Harbor event, that we will instead have this ...
A Brand New Malware “Flame” Recognized by Kaspersky
SPAMfighter News
This malware is awarded as the most sophisticated cyber weapon yet unleashed. Kaspersky analysis of the malware exposed that it is a attack toolkit, it is a backdoor; a Trojan and it has a worm like features, permitting it to copy in a local network ...
Microsoft virus afflicts mayhem on UAE
A sophisticated cyber weapon has now also been discovered on computers in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, after hitting Iran earlier, prompting security concerns for energy firms based in the Gulf and industrial plants. The virus, dubbed “Flame”, ...
Flame virus detected in UAE
The News International
ABU DHABI: A sophisticated cyber weapon has been discovered on computers in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, prompting security concerns for energy firms based in the Gulf and industrial plants. The virus, dubbed “Flame”, is capable of spying on various ...

The News International
India: Cyber Terrorism And The Fifth Domain - Analysis
Eurasia Review
Nevertheless, cyber technology has become a crucial tool in the terrorist arsenal, and its use to directly engineer widespread, and potentially life threatening, disruptions cannot be overestimated. The US Government's Stuxnet attack against Iran's ...

Eurasia Review
HUGE Microsoft security FAIL helped Flame virus spread
Computerworld (blog)
I guess the good news is that this wasn't done by cyber criminals interested in financial benefit. But hang on, surely Microsoft could trace who requested the license? Dan Goodin says no: Details of the "cryptographic collision attack"...are the latest ...
Flame Malware: A Sleeping Giant
Midsize Insider
No matter how long Flame has existed, CrySys researchers claim it is the most sophisticatedmalware they have come across and quite possibly the most complex malware ever discovered, according to PC Magazine. Udi Modkady, Cyber-Ark CEO, ...
Benefits Are Great, and the Risks Exist Anyway
New York Times
With cyber attacks, there are no television shots of burning buildings, weeping victims or tortured pilots. The risks of Iran retaliating are not increased. The regime already blamed Stuxnet on the United States and Israel. In any case, we have been in ...
2 in RI delegation urge action on cybersecurity
James Langevin is calling the consequences of inaction on cybersecurity legislation on Capitol Hill "perilously high." The Rhode Island Democrat says the federal government must do more to protect against cyber risks, which officials say will soon ...
Drone and Cyber Technology : Moral, Legal, and Privacy Issues _ ...
By Conservatives on Fire
Here are a couple of simple definitions: Cyber Attacks: computer-to-computer attack that undermines the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of a computer or information resident on it. (Source). A cyberattack ... Two bills are being considered to deal with the cyber-threat: the Lieberman-CollinsCyber Security Act and the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), authored by Congressman Rogers and passed this past April. The Cyber Security Act involves the security of ...
Conservatives on Fire
GM food research site hit by cyber attack | Genetic Literacy Project
By News Headlines
The cyber-strike came after hundreds of protestors went to the agricultural research station in Hertfordshire to try to attack the facility's trial of genetically modified wheat, writes The Register's Brid-Aine Parnell. A large force of mounted police ...
Genetic Literacy Project
Are we getting the right message about ... - American Security Project
By Ashley Boyle
There is nothing wrong in promoting cyber as the greatest current threat to US national security; however, justification for this focus on all things cyber has a tendency to border on misinformation.Cybersecurity is often framed in a cyberwar ...
American Security Project
WashPost: Cyber Search Engine Shodan Exposes Industrial Control ...
By Council on Foreign Relations
With incidence of severe cybersecurity breaches increasing, govenment and business leaders are forced to re-evaluate control computer systems and heighten defences against hackers, writes Robert O'Harrow Jr. in the Washington Post. ... CFR Blog: Politics, Power, and Preventive Action. Micah Zenko covers the U.S. national security debate and offers insight on developments in international security and conflict prevention. - Defense/Homeland Security
In the shadow of the Flame, Warner Bros, China ... - Security Affairs
By paganinip
The events described demonstrate how much harmful could be a cyber attack in private sector and in the military one, the scenarios showed are characterized by inefficient level of security that could open the doors to future attacks ...
Security Affairs
BriefiCorporate Data, Supply Chains Remain Vulnerable to Cyber ...
By Carlton Vogt
Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook. Transcript of a BriefingsDirect podcast in which cyber security expert Joel Brenner explains the risk to businesses from international electronic espionage. ... chain activities in organizations, both large and small. Today, we're here on thesecurity front with one of the main speakers at the July 16 conference, Joel Brenner, the author of "America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare." ...
BriefingsDirect Transcripts
Researchers bypass Google Bouncer Android Security | The Hacker ...
By THN Reporter
Leading resource in providing information & updates to security experts and hackers worldwide. ...Quebec Liberal Party websites take down in massive Cyber Attack ... Anonymous hater takes credit for Pirate Bay and Wikileaks Ddos Attack ...
The Hacker News [ THN ]
The Shangri-La Dialogue 2012: Day Three Summary
By Min Cheong
Summary of the third and last day (June 3) of The 11th IISS Asia Security Summit, The Shangri-La Dialogue 2012. ... Opening the fourth plenary session (New Forms Of Warfare: Cyber, UAVs And Emerging Threats), were Dato' Seri Dr Ahman Zahid Hamidi, Minister of Defence for Malaysia, Peter Gordon MacKay, Minister of National Defence for Canada and Nick Harvey, Minister of State for the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom. The ministers discussed the characteristics of ...
New Asia Republic (新亚共和网)
New White House cyber czar brings intell chops » FISMA Focus
By jim
New White House cyber czar brings intell chops. Jun 04. From: Network News. By Michael Hardy. As soon as Howard Schmidt went public with his plan to step down as White House cybersecuritycoordinator, attention began to focus on his ...
Protect Sources and Methods - The Threats from ... - Security Debrief
By Robert Blitzer
Security Debrief - Homland security news and analysis ... In the limited reading I have been doing on cyber, it looks to me like our systems are under attack every day from hackers, crackers, terrorists, and hostile foreign governments.
Security Debrief
MAHER Centre, which has produced first software to remove “Flame ...
By irandailybrief
He added that the results of investigations carried out so far indicate that Flame was responsible for last month's (cyber) attack on the Oil Ministry. Ismail Radkani director-general for management and technical support at the state Information ...
Iran Daily Brief
Viruses and drones: blurring the line between virtual war and reality ...
By Ilyashenko Andrei
Cyber warfare is easily associated with self-igniting computers, power supply systems becoming paralyzed, or chemical plants exploding. However, according to the Washington Post, US military officials reassure that cyber weapons are going ...
Voice of Russia, News
Credit card safety and cyber attacks in travel - everyone must take ...
By Stephen Joyce
Cyber attacks and data breaches are on the rise, with some reports showing that restaurants, retail, and hospitality were top targets for criminals for the fourth year in a row. ... According to the 2012 Global Security Report from Trustwav, however, the vector for obtaining access to the target data was not direct network attacks but through malware unsuspectingly installed by workstation users or staff..... NB: Credit card lock, laptop attack and credit card cash images via Shutterstock.
Lieberman-Collins Cybersecurity Act Frequently Asked Questions
Article by Kurt Opsahl and Rainey Reitman. The Senate is moving quickly to take up the issue ofcybersecurity, with a potential vote looming in early June.
Report: U.S. behind Iran cyber attack - JSOnline
It reads like a riveting sci-fi novel, but it's stunningly real: A super-sophisticated malicious computer virus burrowed its way into Iran's nuclear facilities and took ...
Federal Officials Say Cybersecurity Is Greatest High-Risk Skill Gap ...
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Digital Government Institute Cyber Security Conference -- Federal officials are now classifying cybersecurity as the most dangerous skill ...
Follow @sobeqorg
Israel Army's Cyber-Knowhow Aids Companies Hiring Hackers
Billionaire Gil Shwed, who served in an elite intelligence unit, says he has recruited from the military for his Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (CHKP) (CHKP), the world's second-largest maker ofsecurity networks. Cyber-Ark Software Ltd., ...
North Korea Allegedly Infected Video Games with Viruses for Cyber Attacks
Jo allegedly met with the agents to ask them to develop game software for a cyber attack on South Korea. Those games would turn players' computers against their own country. The South Korean man, who worked as game distributor, shelled out tens of ...
Cyber Security Advocate James R. Woodhill Presented Problems and Solutions ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Two other witnesses on his panel stated that end users could not defend the computers they use for online banking against cyber attack. He continued that the FFIEC issued supplemental guidance in June of 2011 specifying in greater detail how the crime ...
Accommodating China key to countering cyber attack threat
The Canberra Times
The best way to counter the threat of a cyber attack by China is to facilitate that country's peaceful rise as a world power, an elite group drawn from Canberra's defence and national security community was told yesterday. US Centre for Strategic and ...
INFORMATION WARFARE: Israel and US Admit Joint Cyber War Effort
Strategy Page
The US Department of Defense had long asked for permission to go on the offensive using CyberWar weapons. But the US government regularly and publicly declined to retaliate against constantattack from China, mainly because there were fears that there ...
Cyber Spy Program Flame Compromises Key Microsoft Security System
ABC News
The cyber espionage super bug Flame compromised a key Microsoft security system, the company has now revealed, prompting Microsoft to issue an emergency patch to its millions of customers because of fears of what one expert called potential "collateral ...
Corporate data, supply chains remain vulnerable to cyber crime attacks, says ...
ZDNet (blog)
Joel is a former Senior Counsel at the National Security Agency (NSA), where he advised on legal and policy issues relating to network security. Mr. Brenner currently practices law in Washington at Cooley LLP, specializing in cyber security.
Israeli army stresses on cyber warfare
Economic Times
JERUSALEM: Israeli army has conceded that it is using cyber-warfare to defend the country, an admission which comes close on the heels of an unprecedented "cyber espionage worm" attack on Iran's nuclear installations. "Cyber space is to be handled ...
Operation Olympic Game, Project X, and the assault on the IT security industry
As events snowball and there appears to be a unilateral build up of offensive cyber capabilities by the United States there are implications for the $40 Billion IT security industry. The 1500 vendors ofsecurity products and thousands of security ...
How Obama's Cyberweapons Could Boomerang
The Atlantic
"Moral indignation about using a cyber attack to slow down Iran's nuclear program? Really? What do you propose we do instead?" Actually, I've already written about what the West should do if it wants a negotiated solution to the Iran problem.
Who Can You Trust?
Network World
There has been much written recently about Flame, the latest sophisticated cyber attack /malware discovered by security researchers. Flame follows Duqu and Stuxnet before that as very sophisticated cyber attack vehicles that seem to be state-sponsored ...
Network World
South Korean Man Infected Online Game Software for Cyber Attacks
Game Politics
Jo asked the agents to develop game software that contained malware for use in a cyber attack on South Korea. According to South Korean officials, the man shelled out tens of millions of Korean won for the infected games, which he then distributed ...
Flame, Stuxnet fanning the flames of cyber world war
Governments are stepping into cyber war to commit or defend against terrorism, or to disable a nation's infrastructure (for example, to disable Iran's nuclear capabilities). Cyber warfare is expected, directly or indirectly, to impact everyday people ...
Disclosing Cyber Security Incidents: The SEC Weighs In
Recent high profile data breaches, corporate economic espionage cases and government reports detailing the threat posed by foreign economic espionage in cyberspace have generated more focus on the risks posed by cyber incidents and whether corporations ...
DTCC Urges Restart of Federal Program to Prevent Cyber Espionage
Wall Street & Technology
By Ivy Schmerken DTCC urged a Congressional subcommittee that federal agencies and the financial sector must expand information sharing on cyber-threats to more effectively protect the capital markets from attack. In testimony on June 1, Mark Clancy, ...
Meet Flame, the Nastiest Computer Malware Yet
The firm — which analyzed the malware over the weekend and revealed it to be the largest and most complex attack toolkit to date — believes that it was commissioned by a country or countries' government. “Flame is a covert operation in cyber-space ...
Flame exploits Windows bug to attack PCs
said Roel Schouwenberg of Russian security firm Kaspersky Lab, one of the researchers who helped discover the Flame virus. Experts described the method as "elegant" and they believed it had likely been used to deliver other cyber weapons yet to be ...
CYBERSECURITY EXPERT: The US Is Vulnerable To Viruses Much Simpler Than Those ...
Business Insider
To understand why it's so easy to hack America right now, one must recognize the immensity of the US cyber infrastructure and the consequent due diligence required to secure it. "The difference with America is that we are so interconnected, ...
Business Insider
Flame Hits Windows Update: 7 Key Facts
Flame's use of spoofed Microsoft security certificates will likely be mimicked by sophisticatedmalware writers to craft widespread attacks, experts say. By Mathew J. Schwartz InformationWeek The latest revelation into the Flame malware's capabilities ...
Tom Still: More soldiers are needed in cyber battle
La Crosse Tribune
Ultimately, that's an even bigger threat to national security if hackers act as vampires, sucking away at the life's blood of American innovation. “My greatest fear is that, rather than having a cyber-Pearl Harbor event, that we will instead have this ...
A Brand New Malware “Flame” Recognized by Kaspersky
SPAMfighter News
This malware is awarded as the most sophisticated cyber weapon yet unleashed. Kaspersky analysis of the malware exposed that it is a attack toolkit, it is a backdoor; a Trojan and it has a worm like features, permitting it to copy in a local network ...
Microsoft virus afflicts mayhem on UAE
A sophisticated cyber weapon has now also been discovered on computers in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, after hitting Iran earlier, prompting security concerns for energy firms based in the Gulf and industrial plants. The virus, dubbed “Flame”, ...
Flame virus detected in UAE
The News International
ABU DHABI: A sophisticated cyber weapon has been discovered on computers in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, prompting security concerns for energy firms based in the Gulf and industrial plants. The virus, dubbed “Flame”, is capable of spying on various ...
The News International
India: Cyber Terrorism And The Fifth Domain - Analysis
Eurasia Review
Nevertheless, cyber technology has become a crucial tool in the terrorist arsenal, and its use to directly engineer widespread, and potentially life threatening, disruptions cannot be overestimated. The US Government's Stuxnet attack against Iran's ...
Eurasia Review
HUGE Microsoft security FAIL helped Flame virus spread
Computerworld (blog)
I guess the good news is that this wasn't done by cyber criminals interested in financial benefit. But hang on, surely Microsoft could trace who requested the license? Dan Goodin says no: Details of the "cryptographic collision attack"...are the latest ...
Flame Malware: A Sleeping Giant
Midsize Insider
No matter how long Flame has existed, CrySys researchers claim it is the most sophisticatedmalware they have come across and quite possibly the most complex malware ever discovered, according to PC Magazine. Udi Modkady, Cyber-Ark CEO, ...
Benefits Are Great, and the Risks Exist Anyway
New York Times
With cyber attacks, there are no television shots of burning buildings, weeping victims or tortured pilots. The risks of Iran retaliating are not increased. The regime already blamed Stuxnet on the United States and Israel. In any case, we have been in ...
2 in RI delegation urge action on cybersecurity
James Langevin is calling the consequences of inaction on cybersecurity legislation on Capitol Hill "perilously high." The Rhode Island Democrat says the federal government must do more to protect against cyber risks, which officials say will soon ...
Drone and Cyber Technology : Moral, Legal, and Privacy Issues _ ...
By Conservatives on Fire
Here are a couple of simple definitions: Cyber Attacks: computer-to-computer attack that undermines the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of a computer or information resident on it. (Source). A cyberattack ... Two bills are being considered to deal with the cyber-threat: the Lieberman-CollinsCyber Security Act and the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), authored by Congressman Rogers and passed this past April. The Cyber Security Act involves the security of ...
Conservatives on Fire
GM food research site hit by cyber attack | Genetic Literacy Project
By News Headlines
The cyber-strike came after hundreds of protestors went to the agricultural research station in Hertfordshire to try to attack the facility's trial of genetically modified wheat, writes The Register's Brid-Aine Parnell. A large force of mounted police ...
Genetic Literacy Project
Are we getting the right message about ... - American Security Project
By Ashley Boyle
There is nothing wrong in promoting cyber as the greatest current threat to US national security; however, justification for this focus on all things cyber has a tendency to border on misinformation.Cybersecurity is often framed in a cyberwar ...
American Security Project
WashPost: Cyber Search Engine Shodan Exposes Industrial Control ...
By Council on Foreign Relations
With incidence of severe cybersecurity breaches increasing, govenment and business leaders are forced to re-evaluate control computer systems and heighten defences against hackers, writes Robert O'Harrow Jr. in the Washington Post. ... CFR Blog: Politics, Power, and Preventive Action. Micah Zenko covers the U.S. national security debate and offers insight on developments in international security and conflict prevention. - Defense/Homeland Security
In the shadow of the Flame, Warner Bros, China ... - Security Affairs
By paganinip
The events described demonstrate how much harmful could be a cyber attack in private sector and in the military one, the scenarios showed are characterized by inefficient level of security that could open the doors to future attacks ...
Security Affairs
BriefiCorporate Data, Supply Chains Remain Vulnerable to Cyber ...
By Carlton Vogt
Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook. Transcript of a BriefingsDirect podcast in which cyber security expert Joel Brenner explains the risk to businesses from international electronic espionage. ... chain activities in organizations, both large and small. Today, we're here on thesecurity front with one of the main speakers at the July 16 conference, Joel Brenner, the author of "America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare." ...
BriefingsDirect Transcripts
Researchers bypass Google Bouncer Android Security | The Hacker ...
By THN Reporter
Leading resource in providing information & updates to security experts and hackers worldwide. ...Quebec Liberal Party websites take down in massive Cyber Attack ... Anonymous hater takes credit for Pirate Bay and Wikileaks Ddos Attack ...
The Hacker News [ THN ]
The Shangri-La Dialogue 2012: Day Three Summary
By Min Cheong
Summary of the third and last day (June 3) of The 11th IISS Asia Security Summit, The Shangri-La Dialogue 2012. ... Opening the fourth plenary session (New Forms Of Warfare: Cyber, UAVs And Emerging Threats), were Dato' Seri Dr Ahman Zahid Hamidi, Minister of Defence for Malaysia, Peter Gordon MacKay, Minister of National Defence for Canada and Nick Harvey, Minister of State for the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom. The ministers discussed the characteristics of ...
New Asia Republic (新亚共和网)
New White House cyber czar brings intell chops » FISMA Focus
By jim
New White House cyber czar brings intell chops. Jun 04. From: Network News. By Michael Hardy. As soon as Howard Schmidt went public with his plan to step down as White House cybersecuritycoordinator, attention began to focus on his ...
Protect Sources and Methods - The Threats from ... - Security Debrief
By Robert Blitzer
Security Debrief - Homland security news and analysis ... In the limited reading I have been doing on cyber, it looks to me like our systems are under attack every day from hackers, crackers, terrorists, and hostile foreign governments.
Security Debrief
MAHER Centre, which has produced first software to remove “Flame ...
By irandailybrief
He added that the results of investigations carried out so far indicate that Flame was responsible for last month's (cyber) attack on the Oil Ministry. Ismail Radkani director-general for management and technical support at the state Information ...
Iran Daily Brief
Viruses and drones: blurring the line between virtual war and reality ...
By Ilyashenko Andrei
Cyber warfare is easily associated with self-igniting computers, power supply systems becoming paralyzed, or chemical plants exploding. However, according to the Washington Post, US military officials reassure that cyber weapons are going ...
Voice of Russia, News
Credit card safety and cyber attacks in travel - everyone must take ...
By Stephen Joyce
Cyber attacks and data breaches are on the rise, with some reports showing that restaurants, retail, and hospitality were top targets for criminals for the fourth year in a row. ... According to the 2012 Global Security Report from Trustwav, however, the vector for obtaining access to the target data was not direct network attacks but through malware unsuspectingly installed by workstation users or staff..... NB: Credit card lock, laptop attack and credit card cash images via Shutterstock.
Lieberman-Collins Cybersecurity Act Frequently Asked Questions
Article by Kurt Opsahl and Rainey Reitman. The Senate is moving quickly to take up the issue ofcybersecurity, with a potential vote looming in early June.
Report: U.S. behind Iran cyber attack - JSOnline
It reads like a riveting sci-fi novel, but it's stunningly real: A super-sophisticated malicious computer virus burrowed its way into Iran's nuclear facilities and took ...
Federal Officials Say Cybersecurity Is Greatest High-Risk Skill Gap ...
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Digital Government Institute Cyber Security Conference -- Federal officials are now classifying cybersecurity as the most dangerous skill ...
Follow @sobeqorg