Malta Independent Online
Large prestigious sporting events represent a highly desirable target for terrorist and cyber criminals. These events attract a considerable number of athletes, and millions of spectators, who occupy confined places for a short period of time. The ...
Cyber Attacks No Longer a Big Biz Problem: Twitter Chat July 19
Business Insider
Thanks to Symantec, we're bringing together security experts on Thursday, July 19 at 4pm New York time (1pm Los Angeles time) to discuss what you need to be aware of and what you can do to protect your business. We'll cover the following: What is a ...
Media should report on the real cover-up
Allentown Morning Call
All these leaks from the White House on drone attacks, cyber attacks and how Israel made a deal with a neighboring country on using their airports for a base to attack Iran, there was no mention of Eric Holder stonewalling Congress on Fast and Furious ...
MoD wants IT experts to take on cyber threat
For example, the military does not teach cyber skills per se. So we are talking about recruiting IT professionals. I would think a lot of them work for large banking companies, which have big security issues protecting their data. Similarly, a large ...

Safeguarding online security
While the company says they are investigating into the incident, several technology sites have cited hackers claiming responsibility for the cyber-attack. What the hackers derive out of violating the online privacy of the people is anybody's guess ...
US Warns of Security Weakness in Niagara Software
Northwest Herald
The Department of Homeland Security on Friday warned that a system used by organizations around the world to manage millions of machines and devices over the Internet is vulnerable to attackfrom hackers. The software system known as the Niagara ...
As recess nears, cybersecurity bill compromise uncertain
The Hill (blog)
Coats is a co-sponsor of McCain's Secure IT Act. A spokeswoman for Coats said he has not signed onto any other language than McCain's bill but “is willing to discuss with any of his colleagues efforts to improve cyber security in a way that does not ...
Board Oversight And Cybersecurity - What Are The Risks To Your Company
Mondaq News Alerts (registration)
Organizations can enhance t heir reputation by valuing cyber security and the protection of privacy and viewing it as a corporate social responsibility." "Review assessments of the organization'ssecurity program and ensure that it comports with best ...
Iran Sanctions: War by Other Means
The Israelis threaten it almost weekly, and the Obama administration has reportedly drawn up an attack plan. But in a sense, we are already at war with Iran. Carl von Clausewitz, the great theoretician of modern warfare, defined war as the continuation...

Android & NVIDIA Forum Hacked, Millions of User Credentials ...
By VOGH Reporter
VOGH- VOICE OF GREYHAT| Leading Resource of Cyber-Security & Hacking News. VOGH-News... Phandroid, a popular Android news site & online community popular with fans of Android smartphones faced cyber attack. Phandroid has ...
For example, the military does not teach cyber skills per se. So we are talking about recruiting IT professionals. I would think a lot of them work for large banking companies, which have big security issues protecting their data. Similarly, a large ...
Safeguarding online security
While the company says they are investigating into the incident, several technology sites have cited hackers claiming responsibility for the cyber-attack. What the hackers derive out of violating the online privacy of the people is anybody's guess ...
US Warns of Security Weakness in Niagara Software
Northwest Herald
The Department of Homeland Security on Friday warned that a system used by organizations around the world to manage millions of machines and devices over the Internet is vulnerable to attackfrom hackers. The software system known as the Niagara ...
As recess nears, cybersecurity bill compromise uncertain
The Hill (blog)
Coats is a co-sponsor of McCain's Secure IT Act. A spokeswoman for Coats said he has not signed onto any other language than McCain's bill but “is willing to discuss with any of his colleagues efforts to improve cyber security in a way that does not ...
Board Oversight And Cybersecurity - What Are The Risks To Your Company
Mondaq News Alerts (registration)
Organizations can enhance t heir reputation by valuing cyber security and the protection of privacy and viewing it as a corporate social responsibility." "Review assessments of the organization'ssecurity program and ensure that it comports with best ...
Iran Sanctions: War by Other Means
The Israelis threaten it almost weekly, and the Obama administration has reportedly drawn up an attack plan. But in a sense, we are already at war with Iran. Carl von Clausewitz, the great theoretician of modern warfare, defined war as the continuation...
Android & NVIDIA Forum Hacked, Millions of User Credentials ...
By VOGH Reporter
VOGH- VOICE OF GREYHAT| Leading Resource of Cyber-Security & Hacking News. VOGH-News... Phandroid, a popular Android news site & online community popular with fans of Android smartphones faced cyber attack. Phandroid has ...
Cyber Attacks No Longer a Big Biz Problem: Twitter Chat July 19
By Anita Campbell
What is a targeted attack and how it differs from other cyber threats; Why small businesses are being targeted (so you know what criminals are after!) How Mac users are being targeted — using Macs is no longer a pass. How to make your ...
Small Business News, Tips, Advice...
Cyberthreat Weekly: A $75 Million Cyber Bank Job, Anonymous ...
By Kristina Farrah
Cybersecurity is not just an issue of stealing personal information and defacing websites, it can cause very serious financial and political damage as well. Cyber Bank Job Compromises $75 Million. Perhaps the most alarming known cyber security nose-dive recently, Sky News reported a cyberfraud scheme that affected high-balance accounts from 60 banking institutions worldwide. The casualty amounted to an estimate of 75 million dollars. Investigators strongly believe that the crime...
The Department of Education's Orwellian Scheme | Grumpy Opinions
By grumpy
Don't worry if there is a cyber security attack on the Longitudinal Data Systems; information to be gleaned from an attack would only include some of the following: •Base salary or wage •Blood type •Height and Weight •Dwelling Arrangement ...
Grumpy Opinions
Study: Cybersecurity Market To Double In Next Five Years - Dark ...
According to a cybersecurity market report issued this week by the research firm MarketsandMarkets, the global cybersecurity market is expected to grow from ...
Cyber war on Iran has only just begun: Experts - Times Of India
Although the Iranian regime remains vulnerable to more cyber attacks in the aftermath of the "Stuxnet" worm that disrupted its uranium enrichment work, Tehran ...
The Local - Chinese cyber attacks hit Elysée Palace: report
The Elysée Palace faced a massive cyber attack just before François Hollande came to power in May. According to Le Télégramme, the attacks were so serious ...
Cyber Attack Training System (CATS) | FLC NewsLink
During the work period, phishing emails are sent, viruses are attached to emails and other cyber attacks occur. The trainee's responses will be recorded and ...
Smartphones are a Growing Vector for Cyber Attacks – Thunderpaw ...
Smartphones are a Growing Vector for Cyber Attacks. Thursday, July 12, 2012. For those of you who took my webinar on cyber security you'll recall that I ...
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