Delegates at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas are sharply split on the merits (or otherwise) of malware like Stuxnet that can be used offensively to take down infrastructure. Stuxnet was the first malware that was publicly acknowledged to have ...
Senate to take up cyber security bill
The Hill (blog)
The Cybersecurity Act aims to protect American from cyber attacks against the Web, electrical grid, banking systems, military operations, transportation networks and others. Those in support of the bill say it's vital to national security. “Failing to act on ...
Former FBI cyber cop worries about a digital 9/11
The natural gas attackers got in through "convincingly crafted" emails that appeared to be internal and went to a "tightly focused" list of targets, according a Department of HomelandSecurity cybersecurity team. The campaign lasted three months before it was ...
Privacy safeguards essential to Senate Cybersecurity bill
The Hill (blog)
Cybersecurity is a critical goal for our nation, and many have urged Congress to enact legislation to address the serious threats posed by hackers and other cyber attacks. ... As part of my work with The Constitution Project's bipartisan Liberty and Security Committee, I have joined with other former government officials and legal and other experts to develop a set of recommendations to ensure that any government cybersecurity programs are designed to protect both our computer networks and our constitutional rights.
Israel's Businesses Losing the Cyber War
Wall Street Journal
It is an ironic twist for a country with a reputation as a high-tech and cyber-warfarepowerhouse. Israel's military—renowned ... And Israel's critical electricity and financial grids are among the best secured in the world against cyber attacks that threaten national security, according to a January report by security firm McAfee Inc. But it is a different story among Israeli companies. Most businesses are reluctant to invest in cyber defenses because they don't consider an attack a serious enough threat. Top managers often ...
Wall Street Journal
London Olympics officials prepare for cyber attacks
Los Angeles Times
Olympics cybersecurity. London Olympics security officials say they are well prepared for cyber attacks. More than 3500 information technology engineers and technicians have been assigned to monitor the Games' computer systems and networks. Above, the Games' technology operations center. (Lefteris ... Olympicsecurity officials are bracing for an onslaught of cyber assaults that could easily surpass the 12 million attacks a day, or 500000 an hour, that were logged during the Beijing Olympics four years ago.
Los Angeles Times
Finnish firm says new cyber attack may have targeted Iran
A general view shows the Iranian nuclear power plant of Natanz in 2005. A scientist claiming to work for the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran told a Finnish cyber-security group that Tehran's nuclear programme had been the victim of a new cyber attack, the ...
Cyber defenders urged to go on the offense
Bangkok Post
After 24 years of working for the FBI, Henry in April switched to the private sector as the head of a division at startup CrowdStrike specializing in cyber attack incident responses and identifying adversaries. The computer security industry to expand its arsenal ...
Bangkok Post
Former FBI Agent Warns of Cyber-Threat, Asks Hackers for Help at Black Hat
A former FBI executive director asked hackers to join the U.S. government as it tackles newcyber-security threats that jeopardize the country's security and infrastructure. ... In Henry's view, the threat of a cyber-attack should not be under-estimated. “I believe ...
Offensive cyber strategy to fight hackers
The first day of briefings at a prestigious Black Hat computer security gathering here opened with a former FBI cyber crime unit chief calling for a shift from defence to offense when it comes to protecting networks. "We need warriors to fight our enemies, particularly in ... After 24 years of working for the FBI, Henry in April switched to the private sector as the head of a division at start-up CrowdStrike specialising in cyber attack incident responses and identifying adversaries. The computer security industry to expand its ...
Report: Musical cyber attack strikes Iranian
Iranian nuclear facilities have been struck by a musical cyber virus, according to an e-mail believed to have been sent by an Iranian scientist to a Finnish digitalsecurity firm. Mikko Hypponen, a chief researcher at the F-Secure firm, posted the e-mail on the ...
Senate to Consider Cybersecurity Act of 2012
The New American
The bill's sponsors made some concessions and revised components of the original bill that drew significant criticism, including the provision to assign the Department of HomelandSecurity the role of creating mandatory cyber security standards for ...
Former FBI Exec: Public Needs To Recognize Cyber Attacks Pose Grave Threat
A 24-year FBI veteran describes cyber attacks and the threat to information security as the among the most significant threats we face. ... "Anybody with a $500 computer and an Internet connection can attack anyone at any time while sitting in their pajamas." ...
Q. & A.: The Cybersecurity Bill, China, and Innovation
New Yorker (blog)
After years of debate, the Senate is set to take up a cyber-security bill that would force power companies and other vulnerable parts of the infrastructure to meet a certain level of security. President Obama is backing the bill, the Cybersecurity Act of 2012, as a ...
New Yorker (blog)
Lieberman: No need for more studies or hearings on cybersecurity bill
Daily Caller
He also noted that in the 112th Congress, “the Judiciary Committee also held a markup on the Personal Data and Privacy Security Act, and in previous congresses the Senate held mark-ups of cybersecurity legislation in five separate committees under regular ...
Daily Caller
SaskTel Selects CloudShield Advanced Cyber Countermeasures Solution To ...
Sacramento Bee
The platform works in line, in real-time to control network traffic at multi-gigabit speeds and provides organizations with actionable network attack intelligence that enables them to deliver advanced cyber countermeasures. ... About SAIC SAIC is a FORTUNE 500® scientific, engineering, and technology applications company that uses its deep domain knowledge to solve problems of vital importance to the nation and the world, in national security, energy and the environment, critical infrastructure, and health.
Cyber defenders urged to hit back
Herald Sun
Briefings at a prestigious computer security gathering in Las Vegas on Wednesday opened with a former FBI cyber crime unit chief calling for a shift from defence to offence when it comes to protecting networks. "We need warriors to fight our enemies, particularly ... After 24 years of working for the FBI, Henry in April switched to the private sector as the head of a division at startup company, CrowdStrike, specialising in cyber attack incident responses and identifying adversaries. "It is not enough to watch the perimeter," ...
Watching the crooks: Researcher monitors cyber-espionage ring
Two primary groups, in Shanghai and Beijing, appear to be behind the attack operations, he said. The groups were using more than 200 unique families of custom ... Stewart also found a private security organization in Asia, but not in China, that's conducting a powerful cyber-espionage operation against another country's military, while also offering security services and so-called "ethical hacking courses" as part of its legitimate business. He wouldn't name the company. Attackers are using a tool called HTran to ...
IBM comes out swinging against revised cybersecurity bill
The Hill (blog)
The original draft of Lieberman's Cybersecurity Act would have required critical infrastructure, such as gas pipelines and electrical grids, to meet mandatory security standards. For the latest version, the senators replaced the regulatory mandates with voluntary ... The company also complained that the legislation unnecessarily slows down the sharing of cyber threat information and imposes too much bureaucracy on the process. The authors of the legislation restricted the information-sharing language to appease ...
Why the Latest Senate Cybersecurity Bill is a Joke
CIO (blog)
Why the Latest Senate Cybersecurity Bill is a Joke. A new version of the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protect Act (CISPA) is about to be put to vote in the U.S. Senate., and it could very well pass. But the ... "The destruction or exploitation of critical infrastructure through a cyber attack, whether a nuclear power plant, a region's water supply, or a major financial market, could cripple our economy, our national security, and the American way of life. We must act now." So if this bill gets passed we will only ...
CIO (blog)
What's going on with the Cybersecurity Act of 2012?
Help Net Security
This week we have witnessed a heated debate between US Senators who showed opposite opinions on the Cybersecurity Act of 2012, a bill aimed at regulating a number of important aspects related to defending critical infrastructure from cyber attacks. ... the Senate HomelandSecurity Committee, and four of his Democratic colleagues, and it focuses on building a public-private partnership that would enable a higher level of protection for critical infrastructure in this day and age where cyber attacks are omnipresent.
OVERNIGHT TECH: Lieberman confident as Senate moves to cybersecurity
The Hill (blog)
Wyden working on amendments for cyber bill: Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said he was working on amendments for the cybersecurity bill that would touch on a "variety" of issues, including privacy. Wyden had previously expressed concern that the information ...
Service Cyber Commands Shift From Web Geeks To 'Warriors'
AOL Defense
CAPITOL HILL: The four service cyber commands want to shift personnel and resources from routine network operations to online attack and defense executed with a "warrior" mentality, their senior officers told Congress yesterday afternoon, in a hearing held ... The four cybercommands that testified today have a dual role, both supporting their respective services' networks and acting as the service components of US Cyber Command, which is co-located with the National Security Agency at Fort Meade, Maryland.
Former FBI agent urges hackers to help US fend off cyber-threats
As the world becomes more and more connected, the United States obviously faces threats that are purely cyber in nature. During his keynote at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas today, former FBI agent Shawn Henry made a point of discussing ...
Cyber Security Bill Now Positioned to Pass
That's why the re-write of the cyber security bill would “hold harmless” these companies that collaborate with the federal government -- either to divulge attacks or to work with authorities to prevent them. Along those lines, owners of critical infrastructure assets would not be obligated to participate but if they do, they ... Because the system is now connected to the outside world, it is open to attack. Consider the smart grid that allows utilities and customers to communicate with each other: A nemesis can manipulate the ...
Pentagon still grappling with rules of cyberwar
Keith Alexander, head of U.S. Cyber Command, for details on the military rules of engagement for offensive cyberoperations, particularly so that U.S. forces have the proper authority to act quickly when an attack is discovered or a network is breached. Alexander, who also heads the secretive National ... The military has longstanding rules of engagement for conventionalwarfare that lay out the appropriate response to a particular act or attack by another country or faction. And last year President Barack Obama signed ...
Ex-FBI cyber sleuth: Government 'gets it,' but it will take time
Henry, a recently retired executive assistant director who headed the FBI's response to cybercrime unit, said government is ready to change that. “Government gets it,” he said. ... Henry, who now is president of Crowdstrike Services, echoed a common refrain in cybersecurity circles. “You've got to assume the adversary is in ... The National Security Agency defends the .mil domain, the Homeland Security Department defends .gov, but “nobody has authority to defend .com,” he said. About the Author. William Jackson is ...
Black Hat: Cyber-espionage operations vast yet highly focused, researcher claims
Network World
In fact, says Stewart, the code called "HTran" that Dell SecureWorks believes was employed by Chinese attackers in the infamous attack against RSA last year is still in use, and has been linked to attacks against entities in Japan. ... "Other research we have conducted has uncovered a sizable cyber-espionage operation carried out by a private computer security company in an Asian country (not China) against a foreign military, presumably on behalf of the government of the country in which that company resides.
Summer Games officials expect wave after wave of cyber attacks
Channel 6 News Online
Olympic security officials are bracing for an onslaught of cyber assaults that could easily surpass the 12 million attacks a day, or 500000 an hour, that were logged during the Beijing Olympics four years ago. “From the hacker's ... cyber terrorists. A sophisticated attack could cause havoc for those attending the games by cutting off their access to information about public transportation or taking out all the ATMs at once, said Stan Stahl, president of the Los Angeles chapter of the Information Systems Security Association.
Is the smart grid vulnerable to cyber warfare? (blog)
This week we heard that a virus had struck an Iranian atomic research facility, reeking havoc with the AC and blasting AC/DC's “Thunderstruck,” and continued discussion on leaks about President Obama's approval of U.S. cyber warfare program. It all begs the question of how ...SafeNet's vice president of product management Mark Yakabuski told me that smart grids were a particular focal point, and that the utility industry is grappling with finding the right balance between security and reliability. Utilities, Yakabuski ...
Former FBI cyber cop worries about a digital 9/11 | ...
By Raymond Hawkes
The natural gas attackers got in through “convincingly crafted” emails that appeared to be internal and went to a “tightly focused” list of targets, according a Department of HomelandSecurity cybersecurity team. The campaign lasted three ... – Richmond News &...
New Madi instance and “AC/DC” virus, Middle East ... - Security Affairs
By paganinip
But as introduced in the title of the post the Middle East is becoming shooting range for malwarediffusion, as mentioned I refer of course of state sponsored attacks that demonstrate the increasing interest in cyber warfare of governments. Another news has recently alerted the international security community, a scientist working at the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) declared that computer systems have been hit by a new cyber-attack. This new attack is really singular ...
Security Affairs
Cyber Security and American Power | DoDLive
By glenn.selby
When it comes to cyberspace, the United States is the country most vulnerable to an attack in the world, that according to remarks made by Gen. Keith Alexander, commander, U.S. CyberCommand, and director of the National Security Agency ...
A cyber security assessment for just $60 | IT Governance Blog on IT ...
By kwright
Are you cyber resilient? Could you survive a cyber attack? The Cyber Security Assessment Tool is a cost-effective and innovative way of answering these critical questions. And until the end of July it has been reduced to just $60!
IT Governance Blog on IT governance,...
DOE Recommends Three Levels for Cyber Utility Risk Management
By Ross Wilkers
DOE Recommends Three Levels for Cyber Utility Risk Management. The Energy Department recently published a cybersecurity guidance report evaluating cybersecurity risk management and maturity readiness within the electricity industry, ...
The New New Internet
AC/DC Plays at Full Blast as Another Virus Attacks Iran's Nuclear ...
By (James Burgess)
Iran's nuclear energy program suffers another cyber-attack. Shutting down the automated ... The email (translated into English) is below, with more to be found at the F-Secure Security Labs website here. I am writing you to inform you that our ... Daily News Update
The Duck of Minerva: "Invisible" Wars?
By Charli Carpenter
World Politics Review has a feature section in this issue on the "invisibility" of contemporary US wars, fought through covert ops, drone strikes and cyber attack rather than on conventional battlespaces. The issue is a thought-provoking read: Thomas Barnett aims a ... Indeed, it is precisely the increasing visibility of ordinary warfare due to communications technology that is driving U.S. efforts to redefine the rules of engagement. And ironically, this is resulting in an unraveling of old ...
The Duck of Minerva
Chemical Facility Security News: Analysis of S 3414 – Voluntary ...
By PJCoyle
Analysis of S 3414 – National Cybersecurity Council · Analysis of S 3414 – Critical CyberInfrastructure · Analysis of S 3414 – Voluntary Cybersecurity Practices. NOTE: The GPO now has a copy of this bill available. As anyone that has been ...
Chemical Facility Security News
By longtimeconservative (Diary)
Critical information was leaked concerning Drone attacks and a joint United States and Israelcyber attack on Iran's nuclear weapon program that betrayed years of trust between the two nations. In response to this and other revelations ...
longtimeconservative's Diary
Morning Advantage: The Malcolm Gladwell Formula for Success ...
By Paul Michelman
Pressure is building for the next Congress to enact comprehensive cyber security legislation in what is likely to be a rare one-time legislative event that overcomes multiple public and private interests, says Oxford Analytica. Legislation is likely to focus on key principles such as resilience, developing a viable doctrine of deterrence, incentivizing private sector cyber defense, and establishing relatively clear principles of attack attribution and retaliation. SHOOTING FOR THE MOON ...
In hint to Iran, PM says 'best defense is a good offense' «
By josephwouk
I say defense budgets [in the plural] because aside from the IDF there are additional securitybodies.” On the Iranian nuclear issue, the prime minister said that ... Netanyahu added that the threat of cyber warfare was becoming more apparent, but he surmised that most people were not aware of just how vulnerable developed countries were to this kind of attack, as they grew more and more reliant on computers and computerized systems. “My goal was to become one of the world's five ...
PhishMe Raises $2.5M Series A Funding to Support its SaaS ...
By tom
Round Led by Paladin Capital Group Enables PhishMe to Scale Sales, Services and Engineering to Help Solve Today's Toughest Cyber Security Threats. CHANTILLY, Va., July 26, 2012 — PhishMe Inc., a spear phishing ... PhishMe Inc. offers a turnkey service that helps change employee behavior in responding to targeted phishing attacks – the #1 attack vector used to compromise corporate and government networks today. PhishMe, which providesphishing awareness training for ...
Paladin Capital Group
Franken Amendment Would Remove Worst Part of Cybersecurity Bill ...
Senator Franken's New Amendment Would Strike Section 701 of the Cybersecurity Act of 2012, Removing Provisions that Permit Monitoring of Private ...
The Revised Cybersecurity Act of 2012
The Revised Cybersecurity Act of 2012 Summary: The revised bipartisan Cybersecurity Act of 2012 or “CSA2012” was developed in response to what defense ...

Huffington Post It looks as though two of Iran's nuclear plants have been “struck” by another cyber ...
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