Free Gauss cyber-attack Detection Tools | Tekblog
Palida Narrow Both Kaspersky and CrySyS offer free Gauss online detection tools for windows users. Gauss is cyber surveillance malware that is designed to ...
Palida Narrow Both Kaspersky and CrySyS offer free Gauss online detection tools for windows users. Gauss is cyber surveillance malware that is designed to ...
Kaspersky appeals for Gauss crypto help
Consumer Tech
Tech4Biz | 16 Aug 2012 : Kaspersky Lab has appealed for help from top-notch cryptographers to help it break the encryption of a still-mysterious warhead delivered by the Gauss cyber-reconnaissance malware. "We are asking anyone interested in cryptology ...

Consumer Tech
Consumer Tech
Tech4Biz | 16 Aug 2012 : Kaspersky Lab has appealed for help from top-notch cryptographers to help it break the encryption of a still-mysterious warhead delivered by the Gauss cyber-reconnaissance malware. "We are asking anyone interested in cryptology ...
Consumer Tech
The Guardian
The security services warned the Olympic authorities about a potential cyber-attack on their power supply days before the Games opening ceremony, the Guardian has learned. The warning is believed to have led to an urgent check on a backup system and ...
The Guardian
Create a cyber security plan for your business
There are many resources available, including National Cyber Security Alliance website,, which has the tools and resources you need to guide you in implementing acyber safe business plan. NCSA clearly walks the small ... Report ...
Israeli Strike in Iran: Cyber-attack, Ballistic Missiles
Arutz Sheva
According to the document presented in the blog, the Israeli attack on Iran “will begin with a coordinated strike, including an unprecedented cyber-attack which will totally paralyze the Iranian regime and its ability to know what is happening within ...
Arutz Sheva
Cyber-bullying must be outlawed
Port Huron Times Herald
Yet, there is no regulation for this behavior. Even the recent passing of Matt's Safe School Law fails to cover cyber-bullying. Current technology allows bullies to attack 24 hours a day before a huge audience. Bullying negatively affects the bully and ...
WikiLeaks Hit By Cyber Attack
Daily Gossip
According to a Twitter post from the website, WikiLeaks was hit by a cyber attack involving junk traffic. So much of it that it eventually shut down WikiLeaks. Over 10 gigabits per second of such junk traffic made for a cyber attack strong enough to ...
Daily Gossip
CACI to develop USAF cyber tech
Air Traffic Management
CACI International has been selected as one of six prime contractors to support the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Information Directorate in rapidly fielding mission-critical cybersecuritysolutions on the Agile Cyber Technology (ACT) contract ...
Cyber hackers attack websites of Africa anti-gay countries
Gay Star News
Cyber hackers attack websites of Africa anti-gay countries. Hacktivist groups TheEliteSociety and Anonymous launch a joint ... The Anonymous and TheEliteSociety hacking groups have launched a joint all-out attack against countries in Africa that kill ...
Gay Star News
Anonymous took down government website
Edmonton Journal
In the attack, federal cyber-security workers came up with a "workaround," according to the incident report, to partly restore service before a permanent solution could be found. The attack on Canada's parliamentary website was one of a series of ...
Building Automation Systems under Cyber Security Attack
The article titled “Cyber security, building automation, and the intelligent building” takes you through how intelligent control evolved in the 1960s to proprietary software during the 80s to the anonymous cyber aggressor post 9/11. The central section ...
Cyber Intel: Iran Sues; My Lawyer is Bigger Than Your Lawyer
AOL Government
One cyber warfare subject matter expert I spoke to was quick to point out that, "this attack does not come close to the definition of cyber terrorism" and I have to agree. It does raise a number of issues worth considering: 1. The disinformation and ...
Cyber fraudsters get smart with phones in latest scam
Irish Times
One of these small companies was Cyota, which specialised in online security and anti-fraud solutions for financial institutions. It was snapped up by RSA in 2005; it in turn ... Each January, the clock is reset, explains RSA's head of cyber threats ...
Identifying the attacking host a secondary concern in cyber-incident response ...
Cybersecurity incident handling should focus principally on containment, eradication and recovery, and secondarily on identifying the attacking host or hosts, according to final guidance, SP 800-61 Revision 2 (.pdf), published Aug. 8 by the National ...
Stop CISPA surveillance
Bennington Banner
While the stated purpose of the bill is to help the government investigate cyber threats and ensure the security of networks against cyber-attack the language contains too few limits on how and when the government may monitor or engage in surveillance ...
The Best Defense is a Good Offense
Signal Magazine
Based on those two realities, cybersecurity requires both teamwork and collaboration, Mary Lee, director of strategy and policy development, Cyber Task Force, National Security Agency, stated. Lee served as moderator of the TechNet Land Forces East ...
Blogger: Israeli attack in Iran will include,
Any Israeli attack on Iran will open with a "coordinated strike, including an unprecedentedcyber-attack which will totally paralyze the Iranian regime and its ability to know what is happening within its borders," American blogger Richard Silverstein ...
Obama urged to issue cybersecurity executive order (blog)
Va., sent a letter to President Barack Obama this week, urging him to use executive branch authorities to better secure critical systems against cyber attacks, Federal Times reported. Rockefellar called on Obama to "explore and employ every letter of ...
Combining Cyber into MAGTF
Signal Magazine
Mills, who admitted to being “an old infantry guy,” nonetheless put his cybersecurity resources to good use during his 2010 deployment leading Marines in Afghanistan. He said that cyber became an important tool in defending his combat network against ...
ThyssenKrupp seeks insurance against cyber crime: report
Fears of cyber attacks or industrial espionage from computer viruses or malware have been growing since the discovery of the Stuxnet worm which Israel and the United States are believed to have developed to attack and disable Iran's nuclear facilities.
Partners Critical in Cybersecurity
Signal Magazine
... into the many bilateral and multilateral exercises that the United States participates in every year. The general said that it is unavoidable that partner nations become involved in U.S. cybersecurityefforts because “cyber events happen very ...
Course for teens now includes anti cyber bullying
Mr. Johnston believes cyber-bullying takes place covertly, outside the school and often while the child is in the privacy and security of the home. "Teaching responsibility and consequences via experiential learning while ... for Teens' residential ...
Primordia Teaser Trailer Embraces Cyber-Punk Adventures
Cinema Blend
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack Devouring Everything O... Ex-Triad Says Sleeping Dogs Is As Violent As Real-Life Hong ... Sound Blaster Tactic3D Rage Wireless And Wired ... While Gemini Rue was a true cyber-punk noir point-and-click game ...
The ITRs and Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity strives to ensure the attainment and maintenance of the security properties of the organization and user's assets against relevant security risks in the cyber environment. The generalsecurity objectives comprise the following ...
Anonymous took down parliamentary website, government documents show
In the Anonymous attack, federal cyber security workers came up with a “workaround,” according to the incident report, to partially restore service before a permanent solution could be found. “At no time was the integrity of government of Canada ...
'Getting Geared Up' for Another Cyber Bill Fight?
National Journal
Sheldon Whitehouse says he's getting been in the Ocean State "getting geared up" for another fight over cybersecurity legislation in the upper chamber. Before leaving for recess, Senate Republicans blocked a White House-backed measure aimed at ...
New Zealand mulls cyber-bullying crime
Wellington - New Zealand said it was considering making cyber-bullying a criminal offence on Wednesday, amid concerns that existing laws offer inadequate protection from online harassment. A Law Commission report said adolescents were particularly ...
Another Massive Cyber Attack in Middle East «
By Paolo Passeri
I have just received a couple of tweets from an unknown user @cyberstrikenews providing more details about the latest Cyber Attack in Middle East targeting Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco). The Oil Company declared that ...
Talk of Attack May Be Cover for Cyber War on Iran – Global Agenda ...
By Dave Robbins
Journalists are scratching their heads to figure out why Israeli and American leaders are leading a daily chatter of a military attack on Iran, but the flow of words may be a ruse to give Iran a double jolt as its deep fear that a cyber war can knock ...
Endtime Ministries
Cyber Arms Deals and Latin America in the Post ... - The Daily Attack
By RJ Article by W. Alex Sanchez. In a way, the Stuxnet virus is not that surprising. Washington and Tel Aviv, just like Washington and London, have a historical “special relationship;” hence it is not astounding at all that binational ...
The Daily Attack
Keep an Eye on This: Saudi Aramco Cyber Attack - blog*spot
By Andy Bochman
Keep an Eye on This: Saudi Aramco Cyber Attack. Hat tip to my friend, north-of-the-border cyberguru Darth Thanos for his tweet on this. I don't usually post breaking news because that's not my job, and a fuller, more helpful picture usually ...
The Smart Grid Security Blog
UMUC Team Wins Third in National Cybersecurity Competition ...
The team, whose name is a nod to Jedi apprentices from "Star Wars," faced stiff competition, battlingcyber warriors from 35 colleges and high schools across the country. The top five was rounded out by teams from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo ...
Experience UMUC - The Official UMUC Blog
Partners Critical in Cybersecurity
By jim
PwC: Internal Audit Is Key to Data Security ... The general said that it is unavoidable that partner nations become involved in U.S. cybersecurity efforts because “cyber events happen very quickly and across multiple organizations.” Maj. Gen.
How Vulnerable to Attack is Your Computer? See US-CERT ...
By Sherman E. DeForest
US-CERT's mission is to improve the nation's cybersecurity posture, coordinate cyber information sharing, and proactively manage cyber risks to the nation while protecting the constitutional rights of Americans. US-CERT's ... Lately I have written several pieces about using anti-malware applications on personal computers (For Computer Security, Can Malwarebytes Do the Job?, More Malwarebytes: Prevention or Detection?, Chris Pirillo Talks to Doug Swanson of Malwarebytes, and ...
israeli war on Iran looming: US author | CounterPsyOps
By MKERone
israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are reportedly lobbying for a massive attack against Iran among Israeli cabinet members. (File photo). A US-based political writer claims he has ... The strike, Silverstein noted, will also involve cyber attacks to render Iran's internet and telecom networks as well as radio and television, telecommunication satellites, and fiberoptic network dysfunctional. Smart carbon-fiber weapons will also attack Iran's ...
Identifying the attacking host a secondary concern in cyber-incident ...
By jim
Identifying the attacking host a secondary concern in cyber-incident response, says NIST. Aug 16. From: FierceGovernmentIT. By Molly Bernhart Walker. Cybersecurity incident handling should focus principally on containment, eradication and ...
Rockefeller calls on Obama to issue cybersecurity executive order ...
urged President Obama on Monday to issue an executive order that would establish a program in which companies operating critical infrastructure would take steps to bolster the security of their computer systems from a cyberattack. ... “[B] ecause it is very unclear whether the Senate will come to agreement on cybersecurity legislation in the near future, I urge you to explore and employ every lever of executive power that you possess to protect this country from the cyber threat,” ...
SGTreport - The Corporate Propaganda...
New Cyber-Virus that Monitors Online Banking Accounts is - blog*spot
By José Ricardo Maia Moraes
What makes Gauss even more intriguing is that it is believed to be “a complex, nation-state sponsored cyber-espionage toolkit,” Kasperksy said in a statement carried by TMCnet. In addition, its ... In a recent statement, Alexander Gostev, chief security expert at Kaspersky Lab, said, “Gauss bears striking resemblances to Flame, such as its design and code base, which enabled us to discover the malicious program. ... Stuxnet was used to attack a nuclear fuel enrichment program in Iran .
Tech 4 Business
BBC News - Wikileaks website back online after DDoS cyber-attack
The whistle-blowing website Wikileaks is back online after being disrupted by a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack for more than a week. The website ...
National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center ...
The National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) is a 24x7 center responsible for the production of a common operating picture for ...
How Does Your Company View Cybersecurity?
According to a new survey, most organizations are ill-prepared to detect and stop advanced, targeted attacks.
Iran threatens to counter cyber warfare with legal action - Haaretz.Com
Iran plans to take legal action against anyone proved to be linked to cyber- attacks against its public computer networks or national infrastructure systems, the ...
Cyber-legislation Delayed Despite the Need - Editorials - The ...
When Republicans in the Senate blocked passage of a comprehensive cybersecurity bill earlier this month, they claimed that its requirements on businesses to ...
When Republicans in the Senate blocked passage of a comprehensive cybersecurity bill earlier this month, they claimed that its requirements on businesses to ...
Journalists can now register for webinar on cybersecurity | Knight ...
The two-hour webinar will be offered in English on Aug. 15, 2012, taught by Robert Guerra, a Canadian expert in cybersecurity and other Internet related issues.
GNN Searches for CEO, COO: Prepares for Cyber Attack - TAG ...
ATLANTA (August 9, 2012) – The fictional Atlanta-based Global News Network ( GNN), the most powerful and influential fictional news network in the world, ...
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