Google Joins PayPal-Backed Effort to Kill the Password the FIDO Alliance | MIT Technology Review: " . . . Google joining the group is a major boost for the FIDO approach, which needs support from major technology companies to succeed. Google is already known to be interested in demoting the importance of passwords to security. As well as offering two factor security, where a person must provide a one time code sent to their phone along with their password, the company is also testing the idea of replacing passwords with personal USB keys, or even rings with contactless NFC technology (see “Google Wants to Replace All Your Passwords with a Ring”). . . ." (read more at link above)
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Small Businesses In Crosshairs of Cyber Criminals
Cyber Criminals Have Small Businesses In Crosshairs, Says Report
Small Business Trends
A false sense of security is one reason small businesses may take less care. An earlier survey by Symantec discovered many small businesses believe they're “immune” to a cyber attack. They believe no one could possibly stand to gain fromcyber attacks ...

Small Business Trends
Oracle fixes 42 holes in Java to prevent cyber hacking
Java was the vehicle for 50% of allcyber attacks last year in which hackers broke into computers by exploiting software bugs, according to security software maker Kaspersky Lab....

Raid on cyber cafes & ATMs
Times of India
Chief technical officer of CDRC, Vineet Kumar said the cyber cafes, which were using Malware programme, pose serious threat to the country's security. "Army officers often use computers at these cafes, where the malicious programmes to steal ...
Nisei's son to lead Army cyber center
Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Paul M. Nakasone, deputy chief of staff for intelligence at International Security Assistance Force Joint Command in Afghanistan, will become director of Army Cyber Operations Integration Center at 2nd Army/Army Cyber Command at Fort Belvoir, Va....
Harper Government Announces Action Plan for Cyber Security
Wall Street Journal
OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - April 18, 2013) - The Honourable Vic Toews, Minister of Public Safety, today announced the release of the Action Plan 2010-2015 for Canada's Cyber SecurityStrategy. This action plan demonstrates the accomplishments ...
Infosys, Irish varsity in pact to combat cyber crime
Hindu Business Line
Subu Raju, Senior Vice-President, Infosys Labs and Products R&D, said: “The rise of cloud and mobility solutions has only increased the need for greater cyber security. This is a top concern we hear from executives around the globe. Our partnership ...
Small Business Trends
A false sense of security is one reason small businesses may take less care. An earlier survey by Symantec discovered many small businesses believe they're “immune” to a cyber attack. They believe no one could possibly stand to gain fromcyber attacks ...
Small Business Trends
Oracle fixes 42 holes in Java to prevent cyber hacking
Java was the vehicle for 50% of allcyber attacks last year in which hackers broke into computers by exploiting software bugs, according to security software maker Kaspersky Lab....
Raid on cyber cafes & ATMs
Times of India
Chief technical officer of CDRC, Vineet Kumar said the cyber cafes, which were using Malware programme, pose serious threat to the country's security. "Army officers often use computers at these cafes, where the malicious programmes to steal ...
Nisei's son to lead Army cyber center
Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Paul M. Nakasone, deputy chief of staff for intelligence at International Security Assistance Force Joint Command in Afghanistan, will become director of Army Cyber Operations Integration Center at 2nd Army/Army Cyber Command at Fort Belvoir, Va....
Harper Government Announces Action Plan for Cyber Security
Wall Street Journal
OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - April 18, 2013) - The Honourable Vic Toews, Minister of Public Safety, today announced the release of the Action Plan 2010-2015 for Canada's Cyber SecurityStrategy. This action plan demonstrates the accomplishments ...
Infosys, Irish varsity in pact to combat cyber crime
Hindu Business Line
Subu Raju, Senior Vice-President, Infosys Labs and Products R&D, said: “The rise of cloud and mobility solutions has only increased the need for greater cyber security. This is a top concern we hear from executives around the globe. Our partnership ...
Cyber security: How Coventry University is training ethical hackers
Coventry University's Ethical Hacking and Network Security BSc course aims to train the next-generation of cyber-security experts, using a state-of-the-art ethical hacking laboratory opened in November 2011 in the brand new Faculty of Engineering and ...

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Coventry University's Ethical Hacking and Network Security BSc course aims to train the next-generation of cyber-security experts, using a state-of-the-art ethical hacking laboratory opened in November 2011 in the brand new Faculty of Engineering and ...
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$207 Billion Cyber-Security Industry Ready to Take Off
Fertile Ground for Startups: 10 Sectors of the $207 Billion Cyber-Security Industry Poised to Take Off--
" . . . In the coming five years, the cyber-security industry is expected to expand by 7.7 percent annually, reaching $285.9 billion in revenue by 2018, according to David Yang, the analyst who wrote the IBIS World report. Here is a list of the top 10 sectors in the industry ranked by the percentage their revenue is expected to grow over the next five years. . . . Read more:
Wall Street Journal
Through the competition, challengers are given an opportunity to shine on a national stage and connect with the nation's top cyber security firms. "Competitions are an excellent way for students to develop skills that compliment classroom-based education.
FERC rulemaking to advance cyber security for bulk electric system
Frontline workers who will actually implement cyber security standards must have clearly defined requirements to help protect the grid from cyber attack." Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur said the proposed Version 5 of the CIP standards is a significant ...
China denies cyber spies are linked to Chinese military unit
'The Chinese government officially denies all Chinese cyber attacks and claims that its own cyber warfare strategies are wholly defensive," says Dr Umbach Senior Associate and Head of the Programme 'International Energy Security' at the Centre for...
House passes online security bill
Portsmouth Daily Times
On Thursday, the U.S. House passed cyber security legislation backed by companies including Boeing Co. and AT&T Inc. defying a veto threat by President Barack Obama's administration over what it called inadequate privacy protections. The bill passed ...
Looming Cyber-Security Bill Could Have Spoiled Reddit's Boston Investigation
Business Insider Australia
Part of the reason for CISPA is that massive companies are hemoraging proprietary information, through the likes of hackers conducting cyber espionage. Some of these hackers are state-sanctioned, others are downright criminal. It goes without ...
Armenian-Lithuanian cooperation in cyber security discussed
Agreements have been achieved to form and develop the cooperation in the spheres ofcyber security, human resources management and energy security. Seyran Ohanyan and Juozas Olekas exchanged opinions about the issues related to the regional ...
Interns help cops fight cyber crimes
Hindustan Times
During their internship, they will get an exposure of various constraints that one faces while dealing with cyber security cases and how to efficiently utilise resources keeping in mind the technical aspects. The police force will also benefit from the ...
SOLUTION ARC: How the public and private sectors can guard against cyber risks
Business Insurance
Business Insurance's latest Solution Arc explores evolving legal and regulatory guidance on cyber security, and details how companies and states can protect themselves from online attacks. Explore the Solution Arc. To provide feedback on this Solution ...
In cyber war game, Air Force cadets fend off NSA hackers (blog)
HANOVER, Maryland (Reuters) - A U.S. Air Force Academy team on Friday beat out rivals from other elite military colleges after a three-day simulated cyber "war" against hackers from the NationalSecurity Agency that is meant to teach future officers ...
Green light for new regulation for EU Cyber Security Agency ENISA ...
Today, 16, April, the European Parliament voted in plenary in Strasbourg, on the new regulation proposal for strengthening ENISA, the EU's “cyber security” ...
Cyber-Security Needs Spur Job Growth in 10 Tech Industries - eWeek
Ten industries are anticipated in the next five years to play a greater part in cyber- security.
China Denies Cyber Spies are Linked to Military Unit
China Denies Cyber Spies are Linked to Military Unit
Wall Street Journal
Chinese cyber attacks are now seen to be so aggressive and all-pervasive that US companies are demanding their government put China under strong political pressure, says World Review securityexpert Dr Frank Umbach. ... government officially denies all ...
Tories release cyber-security action plan - Vancouver Sun
Vancouver Sun
OTTAWA — A policy gap in the federal government's cyber-security efforts was filled Thursday with the release of an action plan the auditor general said was badly needed. The action plan lays out who is responsible for what when it comes to cyber ...

Vancouver Sun
Delhi-based cyber security firm Lucideus battles hackers
Economic Times
Twenty two-year-old Modi now runs his own cyber security company, Lucideus Tech, that has a marquee client list that includes the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Criminal Investigation Department, Reserve Bank of India, IBM and various central and state ...

Economic Times
Cispa bill on cyber security passed by the US House
BBC News
Cispa bill on cyber security passed by the US House. Hard drive Critics say more must be done to ... 'bat signal' · Cyber-security bill past US House. The US House of Representatives has passed the controversial Cyber Information Sharing and Protection ...

BBC News
US passes contentious cyber security bill
Irish Times
House minority leader Nancy Pelosi reflected the concerns shared by many civil liberties groups, arguing that the bill did not do enough to ensure that companies, in sharing cyber threat data, strip out any personal data of US citizens. Photograph ...

Irish Times
Student wins major cyber security prize
This is Plymouth
... Kaspersky, was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Science from Plymouth University in 2012. Mr Kaspersky will be giving a prestige lecture at the University on Monday 22 April, titled Challenges in the IT Security Industry in the Age of Cyber Warfare ...
Cyber Security – Avoid Prescriptions When Keeping Up With Threats
Banks are part of a interconnected ecosystem with law enforcement, vendors and other critical industries when it comes to cyber security. New cyber security regulations should help to facilitate cyber security efforts among these players instead of ...
House Passes Controversial Cyber Security Bill for Second Time
Despite a veto threat by President Obama and a vigorous campaign by privacy hawks, the House of Representatives easily passed a controversial cyber security bill that would make it easier for companies and the government to share threat information.
William Hague announces University Cyber Security Centre
Oxford Student
The Centre, whose launch coincided with the G8 summit of foreign ministers, will provide a world leading resource for understanding how to optimally deliver cyber security and will work with the UK government, as well as those of other countries to ...
FERC Proposes to Adopt New Cyber Security Standards
FERC Proposes to Adopt New Cyber Security Standards. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) moved to strengthen the cyber security of the ...
CISPA Vote Wednesday: Tell Congress to oppose anti-privacy cyber ...
Connecting grass-roots journalism to the public without corporate bias.
Wall Street Journal
Chinese cyber attacks are now seen to be so aggressive and all-pervasive that US companies are demanding their government put China under strong political pressure, says World Review securityexpert Dr Frank Umbach. ... government officially denies all ...
Tories release cyber-security action plan - Vancouver Sun
Vancouver Sun
OTTAWA — A policy gap in the federal government's cyber-security efforts was filled Thursday with the release of an action plan the auditor general said was badly needed. The action plan lays out who is responsible for what when it comes to cyber ...
Vancouver Sun
Delhi-based cyber security firm Lucideus battles hackers
Economic Times
Twenty two-year-old Modi now runs his own cyber security company, Lucideus Tech, that has a marquee client list that includes the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Criminal Investigation Department, Reserve Bank of India, IBM and various central and state ...
Economic Times
Cispa bill on cyber security passed by the US House
BBC News
Cispa bill on cyber security passed by the US House. Hard drive Critics say more must be done to ... 'bat signal' · Cyber-security bill past US House. The US House of Representatives has passed the controversial Cyber Information Sharing and Protection ...
BBC News
US passes contentious cyber security bill
Irish Times
House minority leader Nancy Pelosi reflected the concerns shared by many civil liberties groups, arguing that the bill did not do enough to ensure that companies, in sharing cyber threat data, strip out any personal data of US citizens. Photograph ...
Irish Times
Student wins major cyber security prize
This is Plymouth
... Kaspersky, was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Science from Plymouth University in 2012. Mr Kaspersky will be giving a prestige lecture at the University on Monday 22 April, titled Challenges in the IT Security Industry in the Age of Cyber Warfare ...
Cyber Security – Avoid Prescriptions When Keeping Up With Threats
Banks are part of a interconnected ecosystem with law enforcement, vendors and other critical industries when it comes to cyber security. New cyber security regulations should help to facilitate cyber security efforts among these players instead of ...
House Passes Controversial Cyber Security Bill for Second Time
Despite a veto threat by President Obama and a vigorous campaign by privacy hawks, the House of Representatives easily passed a controversial cyber security bill that would make it easier for companies and the government to share threat information.
William Hague announces University Cyber Security Centre
Oxford Student
The Centre, whose launch coincided with the G8 summit of foreign ministers, will provide a world leading resource for understanding how to optimally deliver cyber security and will work with the UK government, as well as those of other countries to ...
FERC Proposes to Adopt New Cyber Security Standards
FERC Proposes to Adopt New Cyber Security Standards. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) moved to strengthen the cyber security of the ...
CISPA Vote Wednesday: Tell Congress to oppose anti-privacy cyber ...
Connecting grass-roots journalism to the public without corporate bias.
US to work with China on cybersecurity
U.S. To Form Working Group With China On Cybersecurity
In recent months we have heard both U.S. and China bicker back and forth on cyber attacks originating from the other's homeland, but now both of them will be collectively working on cybersecurity. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, during a visit to ...
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Guantanamo legal files mysteriously disappear from PCs
Guantanamo legal files mysteriously disappear from PCs | Security & Privacy - CNET News: "Legal documents by lawyers representing detainees charged with plotting 9/11 vanish, while hundreds of thousands of e-mails also land on the computers of prosecuting attorneys." (read more at link above)
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Huge attack on WordPress sites
Huge attack on WordPress sites could spawn never-before-seen super botnet | Ars Technica: "Already, HostGator has indicated that the strain of this mass attack is causing huge strains on websites, which come to a crawl or go down altogether. There are also indications that once a WordPress installation is infected it's equipped with a backdoor so that attackers can maintain control even after the compromised administrative credentials have been changed. In some respects, the WordPress attacks resemble the mass compromise of machines running the Apache Web server, which Ars chronicled 10 days ago."
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China's cyber war
The Weekend Interview with Timothy Thomas: Why China Is Reading Your Email - " . . .China's aggression has so far persisted, Mr. Thomas says, because "it makes perfect sense to them." The U.S. has difficulty defending its cyber systems, the relatively new realm of cyber isn't subject to international norms, and years of intrusions have provoked little American response. "I think they're willing to take the risk right now because they believe that we can't do anything to them," he says. "You have to change the playing field for them, and if you don't, they're not going to change. They're going to continue to rip off every bit of information they can."
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Apple iMessage encryption trips up feds
Apple's iMessage encryption trips up feds' surveillance | Politics and Law - CNET News: "Internal document from the Drug Enforcement Administration complains that messages sent with Apple's encrypted chat service are "impossible to intercept," even with a warrant. . . ." (read more at link)
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Anonymous hacks North Korea’s social media
Anonymous hacks North Korea’s social media in net freedom bid - SlashGear: "Hacking collective Anonymous has apparently selected its next high-profile target, in the shape of any sites or social network accounts related to North Korea, seizing control of Flickr and Twitter pages in the process. The activists cracked the Uriminzokkiri accounts and uploaded images of their own, which still remain online at time of writing . . . "
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US vs China--talk vs cyberattacks
As previously noted, the US is big on talk, but where's the action?--
Cyber security a challenge to U.S.-China ties: White House aide | Reuters: " . . . the remarks indicated that Washington has decided to be more public in its condemnation of China for cyber attacks on U.S. companies and rampant cyber espionage. Donilon said from Obama on down, concern over cyber attacks had become a "key point of concern and discussion" with China at all levels of the two governments. He said the United states would do everything in its power to protect national networks, critical infrastructure and public and private sector property. He spelled out three requests for China, saying Beijing should recognize the urgency and scope of the problem and the risk it poses to international trade as well as the reputation of Chinese industry and to overall U.S.-China relations. "Second, Beijing should take serious steps to investigate and put a stop to these activities," Donilon said. "Finally, we need China to engage with us in a constructive direct dialogue to establish acceptable norms of behavior in cyberspace." Last month, a private U.S. computer security company issued a study accusing a secretive Chinese military unit of being behind a series of hacking attacks on a wide range of American industries." (read more at link above)
Cyber security a challenge to U.S.-China ties: White House aide | Reuters: " . . . the remarks indicated that Washington has decided to be more public in its condemnation of China for cyber attacks on U.S. companies and rampant cyber espionage. Donilon said from Obama on down, concern over cyber attacks had become a "key point of concern and discussion" with China at all levels of the two governments. He said the United states would do everything in its power to protect national networks, critical infrastructure and public and private sector property. He spelled out three requests for China, saying Beijing should recognize the urgency and scope of the problem and the risk it poses to international trade as well as the reputation of Chinese industry and to overall U.S.-China relations. "Second, Beijing should take serious steps to investigate and put a stop to these activities," Donilon said. "Finally, we need China to engage with us in a constructive direct dialogue to establish acceptable norms of behavior in cyberspace." Last month, a private U.S. computer security company issued a study accusing a secretive Chinese military unit of being behind a series of hacking attacks on a wide range of American industries." (read more at link above)
US not countering Chinese cyber attacks
Dysfunctional Washington will continue to "pass legislation" and persecute innocents like Aaron Swartz, but when it comes to real cyber crime, the US does nothing--
FBI wants to spy on your Gmail Communications
Big Brother is alive and well in dysfunctional Washington--
Andrew Weissmann: FBI wants real-time Gmail, Dropbox spying power.: " . . . Because Gmail is sent between a user’s computer and Google’s servers using SSL encryption, for instance, the FBI can’t intercept it as it is flowing across networks and relies on the company to provide it with access. Google spokesman Chris Gaither hinted that it is already possible for the company to set up live surveillance under some circumstances. “CALEA doesn't apply to Gmail but an order under the Wiretap Act may,” Gaither told me in an email. “At some point we may expand our transparency report to cover this topic in more depth, but until then I'm not able to provide additional information.” Either way, the FBI is not happy with the current arrangement and is on a crusade for more surveillance authority. According to Weissmann, the bureau is working with “members of intelligence community” to craft a proposal for new Internet spy powers as “a top priority this year.” Citing security concerns, he declined to reveal any specifics. “It's a very hard thing to talk about publicly,” he said, though acknowledged that “it's something that there should be a public debate about.”. . . " (read more at link above)
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